"I'd better hurry back! Those goods are still piled up next to the stall, and it's likely to rain."

Chu Ning said, getting up and leaving.

"Didn't you go back now to make me worry? I haven't seen that father lay such a heavy hand on his children. Maybe they haven't left yet."

Yang Lele grabbed Chu Ning's hand, "just stay here quietly for a night. Your injuries haven't been covered yet. What are you anxious to do? I've asked someone to transfer your goods. Your mother just wants money. They shouldn't do anything to your goods."

Chu Ning's white wrist could clearly see a bruise pinched out, which made Yang Lele very distressed. "If I had found it earlier, I would never have hurt you! They were too heavy!"

Chu Ning smiled with relief. "In fact, it's OK. After getting used to it, the skin is not so sensitive. That's how they are. In fact, Chu LAN has been beaten a lot."

"At this time, you have to break your teeth, swallow in your stomach and help them talk? I've seen several times that they ask you for money uncontrollably. You've had enough difficulty to set up a stall. Do you really have to squeeze your living expenses out of your teeth to give them?"

Yang Lele's tone is wrapped with a lot of injustice and resentment, as if he were being treated unfairly.

"If I have money, if money can change the relationship between me and them, it's not bad. Sometimes I even feel that even if I cut off the relationship according to my father's words, it may not be so sad."

With a cartoon ceramic cup carefully turned in her hand, Chu Ning looked at the robot cat on it, and she couldn't help feeling sad.

Being a person, although a person, must deal with the original relationship. It is really not an easy thing to get rid of or improve a relationship.

She wanted to get rid of it, but she was dragged by a great sense of responsibility and debt, which made it difficult for her to make up her mind.

"Anyway, you stay with me today. I won't tolerate letting you go back alone! If you do, I'll really be your friend in vain."

The warmth conveyed by Yang Lele's palm is very real. It seems that she goes up along the blood and reaches Chu Ning's heart. She has maintained her strength for a long time, and now she is not so rigid, as soft as the heat in the teacup.

"Thank you." when she smiled, her eyes seemed to twinkle and wet like a deer just landing. One accidentally stepped on his own placenta and slipped.

"Well, I don't want to listen to polite words for the second time. You really like to say thank you. I tell you, Ning Ning, there is no problem of numbness or trouble when friends help each other. Just ask, if you were me today, wouldn't you do that? It must be better than what I did."

Yang Lele put out his hand and flicked Chu Ning's forehead with serious eyes. "Stay here. I'll help you burn some hot water. Don't go tonight."

When Yang Lele went out, the curtain suffered a huge impact, floating and colliding, making a pleasant sound like a wind bell.

Chu Ning covered her forehead with her right hand. There was no pain. It was just a subconscious action. Instead, something came up from the bottom of her heart, which made her unconsciously smile at the corners of her mouth.

Yang Lele's room is still as warm as before. Although the pink in her eyes doesn't match the heroic and free and easy she used to show outside, Chu Ning knows that this is the most real side of Yang Lele: cute and quite girlish.

"Ning Ning, I just cooked some spare ribs soup. You hurry down and drink it. It's cold. You're too hard. Lele told me something about you. Don't have a psychological burden. Stay here all night today. If you need any help, you can tell me."

When Yang's mother arrived at the door of the room, there was almost no movement, for fear of disturbing Chu Ning.

She smiled gently and approachably. "As I said before, you are Lele's friend. In my eyes, you are like another daughter. In short, don't be shy and take this place as your home. Hurry up. If you come down late, I can't guarantee that a bowl of meat won't be eaten by Lele's greedy cat."

"OK! Mom! I hit you right? It's really eccentric. I'm going to grab that bowl of meat now!"

Yang Lele, who came from the bathroom, looked jealous and coquettish. After saying this, he rushed downstairs as fast as he could.

"The child!"

Yang's mother turned a white eye at her daughter angrily, then pulled up Chu Ning and reminded her, "I can't run you. It's too late to start now. Lele doesn't take the guests seriously. Hurry up, Ning Ning!"

Yang's mother pulled her all the way to the table, but Yang Lele personally brought a bowl of soup to Chu Ning, "NAH! I'm not as stingy as my mother. It's also called meat?"

Then he scooped some more from the bowl in front of him to Chu Ning, "eat more, you see how thin you are! Weak Liu Fufeng!"

Yang's mother looked at the two girls' concern for each other. She couldn't help laughing next to them and let them laugh and play treasure there.

It has to be said that such a warm scene, if changed in Chu Ning's own home, is absolutely unimaginable. As long as there is no quarrel, it is the greatest happiness.

She envies the relationship between Yang Lele and her mother, as well as such a simple but not simple dinner. She and Chu LAN are laughing, while her mother and father are gentle and happy.

This is completely whimsical!

Chu Ning took a big mouthful of soup with a bowl in her hand. She just wanted to fill the uneven gully in her heart with this thick depression. Although she was dissatisfied, she felt happy for a short time.

"Ning Ning, haven't Jiang Yunxian contacted you since then? I asked Yimin, but I didn't ask why. I only know that he went to Korea. I said, is there any misunderstanding between you? He shouldn't be such a careful and manipulative person?"

Lying in bed at night, Yang Lele couldn't help asking questions. She really didn't expect that Chu Ning, who was so bright at the beginning, would be forced to set up a stall. She just fell down from a high place and was seriously injured.

For a long time, Chu Ning didn't wait for her answer. She was filled with thoughts. Even the moonlight outside the window couldn't calm her.

The excessive silence made Chu Ning feel strange.

"It doesn't matter what he looks like now. I will live and earn money well. In short, it won't have any impact."

"But how do you live and earn money now? Do you set up a stall? I don't think this is a long-term plan."

Yang Lele tilted her head, the light just slanted on her face, and her eyelashes were brushed with a thick layer.

"Otherwise, I still have some savings here. It's better for you to take it first, get through this period of time, or open your own clothing studio than standing in the cold wind every day."

Seeing Yang Lele run out of bed, he brought a wallet and stuffed it into Chu Ning's hand, "that's all the cash now. I'll go to the bank tomorrow!"

"Are you crazy? This is your own money and should be kept well. Moreover, you have lent me 100000 yuan. I can't go on like this. I must make money quickly. In fact, if there is no farce from my parents today, I can still earn some income."

"I think you're crazy! If you don't even want the help of your friends, when do you want to suffer? Don't blame me. It's not a good thing to be too strong. I think you're one track minded. Why doesn't it make sense?"

Yang Lele held his arm and began to sulk, even his nose twitched.

Chu Ning sat beside her, stunned and embarrassed. After a long time, she held Yang Lele's left hand in a gentle voice.

"Lele, I know what you mean. Of course, I also understand that you are for my good, but you must also understand that it is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. Let me try it myself. If I really can't, it's not too late to help me again! You know? I can add a lot of courage just by thinking that I have a best friend behind me."


Yang Lele looked at Chu Ning suspiciously. After looking at her seriously, he finally breathed out, "if you have to be like this, of course I can't take you. You know, I always have no way to take you! Who makes you smart and pleasant?"

"Just remember what you said. You really need to come to me when you need it, or it's no use asking me to be a friend, isn't it?"

"I know! You're the best!"

Yang Lele rubbed Chu Ning's head with his head. "Just know, go to bed!"

It was a peaceful night. Chu Ning didn't have insomnia as usual. She slept safely and without burden.

The only strange thing is that there is Jiang Yunxian in the dream. He is still sincere. Chu Ning is slightly uncomfortable when he wakes up.

After saying goodbye to Yang Lele's family, Chu Ning took back her clothes and set up a stall that night. However, she continued to move her position and reach a further place. Because of the previous two recognized experiences, Chu Ning disguised herself more and changed places frequently, but at least she had a stable income.

Although she finished work very late every night, Chu Ning didn't feel too tired. She was looking forward to saving more money quickly, so that she didn't have to continue wandering outside and don't let Yang Lele worry. Of course, the most important thing was that she didn't return the arrears. She always didn't want to owe others. This time, she had to.

Half a month later, Chu Ning has many repeat customers, but now she avoids chatting with guests and doesn't want to cause some unnecessary trouble. Even so, she is still very popular in front of the students.

Even humorous students nicknamed Chu Ning "fashion beauty with little words".

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