Although the nickname made Chu Ning feel a little tacky, she was inexplicably happy.

"Little sister, your clothes are so beautiful that you want Sheng Sheng to empty my wallet! Can't you give me more discount? I'm very poor. It's hard to get a little out of my pocket money, and I have a part-time job myself! You're so beautiful and I should be very gentle! I'll bring more friends to you next time."

In the face of the coquettish bargaining style of little girls, Chu Ning has no way to resist and often sells at a low price.

Although this may make a little less money, even Chu Ning feels as if she is going back to her student days when dealing with these vibrant, lively and lovely students every day.

Despite the first two accidents, Chu Ning still believed that the world should exchange sincerity for sincerity. She didn't dislike the work so much at first. Even those shallow smiles without too much meaning could bring her a trace of warmth.

"Little sister, you also sell me one! See what style I care about? What I imagine is to be lively, not childish, not only enthusiastic, but also young. It's best to have a cold temperament that strangers don't enter..."

Yang Lele didn't know where to drill out and deliberately came up to Chu Ning to amuse her.

"I say, only you can be so picky and fussy!"

"Little sister, I'm not looking for anything. I really want to buy clothes. Everyone says there's a fashion beauty here who doesn't talk much. I want to come and see the real face!"

Yang Lele's voice was deliberately subtle and sweet. It was obvious that Chu Ning couldn't help getting goose bumps by imitating the girl before.

"Even you want to make fun of me? This nickname is really shameful, okay?" Chu Ning was angry and covered Yang Lele's mouth.

"I'm not ashamed, but there's something to match, that is... The word Xi Shi is really used too much. It can be changed into anything else in the four beauties."

When Yang Lele tilted her head, Chu Ning knew she was going to have a ghost idea.

"So... How about the fashion Diao Chan who doesn't talk much? It happens that you come out to set up a stall at night, and you don't see the moon recently. Well, that must be the reason!"

"Well, go on, I'm going to die of shame and anger!" Chu Ning angrily pushed Yang Lele aside to warn, "don't make any more noise! Otherwise I'll be angry." Chu Ning's face has turned red, which is very obvious.

"OK, OK, I won't make trouble. Let me help you? Anyway, I have nothing to do today. Tomorrow is Saturday. Although my sense of fashion is better than a few fashion beauties, I'm still a little confident..."

Yang Lele's funny style of not listening to advice makes Chu Ning have no way to deal with it. She can only blow her beard and stare angrily. However, when she wants to raise her hand to pretend to teach Yang Lele a lesson, she easily escapes.

"Hey, girl, do you want to buy clothes? They are all the latest models. You have such a good figure that you can wear the essence of this dress, which is even better than the model."

In order to protect herself, Yang Lele quickly entered the role and became busy and warmly solicited customers. In this way, Chu Ning had no chance to avenge being teased. She had to look at her bitterly and join the ranks.

With the concerted efforts of the two people, this evening attracted far more customers than other times.

As Yang Lele counted the money, he boasted proudly, "you see! Lemon, when selling things, you still have to say more. It's not good to be too high and cold. More customers are attracted by yourself."

"Oh, and don't be too talkative. You are doing business, not charity. People who can afford your price will not be short of money. Children who are short of money will choose other clothes by themselves. You are simply too gentle."

Putting the money into Chu Ning's bag, Yang Lele sighed gently, "it's not as easy as expected to set up a stall. I'll come with you when I have time later. You're too hard alone."

She peeked at Chu Ning, then moved the atmosphere to a relaxed level and smiled lovably, "in fact, in addition to wanting to accompany you, I also want to experience the feeling of being called fashion Xi Shi, ha ha..."

"Look, I won't tear your mouth! You haven't stopped using this stem and mocking me all night!"

Chu Ning throws down a piece of clothes being folded in her hand and rushes over to make a gesture to hit Yang Lele. Yang Lele is stubborn and completely does not hide. Instead, she deliberately makes faces to annoy Chu Ning.

"Hey! It's you who don't talk much about fashion beauty! I didn't expect that those students can really joke. They can become beauty even if they are a little beautiful? I think they are blind? Chu Ning, how did you fall to this point? I heard you offended Jiang Yunxian? Is that God has eyes?"

Just when Chu Ning and Yang Lele tangled up and joked, Gong Qingtian suddenly appeared.

The uninvited guest was dressed in extraordinary clothes and made up appropriately. It was still the way she deliberately raised her head and raised her chest and completely exposed her neck. On her right hand was Fang Yuhao in a suit. The tie was just matched with the color of her skirt. Passers-by knew it was a couple at a glance.

"Hey, Gong Qingtian, what's your fart? What is God's eye? This is an accident. Our family's Ningling was killed. Even if she set up a stall to sell clothes, she is more capable than you. What qualifications do you, a parasite who lives on men, have to ridicule people here?"

When Chu Ning was surprised, Yang Lele rushed to Gong Qingtian and began to confront her.

At this time, Fang Yuhao conveniently hugged Gong Qingtian into his arms. His tone was complaining and disgusted. His narrow eyes almost looked at Yang Lele in white. Later, he looked at Chu Ning disdainfully.

"Sure enough, you are really good friends! Look what clothes you sell. Such poor quality will deceive students who have no money. Who will buy them?"

With Fang Yuhao's words, the two girls who were watching clothes next to him felt bored, or they felt ashamed, threw down their clothes and turned around and left.

"What's the matter? Don't buy it again in the future. I didn't expect to be said so..."

"Hey, don't listen to people talking nonsense. This person is just a shit stirring stick. He can't see others well and only speaks ill of others!" Yang Lele turned to the front to stop the two girls and wanted to persuade them to go back.

But the two girls glanced at Fang Yuhao and walked away with anger.

"Fang Yuhao, do you think you are good? These are students. It's good that most of them don't have money. How rich were you when you were a student? I deal with these students every day. Many of them are not wasting their parents' money, but also earn money part-time. Although they can't afford expensive brand-name clothes in a short time, it's because they still have money Without a job, you are looking at people through the crack of the door! "

Chu Ning looked at the two girls who had gone away. She felt guilty, so she had to vent her anger on Fang Yuhao, the initiator.

She rushed over and said, "you should also think about it. How many of them were more progressive than you when you were a student? I remember that even when you finally graduated and started a business, your mother helped you get the money? To annoy people with such words, do you ignore other people's feelings?"

"Take care of your feelings?"

Fang Yuhao's lips are slightly pointed, and the two sides are unbalanced because of the range. "You still haven't changed at all! Chu Ning, would you please see what you look like when your virgin heart is overflowing? The chief designer of Huangtian is now setting up a stall to sell clothes near the University City. The news is really touching!"

"Yes! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I could still think I heard wrong. When there were rumors a few days ago, I laughed at those people's nonsense. It turned out that I misunderstood. I thought that you could be a waiter in the restaurant after you were out of heaven. Can you make money by setting up a stall now?"

Gong Qingtian agreed with him. His eyes were almost completely occupied by white, and the radian of the corner of his mouth was one of Fang Yuhao's.

She carefully twisted up a skirt with her hands and began to shake her head.

"Tut tut Tut, are you willing to sell these clothes? How poor are you to earn such black money? I think this cloth will get skin diseases? Moreover, the color is so old, it may be second-hand. Chu Ning, Chu Ning, what's your conscience? I'm really sorry for the students who sent the money to you. Even if you give it to me for nothing, or pour it out Give me money and I won't want it! "

"Gong Qingtian, don't falsely accuse people! What is cruel money? The purchase of Ning Ning is a formal channel, and there is a quality inspection certificate from the security department. Will you go through your brain before you speak? Or your brain is rusty and needs to be stimulated and renovated?"

This time, before Yang Lele rushed over, he was pushed away by Fang Yuhao and almost hit the nearby column. Fortunately, Chu Ning held him in time.

She was so angry that she pointed to Fang Yuhao's nose and scolded: "are you a man? It's ridiculous to push and shove like this. I'm not afraid of losing face. I'll lose face for you! It's OK to bully Chu Ning in the past. Now I have to find fault again. You're too busy all day to find a sense of existence?"

"Shame? Look at you first. Who is more ashamed? Don't you have a little self-knowledge?"

Gong Qingtian was still rebellious. He stretched out his hand to stop Yang Lele's index finger from giving directions, and then looked at Fang Yuhao coquettishly.

"I really feel strange. How did your mother like her at the beginning? Hey, it's really unpromising. Even if you meet such a good boss as Jiang Yunxian, you're still a half hearted ah Dou who can't help you."

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