Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3036: Like him very much

Chu Zhuohang returned to the room to rest with Su Mi in his arms. He was so worried and blamed himself. He knew that she was not energetic right now, and he was still so self-willed.

Putting her on the bed, Chu Zhuohang wanted her to rest for a while, but was reluctant to let her go to sleep. She had slept too much before and couldn't wake up.

She is finally waking up now, why is he willing to let her go to sleep again? He is also afraid that unexpected things will happen.

"You lie down for a while, and I will sit here with you."

"I don't need to lie down." Su Mi laughed softly.

"You almost passed out just now."

Su Mi blushed embarrassedly. How strong she was before, she didn't need to pant for singing at a concert. She didn't expect to be weak now.

Isn’t it a sequelae after losing weight?

Chu Zhuohang was with her, and she did not refuse.

After a while, Su Mi said softly: "I don't worry about my son being there alone. Shall we bring him over?"

"it is good."

"Also, where are we Chen Bao?" Su Mi wanted to ask about Xiao Chen's situation before, but she was interrupted by other things and was able to ask this sentence only now.

"Chen Bao is at school, he is fine."

Su Mi nodded in satisfaction and smiled.

Her two sons are very good, so good.


When Xiao Chen walked into the baby's room, he saw his younger brother playing by himself, with a smile on his fleshy face, he hadn't grown teeth yet, and he habitually drooled.

"It's ugly." Xiao Chen looked at it for a while and came to a conclusion.

The younger brother was still smiling, as if he had heard some compliment.

Xiao Chen was going to visit Su Mi. This was his daily schedule. However, he stayed with his younger brother for a while and whispered, "You are very happy. What if Mi Mi has something to do?"

If he can, he would rather not have this brother.

What is good about having a younger brother.

He stretched out his finger to poke the chubby face.

The younger brother reached out and grabbed his fingers, and sent it to his mouth, as if holding something delicious.

Xiao Chen smiled, but after all, his smile only disappeared in a flash.

When Chu Zhuohang came in, he saw Xiao Chen withdraw his finger from his brother. He saw Chu Zhuohang and said with disgust, "He spit on my hand."

Chu Zhuohang handed him a wet tissue.

Xiao Chen wiped it clean carefully and said, "I don't know if Mi Mi will like him."

"Mi Mi likes him very much. Mi Mi is also very concerned about you."

"How do you know?" Xiao Chen said casually, completely unconcerned, Mi Mi did not wake up, Chu Zhuohang said these things, he was completely used to hearing, so he was calm.

"Because Mi Mi said it herself."

"Huh?" Xiao Chen raised his eyes to look at Chu Zhuohang.

Chu Zhuohang patted his head: "If you don't believe me, go and ask her."

Xiao Chen seemed to have sensed something abruptly. He brushed off his schoolbag and ran towards the master bedroom.

Tears fell as he ran, and when he opened the door of the master bedroom, his footsteps slowed down instead.

Near nostalgia.

I am afraid that what I see is not what I imagined, and I am afraid that my expectations will be lost.

His hand hesitated for a moment, and then he opened the door, searching around, afraid that everything he saw would be empty.

However, with just a glance, he saw the figure sitting on the sofa. The familiar and beautiful one was his mimi!

Xiao Chen was stunned, letting tears flow down in disbelief.

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