Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 25 - Renovating

Kit watched the two of them smiling and eating in the lower garden before he walked back across the upper lawn, he was staring at his phone waiting to see if Ten would reply back when Chimlin walked towards him.

"Those two look lovely together, their aura is exquisite when they are together."

Kit chuckled.

"Mhmm, yes"

"When I look at them, I often feel like they are meant for each other so completely that there isn't room for anyone or anything else."

"It's really nice to see him this happy again," Amonrat said walking up.

Kit smiled.

"Yes, I didn't think it would ever happen."

"I thought that… time… that event would haunt him forever." Amonrat stared off down the hill even though with the way Saint had things set up there was no wait to observe things the three of them still stood there."

"I think it will haunt him forever, but it is up to us, the people who care about him to keep him from it, to keep him from that pain. Now he just has one more person to help him." Kit said.

"Shall we go inside and talk business, numbers, and boring things far from the adventures of love."

"I would rather talk about my two grandsons and their love lives. Chimlin has had me watching daytime dramas. I could use some juicy stuff live. But I suppose if we must, we must. You old stick in the mud." Amonrat said with good humor.

"Chimlin what are you doing to Grandfather."

"Oh, shush, an old man like me needs his pleasures." Amonrat patted him on the hand then they walked back inside together.

Kit sat him down at the table and he shucked peanuts carefully, putting the little extra bits in a container carefully.

"Grandfather, there are roughly three months left on the contract. Can't we just call the company and see if they will cement the contract as completed early. It's been practically two years, isn't that good enough, hasn't Saint done good enough."

Amonrat's eyes squinted.

"What are you sensing that I do not?" He asked slowly.

��He is barely holding on, I think he has fallen in love, it's taking every ounce of control, all he wants to do is go to him. All he wants to do is run to him and love him freely and openly."

"For me, it has never been hard. I am not even a Nitpattanasai, what I do has never mattered to anyone outside of Saint. But for Saint since that moment two years ago when he agreed to this contract."

"When he had nothing to lose when hate and anger were fueling his emotions and decisions."

"When he never thought he could feel again."

"All of the stipulations he agreed to back then were nothing to him because he didn't have a heart, he had nothing left to cling to in this world."

"It's a scary thought, but we all knew it."

"He was doing this for you."

"Not because he wanted to."

"But because he wanted to make sure that man could never touch what you had worked so hard to create."

"That he could never destroy it."

"Now you can see it in his eyes."

"He wants this battle to be over, he is even playing with the idea that he could be happy again."

"And I am afraid that Ngeun coming back, will set him back, will undo the healthy decisions to move on, that he has made in the past three months."

"At first I wasn't sure about Heart, he came out of nowhere, and infatuated Saint so much. But the more I saw of what he was doing to Saint, the more I approved."

"He is almost unrecognizable when he called to ask if we got a box in the mail filled with a bunch of little lights and if I could put them all up for him. I realized it right then and there."

"That Saint is opening up and growing," Chimlin said softly.

"Somchit would be happy." Chimlin sighed wistfully.

"We all failed her, we failed her and Saint deeply five years ago. And we have all been atoning for it for the past five years, but maybe we can start to move on."

Chimlin's face grew angry.

"As long as Ngeun doesn't destroy everything again." She stated sullenly.

"I think as long as Saint has Heart he can do it, even though there are only three days till Ngeun arrives," Amonrat said gently.

"I don't see any reason to cancel the contract. Saint can still have Heart now on the side, and when it is over they can go public. But that contract is the only thing that's stopping Ngeun from calling a shareholder meeting now."

"If I am not mistaken Saint hasn't gathered everything he needs yet has he?"

Kit nodded. "Right"

"What?" Saint asked, walking into the room his face flushed and his eyes twinkled. Heart followed behind him carefully, his face bright and his ears red.

Kit smiled.

'Saint bugged you again… Poor thing. I understand that embarrassment well.'

Kit stood up.

"Well, we are all finished catching up in here,"

"If you guys are finished eating and playing."

"It is one-thirty in the morning and I am quite tired, I think I will take myself off to my room and then bed. Goodnight guys."


Kit paused and turned to Amonrat, looking at him questioning.

"We are actually renovating that side of the manor. You have to bunk with Saint."

Kit smiled softly.

"The guest bedroom is also on the same side as my room. So where is Heart supposed to sleep then?"

"Oh, you boys can all just have a sleepover. Chimlin and I don't mind the noise, we are old and can't hear well, anyway. Have fun guys, don't stay up too late."

Amonrat stood up, Chimlin reached out and took his arm, she turned, winked at Heart, then intertwined her fingers with Amonrat.

"If you boys need anything, just text me on my phone okay."

She raised her one hand, made a little okay sign with her fingers, giggled gently, then turned and walked Amonrat up the stairs.

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