Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 21 - Protect, And Fight.

Heart looked around him at all the seats that were now at least half-filled. The flight attendant stopped and bowed in front of them.

"This is how full the pilot said we could make it for balancing issues. I am sure you understand Sir."

"Yes, of course," Saint said.

"As always, thank you for your patronage, Sir." she bowed again, then left, Heart looked at him.

They will serve the food soon, okay. Just let me get this one call."

Saint stood and walked over to Kit his phone at his ear and Sat down. Heart looked at the seats and couldn't help but smile. When he turned to face the front, he caught Kit smiling at him Kit pointed at his phone.

Heart nodded, watching as Kit typed something.

He waited and his phone pinged.

KitKittipat~ Thank you for coming

Maybe you can get him to eat. He has barely eaten or taken care of himself in the past few days.

*Heartbeats4U* Why?

Sorry, I mean, why hasn't he? Why hasn't he been eating and taking care of himself lately?



I think that is something he needs to tell you himself,

Honestly, though.

Thanks, Heart.

*Heartbeats4U* Oh, okay, I don't think I did anything...

KitKittipat~ He really hasn't had someone he could be this way with, well, in a really long time. Because he doesn't like letting people in.

*Heartbeats4U* Why Not? The more people you can share your life with the better. That's what Min says my mom would say.

KitKittipat~ Everything in the world is safe at a safe distance.


I see.

Heart put the phone down, turned the screen black then looked down at the bag on the table in front of them that Saint had left there. He knew he had the option to look up and see the big touch screen TV to watch something while waiting. But he was more curious about why at almost eleven at night they were flying to Phuket. More so than that, it seemed like all the people on the flight who worked on the flight knew him and Kit well.

Heart sat back in his big comfy purple chair and waited, watching the top of Saint's head with only the top of his head the only thing visible beside Kit.

A flight attendant walked past holding a tray of fresh beverages and Heart took one with a nod and set it down.

He clasped his hands together and with a big smile, stretched. He turned away and the moment he did his head dropped to stare at the ground. The moment he wasn't in their view anymore his shoulders sagged and his head dropped.

'Safe from a distance?'

'What kinda distance?'

'Saint that is a really hard way to live. I can't imagine things being that bad. Ever.'

'What might make someone's life so dark, that they choose that?'

'Min and Heart we lost our entire family. We never had enough money to do anything but scrape by, and other than wanting to provide some money for Min, there really wasn't any purpose he wanted to achieve. Anything in his life he wanted to change. Sure, life was rough sometimes.'

'But bad enough to never care about another person? It seemed like a cop-out to him.'

'Did that mean Saint didn't care about him?'

Heart picked up his phone and decided it was probably best to tell Min he wasn't coming home today.

Heart hit the button that dialed her number automatically and waited. It rang twice before it picked up.


There was silence on the line.

"Something happened," Min stated it as if she could almost hear Heart's defeat and confusion. He nodded from the other side of the line,

"I am going on an overnight work trip."

"Another one?"


"Couldn't say no, huh?"

"Was it Saint? I told you not to let him bully you anymore."

Heart opened his mouth to protest that Saint didn't bully, but just then Saint stood up and walked back towards him. His eyes were dark and tired.

"Mhhhm, okay, I will tell them."

'Them? Heart? Are you even listening to me right now? Heart? Heart?'

There was a quote he read once, back in his English class.

Something like...

When you are living this moment with exquisite joy and love, why spend five lifetimes looking and working for something unattainable, when what you have beside you is more than enough.

'He was sure even with five, ten, or a hundred lifetimes, they still wouldn't be enough to experience the joy and pain, love, and happiness this man could inflict on him just with his sheer will.'

A very pregnant woman who seemed to be traveling alone tapped Saint on the shoulder just as he reached Heart and Saint swiveled his eyes, breaking contact with Heart's. Heart's chest ached for a moment, but then he watched as Saint chatted for a second with her before he came back over and grabbed both the pillow on his chair and the pillow on the floor that belonged to Heart. Then he helped her to sit and find a position that was more comfortable than before, lifting her up when needed so that she could move around better. The flight attendant who was an inexperienced girl that resembled a small dog, trembled nervously beside Saint, watching, but clearly far too inadequate to lift a pregnant woman and carry her weight as she maneuvered around her seat. Heart watched in silence, happiness coursing through his veins.

"You are right five is too many, cut it down to three, no make that two, better yet, just one. I dunno if I can handle one, five, or a hundred of this."

"Heart? What are you even talking about?"

"I swear, this dumb child. Tee, he is mumbling again. Tee." Heart hung up, closed his mouth, and put the phone down on his lap.

Saint sat down beside Heart in his seat and looked over.


"I'm just wondering how I could have been so wrong?" Heart stated.

"Wrong? About what?"

"My first impressions of you." Heart stated.

"The interview? Or the bathroom?" Saint asked cheekily.


"Are either of you guys wanting to enjoy our customary included dinner?" The stewardess interrupted.

Heart almost jumped out of his seat with excitement. He hadn't eaten anything but breakfast and his stomach had taken to either attacking him full-on or pouting in silence and refusing to make him feel nice.

Heart smiled and opened his mouth.

"No, thanks," Saint said before he could even speak up. The girl smiled and then walked off.

Heart watched her leave, feeling betrayed.

"I thought you wanted to take me for dinner?" heart accused sourly.

Saint chuckled and crossed his legs and raised an eyebrow.

"And you thought, the dinner I meant was on the plane?"

Heart nodded innocently.

Saint scoffed.

I treat my dates better than that.

Heart's eyebrows raised in surprise.


"Sure, date, nothing fancy." He looked out the window and smirked.

Heart thought about it. "Ah, I see."

Saint watched the night out of the window Heart watched him, but his focus didn't leave the window.

"How many people have you taken on a date like this." Heart pouted.

Saint turned and looked him in the eye and smiled.

"You are the first."

Saint leaned forward.

"I don't know what you have heard. But throw that assumption away. Because it's wrong."

"Why?" Heart asked, curiosity peaking him.

Saint leaned in really tight, he placed one hand on the arm of Heart's chair, so close his breath tickled across Heart's neck.

"Because that Saint, was the one before you met me and he doesn't exist anymore."

Heart gulped blinking.

Saint ran his hands up Heart's neck gently, his fingers caressing Heart's neck deeply.

"I never waste my precious time on anything that I don't value. And anything I value, I protect, and fight for."

Heart pulled away and Saint stared into his eyes not breaking his contact, his hand falling directly on Heart's thigh.

"Anything that's mine."

Heart gulped at the crazy look in Saint's eyes, not possessiveness, not control, not psycho, but the look of a man getting ready for war.

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