Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 298: 298.Black Cross

Boom boom! !!

The punches exploded in the air.

The collision of more than 10 tons of punches is what kind of concept. The impact opened the soil under the feet of the two people, and the sound of air blast was deafening.

What surprised Gu Feng, however, was that he didn't feel a masculine iron-like punch, but rather a soft touch of water.

The fist replaced was extremely soft. He used the method of Rou Kegang to know that his strength was inferior to the opponent, and he could only use the special skill of ancient martial arts to resolve ...

Hissing ...

The scarlet filaments on the replacement arm were all shattered by shock, but under the guidance of the replacement, they were all entangled in Gu Feng's fist, making the scarlet filaments stronger by the strength of the opponent, like Bundles of cripples were wrapped around Gu Feng.

Substitution has once practiced a kind of ancient martial art called "Twin Silk Backhand", and his special abilities have been combined with his ancient martial arts since the end of the world to produce extremely special effects.

It's amazing!

In the blink of an eye, the bloodshot wound on the replacement body was all wrapped in Gu Feng's body.

Substitute his own palm with a piece of blood, the blood dripped on the thread of Gu Feng's body, and another strange ability appeared.


This is the ability to excavate the third-order life form.

He can touch the enemy's blood to make it inoperable, and he can use his own blood to increase the tenacity of those threads several times! !!

Gu Feng was a little surprised.

This replacement attack method is endless, and it will never face the Gu Feng, and the various methods of delaying time to lock up the enemy are dazzling.


Gu Feng scolded, and the power of the Corpse King level broke out, but he did not break the silk threads on his body.

Their toughness is very good, and the replaced blood is slightly invaded, and it becomes like a binding garment with super elastic elasticity, which is difficult to break with brute force.

No matter how strong your strength is, this freely retractable shackle can trap you.

The replacement took advantage of this gap to open up the distance with Gu Feng again. A virus blood flower appeared in his hand, just the one that Gu Feng had just dropped.

"I don't want to be your enemy." The replacement said again, the reason why he did this is very simple, just because the top killer understands that Gu Feng's strength is far above him, and he can't solve him now.

Otherwise, this "death" will never talk nonsense with you, and it is his style to kill the enemy directly.


"Make me want to be more serious." Gu Feng's eyes became colder, his palms turned into ghost claws, and several shadow magic hands stretched out from his back.

The scarlet thread was broken.

The sharp claws of the sharp edge, plus the destructive Shadow Devil, cut the silk wrapped around him very easily.

"I'm actually more interested in your identity than that virus blood flower."

"In the deepest part of the radiation zone, why is there such a top killer of your kind?" Gu Feng is actually not very interested in the scarlet flower liquefied by that virus source, but the identity of the replacement is not. It's the same.

A top-level killer appears fully armed here, proving that this radiation spot has been followed by some organization! !!

This is the most worrying!

What has happened to the outside world since the end of the world, and what is the pattern of the world now?

Gu Feng's people have been rushing in the small circle of the fortress of war, and what changes have taken place in the vast and boundless world outside, this is what worries Gu Feng most.

Substituted for a moment and said, "It seems that what is happening outside the world, you have such a powerful and horrible existence that you really don't know at all. In fact, I think that the possibility of cooperation between us is the most important thing."


Just now this top killer is still Gu Feng's enemy, but what cooperation does he now say? ?

After hearing these words, Gu Feng was even more interested.

He withdrew the shadow devil and ghost claw, and said lightly, "You want to cooperate with me, but I always have to know the chips you have, and what kind of power do you belong to, and what kind of benefits can I bring? ? "

Speaking of this, replacing the top killer is assured.

He took off the gas mask on his face, exposing a middle-aged man's face, and there was a scar on his face that connected his eyes to the corners of his mouth, and his cold expression seemed to give a dangerous feeling.

This is a weather-beaten man.

Take off your mask, this is the sincerity of replacement. You must know that most of the people who have been called the "death killer" have been killed.

"Black Cross."

"Before the last days, my organization was just a small force selling biological weapons."

"But now it's different. They have cutting-edge technology. They have used biological weapons to develop to a very large scale in the last days. The whole province nearby is covered by the shadow of the black cross."

The substitution was very unexpected, and he completely entrusted his organization, which is almost equivalent to betraying the organization. Didn't expect him to say all the details? ?

Gu Feng squinted.

This substitution is very special. It seems that he did not really work for this black cross.

"You said so much to us directly, aren't you afraid of revenge in the organization?" Gu Feng asked with a smile.

The replacement replied faintly and coldly: "This is just a temporary place for me to live. I'm just a mercenary killer who asks for them. There is nothing loyal."

"It would be easy to overthrow this black cross if I could work with you."



He has no loyalty to replace such people. The Black Cross is only a temporary place of residence, using their technology and weapons to enhance their own power.

That's it.

It's very interesting, maybe this substitution can really be used.

Mutual advantage.

"I'm very interested in your proposal."

"That being the case ... why don't you take us to the gathering place of this black cross in this evil place first?" Gu Feng boldly made some excessive demands and went directly to the gathering place of the black cross. Many more secrets.

Of course, there may be more dangers involved.

Substitute without hesitation, directly agreed: "Yes."

Promised so directly?

This persists like a trap of red fruit.

It seems that neither party can understand the mind of the other. Whether it is substitution or Gu Feng, they are very powerful people.

The previous moment was the enemy.

The next moment was talking about cooperation.

The world of the strong is so delicate.

So ... even if it is a trap, Gu Feng is fearless.

"Why not go now?" Gu Feng said with a smile.



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