Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 14 - He Is Back

"Doesn't matter. I have to remove him from my life." Saint said melancholy, dripping from his tone.

"What why?" Ten asked, sitting up abruptly and smacking his head on the front of the tent.

"Ngeun is coming back."

Ten's face blanched and his face soured as if he had just thrown up.

He threw his arms around Saint and Kit followed him, wrapping around the other side. The two of them cuddling him securely in his arms.

"I have to remove Heart from my life, and it kills me." His eyes brimmed with tears.

"I keep telling myself not to like him that it is just physical attraction. But I am not stupid, I can see what is happening when he looks at me, I can see it when my heart shatters into a million pieces from a single look."

"I am lying to myself to try and keep us both in seperate cacoons, cause him coming into my world isn't safe. cause inviting him in will lead to another Win situation." Saint said.

"Win was special, he was my first love. And I feel guilty, and horrible for what kinda part I had in his death. And I loved him and now sitting here I feel even more guilty because he died because of me, And yet I couldn't even love him the way I care for Heart, not like this."

"I know technically what happened to Win is ultimately not my fault. And there is no way to prove what Ngeun did to Win, but he wouldn't be dead right now if it were not for me."

"I loved him so young, he was a first love, an innocent love, a sweet one."

"But with Heart this already feels a thousand times brighter than anything I had with Win. If..."

Saint blinked the tears out, unable to hold them back anymore.

"If Ngeun murders Heart, the way he killed Win, I can never forgive myself. Last time I was a weapon, I was a tool he played right into their hands. He played Ben, he played me and an innocent like Win suffered for it."

"I can't let Heart be his next victim."

"I just can't."

Saint rubbed the scars on his wrist subconsciously, and Ten and Kit put their hands there on top gently holding them still.

"Never again, we will never let you go through that pain again."

"I don't think you should get rid of Heart." Kit said softly.

"I don't think so either. You said Ngeun already knows you have a second secretary. If he is telling you that info he already knows everything he thinks he needs to about him."

"If you abandon Heart you will only be confirming his suspicions. He knows your habits, he knows what you do when cornered. The only way to beat a predator like that is to trick them into thinking they have the upper hand when they do not."

"The best thing you can do for Heart right now. Is act like he is nothing more to you than a regular employee, nothing more than another Kit?"

"I think you need to entrust him with your secret. I think he needs to know so that he can play along."

"Because he is already a person of interest to him. He is already in his sights. The only way to save him would be to throw everything away, all at once and if something happens, to forget Him entirely even if that means pain, and heartache."

"Or the second is to hold him close, but looks as if he is at arm's length and you really don't care for him at all. That he is just another human being on this planet. Which will hurt him emotionally rather than physically?"

"By keeping him close enough to observe, but not close enough to target, is the only real safe zone."

"I don't want to say these words, but they are even more true now."

"Anything else puts him at risk."

But Saint I think the best option would be the truth. You need to tell Heart you care for him, but that it's impossible to be together right now because of your dad."

"With how you two talk, all about him all the time, I think he would understand. He seems like a wonderful kid, even I can tell and I have never met him."

"But this is Saint. He isn't going to tell him the truth, he will do something stupid and try to protect everyone from everything and do it all alone again. Even if it causes him so much pain, he can't handle it." Kit said sardonically.

Ten frowned and reached over slapping Kit on the wrist.

Saint grimaced at the harsh but one hundred percent accurate words that cut at his sensitivities like a knife.

He rubbed Saint's arm lovingly.

"Those scars on your wrist are a reflection of the scars on your heart. Don't let your heart get more scars."

"Don't let that animal cut you any deeper."

Saint nodded before letting out a soft sigh and sniffling up his remaining tears.

"They were right."

"This was the only way."

Saint slapped his legs before standing up and let out a giant sigh of breath.

"Where are you going?" Kit asked.

"To go protect an innocent lamb without hurting or frightening it half to death"

"Just remember people are stronger than you think." Ten said gently.

Saint nodded. "Try not to defile my sacred turtle's shell while I am gone."

"No promises." Ten yelled back giggling.

"Your love is disgusting." Saint called back, he waved once.

But Ten was standing up and pulling Kit out the two of them already deep into their own little world discussing something between the two of them that was never loud enough for anyone else to hear.

"Their secret married code."

Saint thought for one second what it would be like to have someone he could do that with.

"Not yet, first you need to put that murderer behind bars. So his murder count can never get the chance to go past four."

Saint popped his head back inside the room.

"Wait why am I leaving he will be asleep. I will just talk to him tomorrow at work."

Kit gave him a look.

"What? I will."

Saint walked out of the room shaking his head.

"I am going to go grab dinner."

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