Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 856: 856. Power of the True Blood Race

The devil's eyes were about to burst out.

How could there be such terrible things in the world, what is the current woman in front of, and how could she absorb all of her strongest abilities in the blood race? ?

As if those poisons, the curses, the damage full of destructive energy, are tonics to the black widow.

"good to eat."

"These energy is really a great complement to me."

The Black Widow continuously drew these blood energies, and the Demon King still wanted to gather them back, but the Black Widow's body sprayed out countless filaments that could not be discerned by the naked eye, and firmly grasped the tentacles formed by these blood kinks.

Blood can run down the silk thread, like the intricate electrical circuits of a city before the end of the world, and forcibly devour all that energy.

"You are curious, why can I swallow the energy you release?"

"The reason is simple. The power I have is older and stronger than you. The world's most powerful blood power is in my hands." The taunt and sneer on the face of the black widow grew stronger, as if the demon king showed it. These abilities are just clowns! !!

The demon king couldn't believe the fact in front of his eyes. He had felt the energy just released like the sea. At this time, he seemed to be firmly locked. He couldn't recover it no matter how hard he tried, and the blood in his body could be more like It's like opening the gate to release water, and it's far away without being noticed.

"Do not……"

"Thirteen of us are the most ancient forces in the world. There can be no stronger man than our bloodlines in this world." A thing called fear gradually developed in the eyes of the demon king.


He seemed to understand why the other ancient Supremes were so respectful to the Black Widow.

He also gradually understood why the black widow would be called "the master."

Is his blood really more pure than his thirteen blood lords? ?

The black widow spread her palms quite boringly. The 4 Supremes who had just been slashed and slain from the stone statue by them were all turned into blood beads and concentrated in the palm of the black widow. blood cell.

This larger blood cell was also swallowed by the black widow, and she showed a very enjoyable expression. This blood cell condenses the life and full power of the four holy strong men.

"Holy ones are also divided into three, six and nine."

"Your thirteen ancient supreme, although all holy, are only the most ordinary ones."

"Cain created 5 powerful offspring, and 5 powerful offspring gave birth to you thirteen. Even if you barely become a sacred class, and after so many years of practice, in fact, your ability ... is far from reaching the top. The degree of the Holy One! "

The black widow said categorically that the thirteen princes of the blood race are old enough, but in her eyes, they are just ordinary words.

"You want to know why I can draw on your abilities?"

"The reason is simple. The Supreme Holy One you worship, your oldest ancestors, your ultimate purpose, that blood of Cain ... In fact, most of it has been absorbed by me."

"I ... ate ... Cain's body !!"

After listening to the words of the Black Widow, the demon king's body took a few steps straight back, and his face was unbelievably deeper.

how can that be?

How could Cain's body be eaten by the woman in front of him? ?

The black widow's smile grew more horrifying, and he continued: "Why do you think the other Supremes are so respectful to me, and why they think it is a relief to kill me, just because those old guys think of me as A great ancestor. "

"I am the true heir to Cain's ability, and now I am just recovering my power."

"You think your abilities are old, in fact, I am the oldest, because I eat Cain, eat this first generation!"

First Generation.

Cain was the first generation of vampires and was also called the first generation.

Any super strong top saint is the first generation to be the most powerful, because their power and ability are realized by themselves, and even the sacred pattern covering the whole body is realized by themselves.

Each of them reached the peak and reached the extreme.

Each of them makes their offspring difficult to surpass, just like Cain's offspring. Although they are still strong and unrivaled in the world, they are weaker than one generation and can only look to the supreme ancestors.

Now, the black widow has devoured Cain's body, and he has acquired much more power than these third-generation children.

Boom boom boom boom! !!

The black widow raised her hand, and the palm of her hand also burned the **** flame of the treacherous and evil, but this flame was richer, more scorching, darker, and more destructive than the devil's.

"Come, try the Holy Flame of my blood race. Is your strength?"

As the Black Widow said, waving her palm to let the flame rush towards the Demon King, the flame was like a substance, which was more powerful than the Devil King who had just attacked the Black Widow.


The demon king was plunged into the flames and sent out a terrible scream. I don't know how long these flames have penetrated the bone marrow.

The rich flame of the blood tribe, no matter burning the demon's body, the powerful blood energy flowing in his body is also instantly ignited like gasoline. Every drop of liquid in each blood vessel has become the best combustion of the black widow flame. Thing.

The demon king finally experienced the painless feeling again.

"Is it painful?"

"The feeling of burning blood throughout the body, the feeling that every drop of blood is ignited by others?"

"I said, you swallowed those ancient bloodlines, but you just saved me, and now ... it's time to peel them off from you." The black widow grinned violently, and the sound of the silk thread breaking in the air continued ups and downs.

Buzz! !!

Hey, hey, hey! !!

The bloodshot lines that were hard to see with the naked eye became clear. They were all illuminated by the burning **** flame. You can see countless **** spider silks piercing into the devil's body at this time, replacing her blood vessels to **** inside Liquid.

Forcibly pull away.

The black widow used these spider silks to forcibly **** out every drop of blood in the demon king's body.


"You are forcibly pulling away from me !!"

"Abominable, stop, my bloodline's supreme blood, no !!!"

The roar of the demon hysterical, but could not stop the speed of the wire in the body from drawing energy, and soon the fluid in every blood vessel in his body was pumped clean.

As for the demon king, his original full muscles are now flat and withered.

The whole body looks like an old man with a candle in the wind, shivering in the cold wind, it seems that as long as anyone pushes him, the bones will fall apart.



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