Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 11 - Heir

"Saint is going to be my heir. He was my parting gift from Noon."

"Pa! You can't! TLS is my inheritance, it's what you are supposed to give to me. You can't change your will to give possession of one of the biggest conglomerates in Thailand to a five-year-old. We didn't even know if he was going to live a month ago."

"He was the last thing Noon blessed me with. I can't let the last little piece of her go. He is my sweet child."

"Pa, it is me Ngeun, I am your son, I am your family, Not Noon, not Saint, Sunan, Kit any of them. Only I am your flesh and blood."

"He needs me, and you do not need anything I have Ngeun. Your wife's skin hasn't even turned cold and you have already eloped and married Ploi. You have no respect for others, for family, for roots, and for the world around you. All you care about is yourself."

"Of course. I learned it from someone who can only care about themselves. A cold, unfeeling, proud man. Who won't give a single penny to his son when he needs it?"

"Not even to save his wife from death's door."

"Don't you dare bring Noon into this! Don't say her name, when from your lips it can only be a curse. You never loved her one bit, it was about the money and prestige she brought you to have her name attached to yours."

"Father, you are sick in the head, don't pretend like you are not part of this at all, you wanted that merger, you pushed us together for the same reasons."

"Don't pretend to know what is inside my head, you are a spoiled brat Ngeun."

Ngeun scoffed. "Brat." He raised an eyebrow challenging him.

"A Nitpattanasai is cold, and aloof, they are sharp judges, they see what no others see, and because of that sharp eye, they are far above what any other person could ever be."

"But I did not raise this, this barely human specimen in front of me. This is not your home, this is not your family and I am not your father. If you call me Pa one more time. I will call the police and have you arrested for trespassing."

"Go to your new wife's family, they can give you what I never could. There is no room here for your weakness. A Nitpattanasai never keeps anything that is not useful near them. I am afraid we have outgrown our use of each other."

"You are not my successor, because I do not have a son anymore."

"Pa!" Ngeun screamed.

"I buried my only son last month, and now I have two grandchildren to protect from dogs like you."

"They are my successors, they are innocent in all of this, everything I have I will give them, the sun, the moon, the earth, the world."

"Somchit, call the policemen."

Somchit winced gravely.

"I already called."

Ngeun growled, turned around and picked up the heavy pitcher on the table, smashed it to bits and picked up a piece of it.

"What are you going to do with that? Be careful, children shouldn't play with dangerous things they do not understand." Amonrat's voice went icy.

Saint's bottom lip trembled as he witnessed the scene from his hiding place.

His grandma and him had been playing peekaboo, but she had not found him when his grandfather and father had stepped inside.

"I will go and finish off what that car started and kill that brat myself. I don't know how he is even alive right now." Ngeun screamed angrily.

Somchit crossed the room and slapped her son square across the face.

"You dare threaten a Nitpattanasai to their face, you dare threaten a child." She glared, her voice clean and sharp, but her face was as murderous as an unsatiated, ghost looking for its next kill."

"You will get out of our lives, I never want to see or hear that you have stepped foot in my house ever again. As long as I live and breathe, I never want to remember your existence."

"Get out."

He laughed.

"Fine, you both are already old, I don't have long for that to happen. And when you do, I will be back to stomp on your graves."

"I will destroy everything you guys have carefully loved and grown, with my own hands, if it is the last thing I do."

His father stomped out of the room, his face covered with anger so red hot it had made him start to cry.

"How can that thing come in here and threaten to kill his own child? Over money. Promise me, no matter what happens he will never have the means to harm anyone ever again. Please tell me our Wan is safe."

"The bruises on his face. It's breaking my heart to see them this way."

"To know that monster is our creation."

"I... I"

"I will never let any harm come to that child ever again."

His grandparents left the room and Saint stayed, he stayed past when he started getting hungry; he stayed past when he thought he would fall asleep; he stayed even when he thought his bladder would burst. It didn't matter that the monster was gone. It only mattered that the monster had been here.

And his little fingers were too scared to open the door and come out hungry or not.

Two hands slightly bigger than his own clutched the inside of the opening and pulled the doors open.. The sudden burst of light hurt his little eyes, and Saint looked up into the pretty bright eyes of an older boy.

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