Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 15 - Measure Up

Saint flipped his keys in his hand gently spinning them in a circle.

He smiled when he saw Heart walk out from his building surprised to see him there.

'That face makes my days brighter every time. I dunno how I can ever thank you enough for bringing that feeling back. I guess I will just have to enjoy these last three weeks we have together. It was the longest grandfather could delay that monster for'

'Just enjoy these last weeks, they are all you have left before your life is ruined. Before you take that monster down.'

"What are you doing here?"

"I... I didn't know I would see you."

"Get in." Saint smiled.

"Why? What are we doing?" Heart asked. Saint held open the door to the car with a bemused smile as Heart obeyed him.

He shut the door, then walked around the other side of the car and got in, then looked over at Heart, blinking softly.

"What are you waiting for? And where are we going?"

"What makes you think we are not going to the office?" Saint asked.

"You are not wearing a suit, just some jeans, a belt and a blue shirt. We are not going to the office are we?" Heart asked him confused

Saint grinned.

"Smart." He said then buckled up his seat belt and drove off.

When he pulled up outside the store that said Jiritiratap Clothier. He turned off the car and unbuckled his seat belt.

He had the car door open before he realized that Heart wasn't moving.

"What are we doing Saint? You kidnap me away on a Saturday and I asked you repeatedly what we were."

Saint chuckled, got out of the car and smiled before walking round the car opening the door and leaning in.

Heart yelped.

"Like all you have to do is tell me what we are doing. Why do you always have to be so stubborn?"

"You can come out of the car, or I will come in."

"I don't care if you get back in. It's your car." Heart started stubbornly.

Saint raised an eyebrow and grinned like a cat in cream.

"Oh, see I was hoping you would say that."

He reached back and flipped a button and shoved Heart's seat all the way back quickly.

Heart yelped from the shock of being thrown backwards suddenly.

Saint put his hands on either side of the seat and climbed into the passenger seat on top of Heart straddling his legs on either side. He braced himself, his hands pressed into either side of the chair and he began lowering his butt down to sit on Heart's lap.

Saint smiled wickedly as the panic flushed Heart's face a bright scarlet red.


Heart gasped.

"What are you doing, it's the middle of the day, and the street isn't empty?."

"Oh, is that the only problem you see with this?"

"Saint, I.. Get off, I will go, okay!"

Saint leaned forward.

"Perfect" He purred lightly in Heart's ear. Before he shoved the seat and got up. Backing out of the car. He held the door open pretending to be a perfect gentleman.

Heart got out of the vehicle, but refused to even glance up. Saint could tell for the tips of his ears just how embarrassed he was.

Saint closed the door, then motioned to the building.

"Let's go get you some new suits, yeah?"

Heart walked into the store sulking, and Saint paused to listen. Jerry had been using the same little bell since he was little and its soft chimes always reminded Saint of those times when as a little boy he would come with his Grandfather to watch him get a new suit.

The deep rich chestnut wall and bright sconce lighting, lit up the entire wall behind the desk, and there was a little custom made stand built onto the back wall, filled with tiny little square patches of fabric for quality examples. There were two full suits on mannequins and across from that was a counter filled with suit accessories, like cuff links, ties, buttons, custom threading, clasps. Bolo's. Jerry had it all behind that glass case. Further back there was a table for cutting and behind it were rolls of fabric against the wall on one side, and on the other was a wall of basic undershirts sorted by size and colour. All fully customizable.

Behind the table in the furthest corner were six floor to ceiling height mirrors.

Jerry came out of the back and his face lit up with enthusiasm the moment he saw who it was.

"Wan, how is the panda bear doing?" Jerry asked immediately.

Saint couldn't help but smile. He had been using the nickname Saint since he was a kid yet Jerry still would only call him what Amonrat would and Grandfather never called him anything but Wan.

"Wan?" Heart whispered softly.

"My name." Saint leaned in and answered back.

Heart smacked his lips together and glared.

"Yes, I figured that much out, do I look like an idiot?"

"Your name is so cute. Waan, like sweet or Wan like, day?"

Saint raised his eyebrows and walked off to the corner where Jerry leaned across a long, wide table with samples, he knew Heart was glaring at him for not answering.

'But it was too funny. So he left it at that.'

"It's Waan for sweet isn't it?"

"So, do you have a specific cut in mind? I know you said you wanted specific fabrics used. The satin suit will be very delicate."

"I want a princess cut for all and he needs seven suits."

"Ah, I was thinking maybe this pattern here. Saint sketched out a pattern really quickly, I want this one in a royal blue."

"Sure, I can get that to you. Do You want to go with warm jewel tones for all the suits then to a kind of have them match the rich colour of the royal?"

"Yes, and Ah, Jerry silver trim on the blue, okay."

Jerry smiled. Wrote some stuff down, then stuck the pencil behind his ear.

"Okay, well just write down the measurements when you are done, I will be upstairs making an espresso."

"Come up when you are done."

He gave Heart a wink, then turned and started slowly up the stairs.

Saint watched him leave with a smile, then grabbed the tape measure he had left behind and turned to Heart.

Heart looked at him.

"I… Shouldn't he be the one measuring me.?"

"Nope," Saint grinned, wiggling his eyebrows, then advanced on Heart slowly.

Saint pointed at the spot with all the mirrors.

Heart nodded and walked over, stood on the small black platform in the centre of the mirrors and waited standing there tapping his leg.

Saint chuckled.

"You have never done this before, have you?"

Heart shook his head no.

Saint stepped forward.

He didn't want to admit it aloud, but this was his first time too. His first time taking someone into his safe place. First time of opening up and letting someone new in after Win.

Saint took the flimsy tape measure and looked at Heart.

"I have to measure your chest first."

"Do you have something other than that big nude sweater on?"

Heart nodded. And slowly started pulling his shirt up. His undershirt caught on the thick lip of the jersey material.

Saint reached out and helped him, the sweater pulled loose, releasing Heart's head and Heart looked at Saint realizing the distance between them was only a hand's breadth.

Heart gulped.

Saint blinked at him, wondering if he should call Jerry back.

His heart beat like crazy, the thumping ran through his veins like an echoed thrumming that made him want to slide his hands across everywhere.

Instead, he lifted each arm out of the way and wrapped the tape around and under Heart's chest. Lightly. His finger slid beneath the tape and smoothed it making sure there were no kinks or twists in the thin material or the tape measure that would stop from getting a proper measurement.

The more he circled Hearts chest the more he realized he was itching to hug Heart.

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