Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 24 - Contest

Hi guys, so the contest is really simple and the prize is awesome. I hope you all join

This contest is to celebrate reaching 120K words aka the halfway point of this book.

I will be taking a short break to recoup before chapters are released again, no more than one week's break I think. I am sick right now so my brain doesn't want to work and write and since I have run out of stacked up chapters for this novel and am live writing and editing chapters every day this book needs to rest a bit.

Resting a bit, I am told it is good for the sick, for wine, and for books, they get better with a little more time. XD

Also, I talked to my editor and she said that it was okay to take a break since I pumped out 40 chapters last month.

Every comment will be lovingly read and the username added to a document where the winner will be picked by random. Each name is given a number then I will use google's number picker to pick the winner.

I provide proof via screenshots to all winners to show them they have won. The winner will have 3days to answer my messages if they do not a new winner will be chosen.

Anyway here is the Prize and the rules for entering.


You get to name a character in my novel or have one named after you, whichever you prefer.

CHARACTER DESCRIPTION:*Insert Winners Name Here* is a twenty-three-year-old girl who is Ten's friend. She is short, has blonde hair and brown eyes, she chews bubble gum, a lot. She is a fellow idol in Ten's company and is a trainee with a witty personality. She is a really adorable girl who likes to make fun of and pick on Kit but also is responsible for doing something in the story with Fate and Mara and where Fate and Mara are concerned in the upcoming chapter.

*gasp* I know spoilers! muahahaha


1.. Comment anything you want on this chapter. THAT'S IT, THAT'S HOW YOU ENTER *giggles*

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