Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 13 - Old Room

The words hung in his mind like those words were said moments ago not sixteen years before.

Saint sniffled.

Kit smiled gently at him.

Saint got up slowly before walking to the wall with the sliding door that led to his walk-in closet.

He pulled the door open and walked inside, ignoring his row upon rows of suits and expensive designer items and clothes. He walked straight to the back and pushed aside the clothes to walk through the small door and into the hidden room.

His grandfather had allowed them to do some construction and renovation on the house a few years back while he had been away overseas for business.

When he had come back, he had never commented on the missing door in the hallway or how Saint's room space had doubled in size without actually doubling. He had said that he used the space for a closet.

It wasn't entirely a lie. Kit's old room had become partly a closet.

But the rest had become his shell.

Saint smiled as he stepped into his safe place.

He flicked on the light and walked over to the large green tent that had been set up in the middle of the room and crawled inside.

His large fluffy sweater tucked under his jeans and he had to lift it up for a moment so that he didn't trip.

Kit followed him inside.

They both laid on their backs in the pile of cushions and Saint sighed.

"Anymore tears left?"

"No. Just an aching heart."

"I really want to be wrong Kit."

"I was just starting to feel happy again."

"Like the world wasn't all darkness. Like everything I cared about wouldn't be ripped out from beneath me by a monster that has been trying to swallow me alive since I was little."

"I thought the monster was gone, that it had stolen enough and was sated."

"But I guess monsters never have enough, they can never be happy till the world burns. That's why they are monsters."

Saint reached one long arm up to the top of the tent and poked one of the dull stars there. He hadn't charged them in so long that they didn't glow anymore, their light was as squashed as his own right now.

"I don't want to say goodbye to him. I don't want to have something that just started, end."

"But I don't want him to hurt. I don't want Ngeun to hurt Heart the way he and Ben hurt Win."

"If… If I had been stronger, maybe Win," Saint's dropped his hand to his face to hide the tears that were starting up again.

"Maybe then Win would still be alive. I did so much wrong by Win. I can't let the same thing happen to Heart. I dunno why, but I feel so much for him already. It has only been a month and a week and it feels like forever."

"But I betcha you don't regret signing that waiver. It's what Grandfather wants."

"Wrong, I regret it so much."

Kit sat up leaning on his elbow and looked at Saint smiling.

"Oi, so you remember how to joke now?" He flicked his forehead lightly.

"Oww," Saint pouted.

Lips came down on his forehead and kissed him gently and Saint looked up into Ten's face hanging over the top of his.

"Sorry I thought I should rectify the damage my husband did to your pretty little face." Ten said cheekily.

He crawled in beside Saint sitting up.

"I barely touched him." Kit said innocently.

"Thank god it was you I almost panicked at the sudden family love I was receiving." Saint said gently looking at Ten and smiling.

Ten grinned back at him for a moment, before Kit's face covered Saint's view and he glared at him.

"W... What, What are you doing?" Saint asked.

Kit grinned devilishly then really quickly like a viper bent down and kissed his forehead once.

"Ah get off me you crazy person." Saint shoved him. Kit moved his head out of the way and then gave Ten a look.

Ten jumped onto Saint stomach while Kit held his arms and Ten kissed him again on the forehead repeatedly.

After a second he finally managed to free his hands and shove them both off of him.

Ten plopped down beside him laughing. And Kit chuckled softly beside him.

"What the hell."

Kit shrugged.

"Sometimes you need to be reminded there are people on this earth that care about you, that love you, and want you here. That you matter."

Saint scoffed and wiped the saliva off his forehead and held up his hand.

"Your love is disgusting." Saint grinned wickedly, then reached out and wiped it one Ten's pants.

"Oi, you petty demon lord."

"Wait, what?" Saint sat up abruptly forgetting how low the ceiling of the tent was and his hair brushed against the top of it.

"I said petty Demon Lord." Ten repeatedly slowly.

"Why? Do you not like it? I just think you are a demon and since you are a lord of this household it works, it works really well in fact I wonder why I have never put these two things together before."

"Ah, no I like it. You are just not the first person to call me that."

"Oh really, introduce me to this person. I like them already." Ten said.

"So who is he?"

"Who?" Saint asked, playing dumb.

"The guy who made you smile with just a single thought."

"So how did you find us?" Saint asked Ten.

"I figured you guys were in here when I couldn't find either of you in the house, study, office, or Saint's giant room."

"Also, ah, nice change of subject there so who is he? He wouldn't be that kid Kit never shuts up about would he?"

Saint glared at Kit. Kit smiled rebelliously.

"We are married, we share everything." he shrugged.

Ten pat him lovingly.

"Except Man."

"He is all mine. I do not allow Kit to touch my Man or my Man to touch my Kit."

Saint snickered Kit glared at him.

"Are you really that jealous over a pillow.?" Saint asked, ridiculous, how whipped are you?"

Kit's eyes widened, "so the boy, Saint, who is he?" Kit said reiterated on purpose.

Saint glared.

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