Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 237: 237. Dr. Mo's Madness (21st)


Dr. Mo is committing suicide!

No one can guess his true idea, injected a large number of evolution fluids that broke the body, and then burned himself into coke with lightning.

What is this doing? ?

Huh! !!

Gu Feng cut the metal gate and shattered the last thin layer of steel in front of him.

Dr. Mo's entire body was engulfed in silver, but he exuded a more dangerous breath.

The body is melting ...

Arms and thighs are as skinny as bones, and quickly dry up and shrink under several forces, as if all vitality was taken away.

The body that was supposed to be violently distorted, but under the action of thunder and lightning and some ability, shrank extremely into a skinny little old man.

This is still not the weirdest.

Dr. Mo's head was swollen, and brain tissue grew violently, crushing the bones in the skull.

Naohua continued to flow out of the fragments on the skull, even bursting out the eyeballs, and still drilling through the seven holes to continue to grow.


What kind of substance did its brain become? Instead of coke under the flash of lightning, it wriggled like a piece of rotten meat with infinite proliferation ...

Mental strength!

Dr. Mo's mental strength expanded to the extreme, and an invisible wall stood around his weird body, and even Gu Feng was pushed out of the door by this invisible wall.

"So strong mental power !!!"

"That room is already full of tide-like mental power!" Said Shen Mengting, who possesses the power of the god's eye, said with shock. Her eyes can see things that human eyes cannot detect, and Dr. Mo's mental power is like shining The sun shines on the entire laboratory.

Hey, hey, hey!

Rumble Rumble! !!

Strong and extreme mental power is like a torrent. The gates made of alloy are covered with numerous palm prints, and the high-tech computer products around them are cracked.

Steel was twisted by an invisible force, the force was pervasive, powerful and incredible.

Looking at Dr. Mo, his brain has grown into an independent monster. Baihuahua's brain plasma has grown into a monster with a diameter of several meters. The milky brain brain is turbid together, and each nerve is moving like silver slugs. He trembled violently and looked nauseous.

At this time, the voice of Dr. Mo appeared in people's minds: "The world is vast and infinite, and there is more than one road of evolution. Gu Feng, I am looking forward to seeing what you will see next time. The mysterious world is really full of It's so desirable! "

Dr. Mo's voice is extremely exciting, and the way he sends out sounds is more peculiar. This sound seems to come from your own brain. He uses his spiritual will to convey his thoughts and words!

Gu Feng looks ugly.

He never expected that Dr. Mo's last resort turned out to be this way, turning into a brain monster with mental horror to the limit.

"It's disgusting. I said I'd tear you to pieces. Even if you become such a disgusting monster, I'll break you!" Gu Feng burst into a scream, and a steady stream of magic swelled into his arms and stood around him. Majestic sprinting forward.

A force similar to Shen Mengting's "invisible hand" acts on Gu Feng. At this moment, there are countless powerful invisible hands blocking Gu Feng, trying to push him out of the final laboratory.

But ... no one can stop Gu Feng's power! !!

"10 times demonized, let me die !!!"

Facing infinite mental power, Gu Feng straddled a short distance of more than ten meters. His pair of black punches condensed the truly invincible power, and even the mental powers surrounding him were all broken.

Huh! !!


Gu Feng's fist slammed heavily on the disgusting and squirming brain. At this moment, Dr. Mo's weird body composed entirely of brains exploded, and the white turbid brain flowers fell like rain, spraying the entire laboratory ... ...

Huh! !!

Huh! !!

The torrent-like mental power did not die with the burst of Dr. Mo's brain. Instead, it shrank and condensed to the limit under a silver-purple thunderbolt, as if the sea was ebb tide.

Under the flash of thunder, a dimly broken human shadow appeared slowly.

Dr. Mo!

The phantom composed entirely of spiritual power is now Dr. Mo.

He escaped from the physical state and existed in another way with pure mental power, and science could not explain this situation at all.

what is this?


soul? ?

Brain waves? ?

On many science and education channels, scientists have interpreted "ghosts" as the brain waves that remain after human death. When humans die, the brain waves that remain in the mind are released, and they can even affect people around them to make them hallucinate.

However, when Dr. Mo used his own abilities and expanded his mental strength to thousands of times and tens of thousands of times with the help of drugs and electricity, the spiritual brainwaves condensed to the limit and actually achieved a similar "soul" effect. Pure spiritual power lives out of the body in the world.

"Gu Feng!"

"He wants to escape and stop him!" Shen Mengting in the distance seemed to realize something. If Dr. Mo escapes in this form, what terrible things will happen in the future? ?

Unimaginable! !!

When Gu Feng's face changed, his spirits broke out violently, and the strong intention of killing was a most beneficial weapon for the spirit.

The violent rage fist smashed at the residual image of Dr. Mo, and the intense killing instantly broke the piece of human residual image. Dr. Mo's residual image turned into countless broken stars and scattered in every corner of the laboratory.

However, this kind of mental idea does not seem to be blocked by physical walls, it has no fixed form.

A little bit of starlight blended into the walls of the laboratory, they penetrated upwards and returned to the earth a little bit, and escaped just under the eyes of people!


"Gu Feng, I will take you as the best experimental material!" Dr. Mo's voice gradually went away, leaving only his broken and dead body, and the white muddy brain that sprayed the ground.

This kind of thing is incredible.

Physical death, but mental power is reborn?

Dr. Mo is probably ready to do this, but Gu Feng's arrival made him act ahead of time.

From the countless killed scientists and researchers outside, we can see that Dr. Mo has completely given up in this place and no longer has any use value.

Although the fortress of war is large and magnificent, for Dr. Mo who wants to create a god, this is just a temporary place for him to settle. There is a larger world outside waiting for him to discover and dig ...

"Let him run away ..." Gu Feng said with a clenched fist and gritted teeth.

This kind of crazy scientist is the most terrible, and even himself is used as experimental material, and eventually evolved into this picture of no ghosts or ghosts.

If he was reborn somewhere else, who knows what kind of horrible monsters he would study? ?



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