Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3035: Distressed

"Distressed." He whispered, so depressed recently that he has lost a lot of words.

She was so distressed that she didn't even dare to hug her too hard, afraid that if she missed her hand, it seemed that something would go wrong.

She was afraid of not holding her tightly, and when she opened her eyes here, she was gone again.

Su Mi stood on her toes and bit his lips with a slight or heavy bite, so that he could feel that she was truly awake and there was a real existence.

Chu Zhuohang turned away from the guest, rubbed her thin lips on her red lips, kissed her, pushed her to the door, and pressed her against the door.


When Xiao Chen went home, he was not very happy.

Since Su Mi did not wake up after giving birth to the child, his emotions were not so high.

Chu Zhuohang's mood is also the same, so the father and son are basically the same depressed.

He lowered his head, carried his schoolbag, and frowned slightly, and walked towards the hall.

The driver who received him, followed him in a few steps: "Little master, do you want to go to the park to play?"

The driver was recently transferred to pick up Xiao Zhan. He was from Xiao Zhan, so his temperament was a bit like Xiao Zhan. He was particularly outgoing and cheerful. The original intention of Chu Zhuohang's arrangement was to make Xiao Zhan adjust his mood as soon as possible.

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"I know that there is a toy store. Recently, a lot of new and popular Transformers have been added. It is very good. It is almost a crowd of customers. I specifically asked the boss to save it for you..."

Xiao Chen still shook his head.

No matter what the driver said, Xiao Chen still kept his head down and gloomy.

In these places, he wanted to go with Su Mi. What would be the point if Su Mi was not with him?

The driver also had his head scratched, and he could only think of these ways to please the young master, and he couldn't think of any more.

It was a failure for him to be a driver. After coming to work with the young master, he has not thought of a good way to make the young master happy.

Does this mean... I can't keep my job?

He was crying and didn't know what the little ancestor wanted to do.

He also consulted many people, and everyone else in the Chu Family Manor also shook their heads, saying that they didn't know how to make the young master happy.

Alas... Is it true that after taking this month's salary, he is going to leave?

The driver scratched his head and couldn't think of a good way, so he could only watch Xiao Chen walk into the house.

Xiao Chen Yan'er went upstairs, the first thing was to see his brother.

His feelings for his younger brother are particularly complicated.

He liked this younger brother very much at first, and he welcomed his arrival with expectation and love.

However, the arrival of his younger brother had caused Su Mi to leave him for a long time. Xiao Chen didn't want anyone to replace Su Mi's position, let alone Su Mi to do anything.

Therefore, for a long period of time, he rejected this big **** kid. If it weren't for him, Su Mi wouldn't have an accident.

However, Dadbi said again that this child is very important to Su Mi.

She loves him very much, just as she loves herself very much. Xiao Chen couldn't bear to let down Su Mi's feelings, so she reluctantly agreed to love this little guy.

He walked slowly towards the nursery.

Chu Zhuohang just kissed Su Mi passionately, but Su Mi, who had just woke up, obviously couldn't bear the excessive consumption, and was almost fainted by the kiss.

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