Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 95 - ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

Hey guys, so I know that I had originally said that I wanted to keep the novels together earlier on in the year. But a lot has happened in the past few weeks that has made me realize keeping the novels together is a bad move for me as an artist and creator. If I keep the novels together then Webnovel will own all the novels in this series except book five and I realized that this is not something I would like as an artist anymore. This novel series is my baby and love, and is actually a better fit for another website. So my plan of putting Book Two on Book One and Book Three and Four together won't continue any longer. Instead I will be breaking them apart starting here.

Now you may be wondering why I can't just publish them together then separate them for my own purposes, say when I print the books for my own collection. You might be like but Kat this is convenient, I know there is two books here, you know there is two books here, so it's fine, why does anything at all have to change? Well there is a reason I can't do that.

Webnovel has a lot of restrictions on their books that I was not aware of when I first signed.

I was told that we got more editing options when we signed a contract. Not Less. 

For example once I post a chapter, I cannot delete more than one hundred words, without asking for permission from an editor. I cannot delete a chapter if I decide Hey I don't like this anymore actually, and I am going to add in a bunch of new episodes that mean I need to change this thing happening here, because it doesn't fit the story anymore. So here is where the problem lies.

If I add Book Two here I cannot delete it, change it, or manipulate my work in my own way at all, even though it is my work, and once it's published they own the rights to it. So I would even without signing a contract with them be giving them a whole book for free and I don't want to do that.

So, in wrap up. I am not telling you this so you feel bad, or sorry. But as a little explanation why I can't add the second book to Tie Him To Me, or why I cannot add How Much Love to If It's Your Touch. So I know I was in the middle of telling some really important stuff on the books, but I am going to have to ask for your patience with me as I split them up and make the transitions to have everything separated again. I really am not happy with doing it after smushing them together... but it is what it is.Once the last chapter I have on ringtone occur it will just continue from HighMark's perspective from here on out.

Once these novels are completed on this site I will probably be moving.

Tie Him To Me (Almost done book One probably end of September will be done with the updating daily and will do side stories about side characters to make the rest of the MGS up)

If It's Your Touch (Will probably stop updating when I reach 120K needed for the contest. Split the book in two and put the rest on another website.)

Lines Crossed. (Gotta get back to this one it was on pause because of the heavy workload of the other two. Probably will finish this one around end of December mid Jan)

I will probably not be continuing to update on Webnovel daily, but will still host novels here. Maybe short stories, but nothing will be exclusively here, so nothing will be locked on anything else here anymore and I highly recommend you coming to the other site if you want to read the updates quicker. I will update here, but probably after updating my website and where ever I move my novels too instead. So You will find me those places.

Novels I will continue updating on Webnovel but probably at a slower pace as I will be updating frequently to where ever I move too. These novels that tie into this novel series are.

Tied To Each Other (Book 2 *Conclusion of the full series)

How Much We Love (Book 4)

Hold My Hands Forever (Book 5)

The Limit Does Not Exist (Book 2 for YPME currently on hiatus till Jan 12th 2021 when contract expires)

Novels I will continue off the site that are not related to this series.

Creatures of Our Minds

Welcome To The Night Circus

The Stars That Were Ours

So my friend told me I was oversharing, so I deleted half of what was here before. But due to the restrictions I was talking about I have to double the content to match the word count I had here before. So ignore the below, it's the exact same.

Hey guys, so I know that I had originally said that I wanted to keep the novels together earlier on in the year. But a lot has happened in the past few weeks that has made me realize keeping the novels together is a bad move for me as an artist and creator. If I keep the novels together then Webnovel will own all the novels in this series except book five and I realized that this is not something I would like as an artist anymore. This novel series is my baby and love, and is actually a better fit for another website. So my plan of putting Book Two on Book One and Book Three and Four together won't continue any longer. Instead I will be breaking them apart starting here.

Now you may be wondering why I can't just publish them together then separate them for my own purposes, say when I print the books for my own collection. You might be like but Kat this is convenient, I know there is two books here, you know there is two books here, so it's fine, why does anything at all have to change? Well there is a reason I can't do that.

Webnovel has a lot of restrictions on their books that I was not aware of when I first signed.

I was told that we got more editing options when we signed a contract. Not Less. 

For example once I post a chapter, I cannot delete more than one hundred words, without asking for permission from an editor. I cannot delete a chapter if I decide Hey I don't like this anymore actually, and I am going to add in a bunch of new episodes that mean I need to change this thing happening here, because it doesn't fit the story anymore. So here is where the problem lies.

If I add Book Two here I cannot delete it, change it, or manipulate my work in my own way at all, even though it is my work, and once it's published they own the rights to it. So I would even without signing a contract with them be giving them a whole book for free and I don't want to do that.

So, in wrap up. I am not telling you this so you feel bad, or sorry. But as a little explanation why I can't add the second book to Tie Him To Me, or why I cannot add How Much Love to If It's Your Touch. So I know I was in the middle of telling some really important stuff on the books, but I am going to have to ask for your patience with me as I split them up and make the transitions to have everything separated again. I really am not happy with doing it after smushing them together... but it is what it is.Once the last chapter I have on ringtone occur it will just continue from HighMark's perspective from here on out.

Once these novels are completed on this site I will probably be moving.

Tie Him To Me (Almost done book One probably end of September will be done with the updating daily and will do side stories about side characters to make the rest of the MGS up)

If It's Your Touch (Will probably stop updating when I reach 120K needed for the contest. Split the book in two and put the rest on another website.)

Lines Crossed. (Gotta get back to this one it was on pause because of the heavy workload of the other two. Probably will finish this one around end of December mid Jan)

I will probably not be continuing to update on Webnovel daily, but will still host novels here. Maybe short stories, but nothing will be exclusively here, so nothing will be locked on anything else here anymore and I highly recommend you coming to the other site if you want to read the updates quicker. I will update here, but probably after updating my website and where ever I move my novels too instead. So You will find me those places.

Novels I will continue updating on Webnovel but probably at a slower pace as I will be updating frequently to where ever I move too. These novels that tie into this novel series are.

Tied To Each Other (Book 2 *Conclusion of the full series)

How Much We Love (Book 4)

Hold My Hands Forever (Book 5)

The Limit Does Not Exist (Book 2 for YPME currently on hiatus till Jan 12th 2021 when contract expires)

Novels I will continue off the site that are not related to this series.

Creatures of Our Minds

Welcome To The Night Circus

The Stars That Were Ours

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