Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 855: 855. Devil VS Black Widow

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The devil was despised, and his anger suddenly rose to a boiling level. At this time, the nine ancient supreme blood vessels that he contained in his body began to collide with each other. The hot blood represented infinite strength.

flame! !!

The demon king raised his hands, while the hot and dark flame represented the abyss of hell, and the red blood flame represented the highest power in the blood race.

I will burn you into ashes! !!

The demon king waved his hands at the same time, and two flames grew into dragons, which drowned the body of the black widow like an aurora in a science fiction movie.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The sound of the flame burst constantly, and the stone statues behind the black widow began to melt, but those stone statues created by the second generation of the 5 Xeon vampires, each representing their past glory, but now easily turned into a melt. juice.

The devil's body seemed to become even more swollen.

If the red body that burns into a hot iron block, the swollen and swollen muscles become more solid, and the two horns on his head also begin to emit a strange weird breath, the nine blood vessels have shown signs of gradual fusion. In this way he will only become more and more arrogant.

"Only ... to this extent?"

In the burst of flame, the charming and disdainful voice came again.

The Devil's face was shocked, and there was even some disbelief in his eyes.

He only saw the dignified and charming mother-in-law of all things. She actually stood on the two pillars of fire like aurora, walking on the lotus step, her proud white neck was like a swan, but her eyes were full of contempt. .

How could this be? ?

Why did these two flames have no effect on her? ?


"What creatures can survive the flames of hell?"

"What creatures can survive the flames of the blood race intact?"

How could this happen? The power of the blood race has been exerted to the extreme. Why is this mother and mother standing in the flames and glaring at her like a okay person, the sneer on her face seems to be the biggest ridicule.

why? ?

The devil is unknown, so he clenched his fists, and the two burning flames came to an abrupt halt.

Look at the black widow again.

Not to mention any wounds, even the layer of spider-weave clothes on her whole body was unscathed, and the two flames of the Demon King did not hurt her at all.

The mocking on the face of the black widow was even more dignified, and he said in a weird voice that combined the devil and the angel, "What is impossible, your two powers are too pediatric, whether those ancient demons in hell, or blood Capabilities are very low. "

"It seems that the old guy in **** doesn't really give you much power."

The black widow shook her head and sighed, but the demon king was flawed.

Such a mighty power, but this super ability of the immortal body, is actually said to be a defective product? ?

The Devil was frightened and angry.

Each of the ancient demons in **** does not know how many years have survived in this world. They are cunning and sinister ... the power given to them must not be the strongest.

However, the power of the devil's own bloodline is really powerful.

Thirteen blood relatives, plus himself, have devoured 9 full, 9 people's essence and blood ability into one, is this power false? ?

"We are the great thirteen supreme, inherited the power of the devil [Cain] in the night, the ancient and powerful of this ability, I will let you really see it!"

The devil opened his hands and summoned 9 holy artifacts he had collected.

Angel spurs, bone harp, holy grail of blood, plague bracelets ... especially the new abilities he just acquired, the torture axe obtained from the executioner, the holy veins on the blood are the holy veins after the blood understands the road .

Nine types of holy artifacts were rotating around the demon king, but his body became more and more red and transparent, and the blood-like essence and blood were rolling in the pulse, all faintly visible.

Every drop of blood, every cell, every vein, was emitting red blood.


The infinite power of blood.

"The contracts of the ancient demons are unreliable, but having immortality is enough."

"The nine bloodlines of the highest blood in my body are used to the extreme. With the nine holy vessels, let you see what is the true power of the blood god!" The devil's voice became more and more magnificent.

He slowly stretched out his palm, and a huge magic circle appeared from the air. A **** tentacles emerged from the magic circle. The devil slammed against the black widow, and countless **** tentacles entangled her body.

Not only that, in the magic circle, the endless stream of blood rolled down, they lifted without dispersing like viscous colloids, and they were wrapped around the body of the black widow.

The devil laughed and laughed: "Nine kinds of power, nine kinds of abilities, the potential of the blood race you can not imagine, here are the most vicious plagues in the world, there is also a bone piano that can make you weak, and there is a cursed angel sting. A capability can now be used to its fullest extent under the Holy Pattern. "

"My nine bloodlines, I want to show you what the real fear is today!"

The devil's palm was gripped fiercely, and the nine holy artifacts floating in the air began to tremble violently, and the **** tentacles were wrapped tightly by the black widow, like a big octopus sucker.

And that gelatinous blood, like a sticky substance, penetrated through the gaps in the black widow's body through the gaps of the tentacles.

The nose, eyes, mouth, ears, and even every hole in the body ... even every pore is under the baptism of this substance. After drilling into the body, it will destroy the body with 9 powerful characteristics.

The more the ancient supreme is absorbed, the demon king's ability will rise in a crazy way geometrically. Until now, he directly controls 9 kinds of abilities, and the power is so powerful that it is horrifying!

Gollum, gollum, gollum!

The strange sound came from where the Black Widow was. It seemed to be the sound of burning the body melting into water, which sounded extremely harsh.


Sure enough, this proud man who claimed to be the master of all things was melted.

Do not!

That was not the sound of the black widow's flesh melting.

It's like the sound of a child sucking soup, the black widow trapped in the power of the devil's blood, and she is sucking the energy of the thick blood with the cursing power around him? ?

That's right.

The black widow was absorbing, she was devouring the demon king ’s ability to release madly, no matter whether the blood contained venomous poison or strong curse, she swallowed in a big mouth.

Even those scarlet tentacles, she was holding them fiercely, biting like a beast! !!

She she she she ... Absorbed the strongest attack of my bloodline ...? ?



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