Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 33 - Fired

"That's right, I am asking if you really want this job? For real, not the money, but that you are doing work you actually like and want to do."

"What the heck, why suddenly out of the blue? Because of last night?" Heart started.

"Are you regretting yesterday? Now that we actually took a step forward. Now that it has gone beyond flirting?" Heart asked sourly.

"Wait? What?"

"No, where would you get such a ludicrous idea?"

"Do you think I am the type of guy who makes any actions without thinking them through a million times first. And all the possible outcomes it can create?"

"Okay then, My job? Why wouldn't I want it now?" Heart asked curious.

"Because, I am dangerous, being around me is bad for you, you will end up dead, or wishing you were."

Heart laughed. Saint scowled. "You don't believe me. I am trying to tell you Heart, my dad will add you to his list of casualties. Being around me is bad."

Heart scoffed, "this isn't some drama, Saint, this is the real world."

"That is my real world Heart." Heart looked down at his phone.

"I have to head back to the dorms to study…"

"Fine" Saint interrupted.

"Because I am attracted to you. All the time."

"It never goes away." Saint said easily.

"And things like last night will happen every day of the week we see each other."

Heart gulped.

"Can you tone it down, wh…"

"I could… But I don't want to." Saint interrupted.

Heart struggled to step back from Saint, his face bunched with confusion.

Saint took a step forward till they were close.

"Or, you could walk away. I'm giving you an out." Saint said calmly.

Heart blinked nervously. 'A way out?'

Saint stared intensely into his eyes. "You should take it Heart. Otherwise, I don't know what to say… How I can stop myself from being drawn to you. How I can hold myself back from you even when I know it's putting you at risk."

Heart took deep, steadying breaths in an effort to calm down, as his body was panicking, going crazy. But in those wonderful delectable ways he couldn't control anymore. His feet were almost glued to the ground. His body going through waves of emotion as he remembered the other day.

"Steer clear of me Heart. I don't think I have enough control to deal with you. If that doesn't bother you then feel free to stay, but you really shouldn't I am not joking, being wi… around me is dangerous."

"But be sure it's what you want. Because I devour my temptations, and they hardly ever stay temptations for long, I turn them into my acquisitions fairly quickly."

"And you are the one, I dare say I want on my side, on my list more than ever." Saint said smoothly.

He pulled away as fast as he approached and then he just turned and walked away as if that were everything. But then he stopped and Heart looked up at him.

"It's probably best if you take a few days off. Relax... Catch up on some sleep, don't come into work for at least a week. If I see you at all, I will fire you for real Heart."

Saint walked away without another word or even a single look back.

Heart collapsed so that he was squatting above the ground as he tried very hard to steady his heart with was beating out of control at that moment.

Never in his life had he ever thought that an acquisition of any sort could ever set your body on fire and sound so seductive. Never had he ever thought he would ever want to be acquired by anyone. Or be someone's possession.

But he suddenly had this urge to follow him and tell him it was okay and that he wanted to make first place on that list. That list that would get him into Saint's heart…. And his pants.

'No! Heart think straight, get your mind out of the gutter.... You want this job… you need this job. Even if it is just following Saint around all day. You can't even afford to get fired, anyway.'

Hearts phone lit up and he heard his ringtone go off for a text.

He opened up his phone.

I won't fire you. I know you need the job. I'm giving you a way out. If it's what you want. Just text Kit and he will find you something suitable for you to do either in our company on a floor far away from each other so we never have to see each other again or by getting you a job working for someone else.

I won't leave you stranded Heart.

Heart flushed.

'He would not fire him, it wasn't his job on the line Saint knew how much he wanted to work for the money and even though he had threatened it he couldn't actually do it.' Heart smiled then frowned realizing.

'It was his interactions with Saint that we're…'

He deflated at the thought.

'Oh... That means he wouldn't see Saint anymore."

'He wouldn't see Saint at all...'

'Was he really okay with that?'

'It wasn't so bad was it? I mean he saw him at the school for when he wanted him to grab something for a trip… No wait, he wouldn't come here either. But it's not like it would matter much right, not seeing him every day, you could still find a reason to go pop by once or twice. I mean Saint wouldn't kick him out completely right?'

But Heart felt a little depressed thinking about that.

Because it actually would be like not seeing each other anymore.

Life without Saint...

Heart thought for a moment. 'I suppose I would still have a job. And still have money.'

'Still have a school and friends it couldn't be that bad right?'

'People spent time apart from their first loves all the time right? He could just wait to confess to him later. Or should he have done it just then? Gahh, take a job away from Saint he really couldn't could he, even now his brain was going in circles on how to fit seeing Saint in more times in a day with their busy schedules. If he took on a different job away from Saint, he would never see him plain and simple. But Saint had seemed actually for real about his dad being a murderer…' was that why there was no information on their family online, why they were so private?'

'Whatever was going on he needed to give it more than a few minutes of thought. He needed to do it for Saint.'

It was a lot to think about.

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