Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 94 - Demon Of A Tease

"I am covered in your cum and you should take my shirt off with your teeth."

Heart looked at him in shock.

"But you're in a vest too!" He exclaimed.

"Mhhm," Saint said, his voice coming out deep and husky as he agreed.

Heart scratched his head before reaching down to cover up his cock, which was still hanging out.

"Ah, ah, ah, I never said you could close your pants."

"You want me to do that...like this?" Heart asked, in surprise.

"No. I want you to do it naked and sitting on top of me." Saint said, smirking and having lots of fun.

Heart smirked.

"Okay, I promised you. Punish me however you like."

Heart unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off, before following suit with his boxers.

Heart went to lean forward and do as Saint had commanded but Saint reached out a hand and stopped him from coming forward.

"Before we continue is there any chance of Min coming home? I would rather not scare a pregnant lady."

Heart chuckled.

"No, they went out of the city to visit Tee's Grandma. It's a four-hour drive there and back so they planned on staying the night. I said my goodbyes to her earlier. They were going to leave right after the cake tasting. I can already tell they dropped by here since the empty cake boxes were on the floor in the kitchen when we came in. So they probably left, and even if they came back they would go to their new house not here. Most of their stuff is over there so there isn't really anything here she would be popping back over for, especially if she thinks I am at the airport heading for Korea."

"Alright fair enough. I trust you." Saint said, Heart raised an eyebrow.

"You don't seem convinced." Heart said.

"Well to be fair, I have only met Min twice now and I think she is a lovely person, and now that I am dating her brother…" Saint coughed.

"I would rather not have someone walk in on me with my dick out." Saint finished.

"You have a fair point. But you locked the door right?"

"Yeah, I locked the door when I came back in. The dang thing is finicky, it took me a second to get it, because it sticks."

Heart chuckled.

"That dang thing has given me problems so many times I have lost count. I once pinched my finger in the doorknob so hard I got a bruise on my thumb that lasted for a few days." 

"But anyway I will text Min just to be safe, you're right if Min and Tee walked in right now they would get one heck of a sight."

Saint chuckled.

"One heck of a sight. That's what you are calling this?" he asked, gesturing at himself and then at Heart.

Heart wiggled his eyebrows in play.

Heart stood up, fished around in his pants for his phone, opened it up, typed something out and a minute later the phone beeped. He turned the phone around.

"Heading to the airport now for my flight. Miss you and love you, have a great time with Tee's grandma."

"Already on the road, love you too, hope your trip is better than mine, I am carsick and ready to force Tee to stop so we can pick me up some leum kleun."

Saint chuckled.

"Alright, you win. Hurry up and mount me then. The door is locked and we have no chance of an unwanted guest. I don't plan on letting you leave yet."

Heart climbed on top of him and sat down on his nice pants, his cock wobbling and dripping his cum atop him.

"Are you sure this is what you wanted?"

"You don't have any extra clothes here to change into and don't we have to go to the airport after this?"

Saint grinned.

"I have what I need," He stated then thrust his hard length into Heart's bottom as it stood straight up. Heart groaned as the covered length poked him. Heart pulled back up but before he could he was plunged back down.

Saint couldn't handle it anymore, unzipped his zipper, pulled out his length, and held it straight up as Heart came down on him hard.

Saint felt the tip of his length thrust inside Heart the raw skin gliding against his insides. Heart yelped, gasping in pain.

Saint instantly regretted his hasty decision.

"I'm sorry Heart," He pulled his cock back and Heart shuddered a moment. "One second," Saint said.

Saint reached up collecting a puddle of Heart's cum across the front of his vest and then rubbed it all around his cock, before reaching up grabbing a bit more and taking his fingertip and poking it inside Heart. Heart moaned, shuddering, and pressed back onto his finger. Saint's whole finger slid inside, and Heart's mouth corner perked up into a smile.

"I'll make you feel good," Saint promised. Then removed his finger swiftly and shoved his length in nice and slow. His tip entered inside Heart and instead of thrusting upwards he grabbed Heart by both shoulders and shoved him down on his length.

Heart let out a loud gasping moan. Saint smiled but leaned forward and took Heart's nipple back into his mouth sucking and nibbling on it hungrily never stopping until Heart shoved down himself, rocking atop him with desire.

Saint pulled away for a moment, letting the cool air rush in and tease Heart's nipples.

"What do you want next?" He asked Heart.

Heart moaned, shaking his head back and forth. "Ah, nothing, everything, move, don't move. I can't take this anymore, I think my body is going to fall apart." He cried out his face scrunching up with desire.

Saint smiled at his helplessness.

"God I feel like a mess." Heart moaned.

Saint chuckled.

"No you look beautiful." He replied huskily then thrust up into Heart going slow but not stopping this time. 

Heart flushed at the compliment. 

Saint thrust repeatedly bouncing Heart up and down on top of him, making sure to be careful. He was aware that this was one of the positions where he could go in too deep to fast if he were not careful.

After a few minutes, Heart started rocking on top of him, meeting him thrust for thrust.

Saint groaned, then smiled and rolled him over to the side and pulled him down onto the edge of the couch so that he was thrown over it doggy style, his stomach leaning over the front of the couch all without ever leaving inside him.

Heart gasped and moaned.

"Saint... I need to be able to sit on the plane." He whined.

Saint smiled, and thrust inside, only slowing a little before slamming into him all the way while straddling him nicely from behind.

Saint gasped and thrust his hand automatically reaching out for Heart's head, his fingers fell into the silky hair and pressing down with need. Heart sped up matching Saint's need and they fucked harder as he pushed deeper and deeper inside of him, thrusting for that ultimate high and release. Saint wrapped his hand around Heart's member and stroked. He heard Heart's breath catch and the most erotic moan he had ever heard escaped from his lips.

Saint sped up slowly until they were rocking together in sync with their movements. He fell forward with the build-up of his climax, feeling ready to burst, His head landed right beside Heart's and he moaned huskily in his ear.

"I need to cum." He told Heart, Heart nodded unable to say a word. He sped up and the two of them moved in perfect harmony, silent except for moans of pleasure as the heat grew to be too much. Saint moving faster and faster.

Saint's body screamed in ecstasy with his final thrusts inside Heart, each cool down thrust followed by moan after moan. He clutched to Heart's back as he convulsed with the release. Heart gasped and Saint felt him release inside his hand. They gasped together neither of them having the energy to say anything at that moment.

After a minute Saint collapsed on top of Heart softly, making sure that it was without any of his real weight so that he wouldn't crush and hurt Heart.

He smiled and ran his fingers from his non sticky cum filled hand through his hair pulling it backward.

Saint grabbed Heart's chin with his clean hand, pulled his mouth towards him, and kissed him softly and with none of the fervor he had attacked him with earlier. Just pure happiness and desire to have him still skin to skin, body to body, touching each other, bonding together after such an intimate act.

He pulled away from the kiss to see Heart looking at him with amazement in his eyes, like he was so full of emotions right now it was exuding out of him. He smiled back at Saint, then turned his lips to nibble on Saint's earlobe softly.

Saint growled.

"You little demon of a tease."

"Don't move, love.." Saint said.

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