"Have you seen a dream of Red Mansions? There's an official talisman saying that I'm Xue pan in this street. Everyone gives a little concession when I see it. Just the two girls, don't have eyes or what? No wonder it will offend people!"

"Poof... Xue pan..."

Yang Lele couldn't help laughing. "I've seen hooligans pretend to be literate, but I haven't seen hooligans scold themselves so..."

"What are you laughing at? Don't think you're a saint after reading some books. You're a scholar for nothing! As long as you have power and power in this society, you're the boss!"

A man with the appearance of a little brother rushed over and grabbed Yang Lele's hair. His face was fierce, but Yang Lele stepped on it.

"Boss! This man is so annoying!"

Facing the grievances on his face, the "boss" with a gold chain slightly twisted his head, seemed to be moving his muscles and bones, then rubbed his hands and walked straight towards Chu Ning, completely in a posture of pulling people out of the skin this year.

"Girl, as I said last time, we are civilized people. We can discuss things. Now, as long as you take out some of your savings for our brothers to maintain law and order, we will not come to you again."

"As I said, I have no money! Even if I have, I won't give it to you! Dream!"

Seeing a group of people waving sticks and other things approaching, Yang Lele quickly blocked Chu Ning's front to defend the position, "if you get closer, I'll call the police immediately!"

After listening to Yang Lele's words, several men stopped, but suddenly burst into the same laughter.

"Call the police? Are you cutting yourself off?"

The "boss" took a closer look at Chu Ning. He seemed to walk leisurely around the stall and touch a dress at will.

"You think I don't know. You don't have any certificates. You don't know where these clothes come from. Who will be hurt if you call the police? Anyway, I don't mind at all. Where to drink tea is to drink tea, and we don't have to be invited to drink tea!"

Yang Lele trembled with anger. "You are a group of robbers!"

The man looked at Yang Lele indifferently, smiled and nodded, "you're right. Since we are called robbers, we should also do something in line with our identity, shouldn't we?"


The little brothers' voices were almost deafening, which surprised Chu Ning.

"Three, two... One, have fun! Enjoy the fun of role playing and don't waste the nickname given by the girl herself!"

So with the boss's order, everyone rushed to the stall and overturned everything, smashing everything that could be smashed and ravaging everything that could be ravaged. However, in a minute or two, the ground became a mess, and Chu Ning's stall had no original appearance at all.

"Hey! I'll let you fix her. Why are you so perfunctory?"

When a group of people came to the entrance of an alley, Gong Qingtian stopped them with an unwilling face, "when my money was given in vain? Even hooligans should be honest, shouldn't they? No wonder they can only collect protection fees here!"

"What are you talking about? Smelly woman! What do you want us to do with so little money? Although we are not afraid of the police, there is no need to cause trouble for ourselves. How noble do you think you are?"

"Bah! That's to say! If you want to be beautiful, if you want to be tall, if you want to be tall, you'll look like you're pulling up to heaven..."

The rash and too much in haste, the children began to make complaints about the pattern of Tucao.

After being ridiculed by the bad young people, Gong Qingtian was filled with resentment and had to stand in place and stamp his feet.

Fang Yuhao was injured by a spray from his eyes, and now he is still recovering from the car. The more he wants to get angry, the more he wants to rush over to hit Chu.

"I will never make Chu Ning feel better!" Gong Qingtian clenched his fist and swore.

The cold wind can easily penetrate into the bone. At night, as long as the skin is exposed outside, it is a way of self abuse.

Yang Lele and Chu Ning picked up the clothes on the ground while rubbing their hands. Although the stall was pushed to, it could still be repaired. They worked all night. When they finally cleaned up, there was still a lot of work to do.

Some of the clothes that fell on the ground and were trampled on could not be cleaned at all, while others were directly torn and damaged and could not be restored to the original state.

"Otherwise, don't set up a stall again. It's too dangerous and the income is too slow. Lemon, listen to my advice and I'm worried about you."

For safety reasons, Yang Lele directly accompanied Chu Ning to the rental house and comforted her again.

"It doesn't matter. I can't find any other way for the time being. If I stay a little longer a day, my income will be considerable."

After a long debate, there was no result. Yang Lele had to go with Chu Ning, but he would spend the evening with Chu Ning every day for the next half month.

However, Chu Ning's stall only lasted for the next half a month, because after that day, urban management would drive her every day, and it was a kind of targeted action. Even if there were many stall owners like Chu Ning, the urban management would only operate on her.

After a long time of hiding, Chu Ning had no time to slack off, and all her goods were confiscated by the urban management. Now she had no source of income. On this day, Yang Lele just didn't come because of the activities of the society.

When walking alone in the cold night, Chu Ning was very sad. For a year, it seemed that she had another flashy dream and woke up halfway.

Chu Ning silently wrapped the scarf that was blown to the side by the wind, and still felt the cold wind to the bone.

She didn't have to pack up her clothes or tidy up the stall. She found that she hadn't taken a serious look at the night for a long time, although she was completely in no mood now.

Memory is like a repeated slide, which is impacting Chu Ning's sober head. She feels that everything is so unreal. From divorce to working in Huangtian, and then to the current situation, it is as abrupt and tortuous as drama.

Feel his pocket, and there are only a few coins that were intended to take the bus. Chu Ning sighed heavily and planned to go back by herself.

That night, when Chu Ning was holding her pillow in a daze, her mobile phone rang twice.

When I picked it up, it was an anonymous text message.

"Chu Ning, I said I wouldn't let you live. Now I've done it. Congratulations! Congratulations, too. There's no need to set up a stall."

"What message is this! It must be the ghost of Gong Qingtian! They can't bully a weak woman without me for one day? Don't worry! I'll help you get justice!"

The next day, Yang Lele was very angry when he learned of the accident. On the one hand, he blamed himself for not being with Chu Ning that night, so he ran to Chu Ning early this morning. As a result, he found that there was no way to recover.

"It's all my fault! If I were here, I could help you resist for a while. It's a big deal to set up a stall further away, and I wouldn't take all the goods in."

Chu Ning pursed her lips and smiled with obvious loss and sadness.

"I can't blame you at all. You have helped me too much. Since Gong Qingtian is determined to make me unable to stay, he will take various measures to implement it."

"Then let's take revenge on them now! We can't lose money! Ning Ning!"

Then Yang Lele took out two thousand yuan from his bag, "I have a great idea!"

"The money..." Chu Ning looked at her in surprise and confused.

Yang Lele smiled cunningly and pointed Chu Ning's nose with his index finger. "You guessed right. It's Fang Yuhao's two thousand yuan. I know you won't want it, but I think the slag man's money should be used to squander. I was going to get his company's face to help you vent your anger. I've been having more classes recently. Today is just right!"

"But I'm not going to give it back to him like this. I must give him some color. Let's go and buy goods now!"

Chu Ning, who was suddenly pulled out by Yang Lele, couldn't figure out the situation. Before she got out of the doubt of the two thousand yuan, she was pulled into another mystery.

Chu didn't realize it until he went to the supermarket.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the road is not so cold. On the contrary, the rare sunny weather makes people feel less bad, but the passers-by hold their breath one by one. They are afraid to avoid seeing Chu Ning and Yang Lele. So far, several car rental drivers have been scared away.

"Hey, Lele, is this really effective?"

Chu Ning pinched her nose and asked, frowning a little exaggerated.

"You are like this yourself, so is it useful? Let's learn to revenge in a slightly civilized way. Aren't you worried that I'm too impulsive? It's not impulsive." Yang Lele put on five masks and stuffed several into Chu Ning's hands.

At twelve o'clock sharp, Fang Yuhao's company was at noon. The atmosphere was a little strange. Everyone couldn't help but stop when they stepped out of the door of the company.

"What smells so bad! It's going to smoke people to death!"

"Isn't it a public toilet nearby? I smelled it half an hour ago. It's terrible!"

"Is it the smell of stinky tofu? It seems... There are other flavors, such as garbage dump... Or cat stool?"

More and more people stayed at the door. Finally, someone who dared to explore and take risks found a pile of durian and stinky tofu in the corner on the right.

"To: Fang Yuhao and Gong Qingtian. Two thousand yuan really can't buy much! So don't give alms casually in the future. It's a complete waste! Have a good meal! I think these two things are especially suitable for you. Oh! Don't be angry. If you want to be angry, ask your boss to be angry. This is the result of his evil deeds. Polish your eyes, Don't work for the wicked. "

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