Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 34 - Plump, Juicy, Desire.

Heart walked into Saints office with a heavy sigh of contemplation.

He wasn't even supposed to be here.

He was supposed to be staying far away.

Yet, the moment his classes had finished, he had gotten on the bus and it wasn't till he was getting off and standing outside the office building at eleven o'clock at night did he realize where he was standing or what his body was doing.

Heart had wondered if he should turn around, if he should stay away.

Heck, if he could stay away.

But his footsteps took him towards the building, not away.

'Just march in there and demand he tells you what the heck he meant by what he said the other day. Tell him it bothered you, tell him that you couldn't stop thinking about it. How much you want to tell him to eat your fists if he thinks he can just have his way with you and then walk away.'

'No, No, just walk in there and ask him what he meant the other day when he told you, you could be fired if you wanted to. I mean, who even asks someone politely if they want to be fired? Like what was he thinking? No, you can't do that either.'

'Okay, No, Just a small peek, don't even talk to him. Just see what he is doing and leave. He doesn't even have to know you are here.'

'Because if you are here he may ask you to answer that question he asked you.'

'May demand an answer… and lately anything he demands of you. You have been unable to say no too.'

And without even meaning to Heart realized the elevator doors were opening out to the office and he was walking out into his place of work.

The moment he did this warmth filled his body oozing around him, the same feeling he got whenever Min was around.

It felt like home, the comfortability, the warm, familiar smells and sounds that flowed around his body filling him with the calming presence of familiarity.

'I just need this one moment, I just want to see you, One look. That's all I need.'

Heart walked through the office as if pulled by something. Heart side eyed Saint's office, but there was no way to see in through all the glass as the blinds were down.

His eyes lit up on Kit.

'So he is here.'

Kit smiled at him.

"Saint's in his office. Here, take these in for me. He said he wanted these for the night."

"All of these?" Heart asked, staring at the large stack in surprise.

"Yeah, I am glad you are here. He has been overworking himself this week."

"Now I can go home to the one I love. Without worrying about him. Since he has someone here who cares about him as much as me."

He dropped the heavy stack into his arms and then turned, grabbed his coat and left.

Heart's arms sagged from the heavyweight of them. And he smiled before he pushed through the door into the office.

His shoes clomped on the stone floor and was the only sound in the room. It was dark inside the lights were off and the enormous windows that reflected the outside world. The moon was behind clouds and there was a rainstorm speckling the windows with their droplets, the lights from the other buildings just little bokeh dots through the heavy rain and bad lighting. Heart ignored it and walked forward with purpose. Hoping Saint would speak.

But nothing came.

Not a sound.

Heart wondered if maybe he was actually alone. He couldn't see anything and there wasn't the hollow tenor, he was used to.

But he knew his way to the desk, even without the lights off. And so he stopped when he reached the edge of it. Stuck his toe out and smiled happily when his toe hit into the leg of the desk.

Heart slid them down onto the desk with a soft grunt and then blinked to adjust his eyes to the darkness that spread around them.

As soon as they started to focus and adjust, his mouth dropped.

Saint stood in the bleak lighting and at that moment Lightning flashed, illuminating Saint's half nakedness, shirt in one hand, his phone in the other, the screen of it going dark and auto turning off. His eyes penetrating into Heart the lightning flashing dangerously inside them, echoing the tension in the room.

Saint's hair hung down over his face wet and disheveled.


"Hearts mind went numb at the way Saint had called out for him.

His voice was a cry of desire, hungry, ravenous, yet the softest, most elated gentle he had ever sounded.

Saint stepped forward quickly, charging the steps towards Heart with a purpose.

His arms wrapped around Hearts Back scooping him up delicately and pressing his naked body into his own.

Heart's blood pounded in his ears and his arms involuntarily wrapped around Saint's naked back.

His fingers itching desperately to give in, and he felt something melt inside himself as his fingertips touched their smooth warmth.

Saint's lips fell naturally onto Heart's, kissing him deeply, his kiss was full and deep, but softer than anything he had ever done before.

The soft, luxurious nibbles on his bottom and top lip were as if he were tasting him for the first time. Heart stared into his eyes for a moment as hundreds of delicate soft kisses assaulted his mouth, pressing and pulling at his plump lips. Heart kissed back unable to stop.

Drowning in the feelings.

Saint's eyes stared at him softly.

It was the sweetest he had ever seen Saint look at him and he didn't know why; he felt like he knew without knowing. Like Saint had told him without telling, why Saint' needed him so badly at that moment?

Why he needed to let him.

But he let him, knowing that he didn't want it to stop.

'Saint… Every time I think of you, every time you are near I am reminded of those words from long ago.'

The old lady who Heart grew up next to. Her voice flashed inside his mind. Seven-year-old him watching two people hold hands and walk down the street. He could remember how cold the drips of melted ice cream were on his skin, how sticky they felt. The smell of the wind that blew down the street, they were walking down. Even the light muted blue of the sky.

And her old tired, grated voice.

'Love is but one soul separated into two bodies, longing to find each other again.'

'I know why I ache for you now.'

'I figured it out... Why I can't let you go.'

'I have so many things I want to say, but I don't think I ever need to say them.'

'Because I think you ache the same way too.'

'A longing that is only complete when we are together.'

Heart closed his eyes. A tear fell down his cheek as Saint kissed him fully, greedily devouring him sweetly and desperately as if this were his last chance to touch him ever again.

A tear fell on his cheek and Heart's eyes flashed open at the warmth that touched him but wasn't his.

Saint still looked at him deeply.

He had a feeling Saint hadn't closed his eyes at all.

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