Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 12 - Turtle

Saint rubbed his sleepy eyes and blinked.

"There you are. Grandma said that dinner is going to get cold, and that you should come."


"Who are you?"

"My name is Kit, I am seven,"

"I am going to live here from now on. Do you want to be my friend?"

"Do you like peek-a-boo." Saint asked.

"Mhhmm." Kit agreed

"Okay, we can be friends then."

"Let's play right now. I can hide again!" Saint said excitedly and jumped out of the cupboard he had been hiding in before.

"We can't," Kit pouted.

"Grandma said she will put us both outside and leave us for the night spirits that eat naughty children, if we play instead of come eat.'

"Oh, but I want to play now." Saint said, huffily.

'We have lots of time to play.' Kit assured him gently.

"I am going to live here for a long time with you." Kit grabbed his hand and walked with him towards the door and started down the hall carefully.

"What is a long time?" Saint asked his short legs extending as far as they could to keep up with Kit's bigger ones.

"Grandma says a long time is when something feels like forever."

"How do you feel forever?" Saint asked.

"I think they feel forever, cause they are old. Maybe when we are older, we will feel forever too."

"We can play peekaboo as much as you want from now on, we can be brothers okay." Kit said happily.

"No." Saint said angrily yelling at Kit in the middle of the hallway, he had been being led down. Saint ripped his hand from the older boys, pulling it out and stopping.

"I can't have a big brother,"

"I won't have a big brother,"

"I won't, I won't, I won't!" he screamed angrily.

Somchit ran into the hall staring at the two crying boys.

"Saint, Kit babies what is wrong? Why are you shouting?" Did you guys fight? But you only just met!"

Kit nodded, stopping his crying first and wiping the big tears away.

"Mhhmm. Saint yelled at me." He sniffled.

"Why did you guys fight when you just met? What could make your little hearts so unhappy?" Somchit asked, holding onto Kit's hand and squeezing it tightly before letting go.

"I want to be his big brother." Kit said.

"But he shouted at me."

Somchit pat Kit's hand gently, then turned to Saint and stroked each arm gently, soothing his tears.

"It's okay. Tell me what is our little Saint is thinking."

"Saint wants Kit to be his brother, he thinks that would be nice. But he can't because…" Saint paused, tears starting to form again, his bottom lip quivering.

"Cause, daddy is scary. Saint has to protect Kit from Daddy, daddy doesn't like peekaboo, daddy doesn't like kids, daddy wouldn't want another one. Daddy, would, would, hit Kit when he gets mad, just like he hits Saint."

Saint said, his bottom lip trembling with fear.

"I miss mommy. I want mommy to come back and daddy to go away, then Saint can have P' as his older brother."

"When can mommy come here again?"

"Oh, WanWan, Saint. My delicate little one." Somchit said, her eyes watered, and she blinked hard to fight the tears off.

Somchit grabbed Saint's tiny little body and clutched him to her in a tight hug, then she reached out and pulled Kit in for the same hug. Her enormous arms wrapping them both up in her love.

"Your mommies, and daddies, can't be here with you right now. They had to go on a really long journey. One they couldn't take you on with them. But they said they loved you with all their hearts."

"They asked Grandma if she could give you all the love for them instead and I said yes cause I have so much love to give."

"So it's just going to be us now."

"We have to stick together and protect each other no matter what right?"

"Show our mommies how nice and gentlemanly they taught you guys to be."

Saint thought about it for a moment before nodding his agreement.

"Your mommies love you, always, and they wanted you to know. That they think about you non-stop and that they will always be with you forever."

"So will you guys be friends now?" Somchit asked gently patting the boys' heads.

They both nodded yes at the same time, but Saint scrunched up his nose.

"What? What is it that's bugging you little one?"

"How old will I be when I feel forever like you and Grandpa?"

"Feel forever?" Somchit asked confused. Then her face brightened.

"Oi, yeun noy mii."

She pat his head lightly.

"Forever means as long as you and I are both alive, and longer. Forever is as many seconds as you can experience, as many loved filled moments you can treasure and as many breaths as you can take."

"Wow, forever lasts a really, really long time." Saint said.

"So I will live with Kit until I am old and wrinkled like you?"

Somchit chuckled.

"Yes, for as long as you guys want, we will be a family. Just us four."

"Because your mommies had to go somewhere with Kit's daddy and they can't come and see you anymore."

Saint started crying.

Kit walked up and hugged him.

"It's okay to be sad, and cry, you can cry as much as you want whenever I am around."

"Can I show Saint something grandma?"

Grandma watched the two of them carefully.

"Yes, of course, but hurry, your dinner will get cold and then grandpa will get upset."

They both nodded, Kit grabbed Saint's hand still sniffling and Saint followed Kit down the halls up the stairs and to a room Saint had only been in once before. Before it had been empty except for a few things covered in white cloths. Now it was filled with lots of furniture and toys just like his own. Boxes and books sat near the corner of the room waiting to be sorted but over in the far corner of the sizeable room was a huge dark blue tent.

"Wow!" Saint exclaimed, letting go of Kit's hand and running to the corner. He crawled inside to find a big pit of pillows and blankets all bundled up like a cozy little den.

"A tent inside!"

The lights turned out and Saint panicked.

'I don't like the dark.'

He gasped as a moment later a bunch of little green stars glowed on the ceiling of the tent.

Kit crawled inside.

"My momma and papa, said that whenever I am worried or scared, whenever I am too afraid to show I am worried or hurting, that it is okay to hide inside your shell sometimes."

"They said turtles have a shell to protect them when the world is too scary for them. And that it is okay to need a shell sometimes. So they made me one."

"Whenever I don't want them to know I am crying, I always hide in here."

"It's okay to cry here Saint. The shell doesn't mind."

Kit patted Saint on the back before petting his hair softly.

"Our ma and pa may be gone now. But they are still here with us in this shell, in the stars, and in our own happy ideas."

Saint started crying again. He didn't know why he could never see his mama again, and he knew he never wanted to see his dad ever, ever again.. But that stinging pain stung a little less knowing he wasn't all alone anymore.

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