Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 297: 297.Replacement

A drop of bright plasma swirled in the air.

The man was moving so fast that he could escape the deadly shot of the black-gun instructor, followed by a strange buzzing sound in his ears, as if the sound of a tight thread.


There was a taut scarlet thread in the air.

Buzz buzz ...

The scarlet silk thread is like a spider's network. Each filament is hard to see with the naked eye. They are tough and sharp, and become the deadliest weapon after being tightened.

Hey, hey, hey! !!

Several gunshots covered the vibrations of the silk threads. The black gun instructor's eyes looked like a torch. Each silk thread under the black pupil was clearly seen. The chemically explosive high-explosive bomb that spiraled around exploded around the silk thread. No damage in the burning flame? ?

Not only that.

The man was still in the shortest distance, avoiding the black gun instructor's bullets in the quickest and fastest way. I don't know when he had a few sharp flying knives in his hand. body.

The Black Gun Instructor is like a gymnast.

He twisted his body in a difficult posture in the air, and avoided the trajectories of the flying knives accurately.

Hum ...

The buzzing sound of the silk thread was uploaded from the flying knife. The purpose of throwing the flying knife was not to kill people, but to fix the wires in a position to form a trap composed of sharp filaments.

The black gun instructor's eyes flickered continuously. This opponent was very difficult. His experience was obviously very sophisticated and spicy, which made him have a feeling of confrontation on the battlefield.

However, the battle did not last long.

The black gun instructor stopped moving, a tiny piece of blood cut through a tiny bit of skin, and the moment his blood slightly touched the thread, a stagnant and immobile power wrapped him.

The mysterious man has come to the black gun instructor.

"Clotting, one of my abilities."

"I touched your blood. It is absolutely impossible for you to move within a few minutes. Give up resistance." The man whispered in the black gun instructor's ear. The black gun instructor lost in this battle? ?

Look closely.

It was a strange man. He was wrapped in a layer of black chemical protection suit, wearing a tactical gas mask on his head, and the whole man was in a fully armed state.

He decisively decisive action, shot fiercely without dragging his feet, each attack has other purposes, and insidious moves make it impossible to prevent.

There is no doubt that this is a master who has long-term brutal training for managers, not ordinary people!


"My name is Substitution, and I don't want to be against you, but I really need the viral blood in your hands." The strange man stood next to the Black Gun Instructor and introduced himself.


A well-known killer.

Before the end of the world, this name was very famous in the black gun instructor circle. It is said that he was originally born in Huaxia, but was trafficked abroad. He has received extremely strict and cruel training in some secret organizations since he was a child. After undergoing heavy selection, Became the top of being.

Many criminal organizations call him "Death."

This mercenary killer, he is a pure killing machine, only interests can move his heart.

As far as the Black Gun Instructor knows, all of this guy's assassinations have not failed.

And now ... why is he here? ?

With a cold smile on the corner of Gu Feng's mouth, he glanced at the virus-like blood flower of a rose bud in his hand and said casually: "I have never been robbed of anyone. No one else has robbed me. Would you like to try with me? ???? "

Gu Feng said, throwing the blood in his hands to the ground, scornfully replaced his fingers.

However, the top killer shook his head.

Substitute a tactical gas mask for a processed voice: "I just watched you and that alien battle. The power you have is something I can't beat now. I said I didn't want to be your enemy."


The so-called strong are self-aware.

Know where your limits are, know who you can overcome, and who you can't provoke.

The substitution known as "Death" certainly understands these principles. He defeated the Black Gun Instructor to show his strength and kept his distance from Gu Feng for his own safety. We can see that he is very careful.

Gu Feng frowned and felt a little bit tangled.

The Black Gun Instructor is now apparently a hostage and has been replaced and controlled as a bargaining chip.

However ... Is Gu Feng going to be stabbed? ?

Obviously not! !!

Huh! !!

The soil beneath Gu Feng's feet exploded and shattered. He turned into a shell and rushed forward. Gaia's black armor covered the body, ignoring those threads. The sound of the strings breaking came around, and there was no obstacle to Gu Feng.

"Don't care about your life?"

"Cold-blooded." The replacement commented on Gu Feng, and the black gun instructor was in his hands. At this time, the killer, known as "Death", could completely cut the throat of the black gun, but he did not choose to do so.

The replacement quickly moved backwards like a shadow, and a walking route had been established. Several filaments with flying knives pierced a broken wall in the distance, like Spider-Man in the movie. It flashed across.

"Want to run?"

"How can it be so easy?" Although Gu Feng was pulled away again, Gu Feng still did not give up. His pair of thigh muscles swelled high, and the power of demonization acted on the thigh muscles, making his speed again a few grades , Fiercely hit the low wall of the replacement.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! !!

The wall was fragmented, Gu Feng broke the whole wall with a punch, and the replacement on the top could only jump down in the collapse.

Uh ...

It seems that the substitution can only fight with Gu Feng. The scarlet filaments make strange sounds. They are wrapped around the trunk of the replacement arm, replacing the original tactical leather coat and becoming a new defense.

Covered by these blood-colored silk threads, not only does the defense increase greatly, his strength will also increase by several levels.


He slammed aloud and took the initiative to attack. He attacked from a vicious angle, and the method was very similar to that of the small knife instructor.

Ancient martial arts!

This substitution was actually a master of ancient martial arts. Under the entanglement of scarlet filaments, his power burst exceeded 100% strength.

Gu Feng's eyes were cold, and he also raised his fist to meet him. Although he could not use ancient martial arts to the extent that he was as dead as a knife, but at least he could be regarded as a court enthusiast. Jinli seems to want to directly blast the air.



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