The big character newspaper on the wall attracted everyone's attention. For a moment, everyone began to play their wild horse, from love entanglement to mall revenge plan, and then to all kinds of imaginable possibilities.

"Have you finished reading that poster? It won't be the same thing as before. I've been here for two years. I don't stop every year! I'm probably the boss's ex-wife and an unyielding figure!"

Some employees with longer service years confidently opened the chatterbox, and the crowd exploded.

"What's the matter? I've only been here for two months. How come I've never heard of it?"

"Are you too careless? I've never heard aunt cleaning say it the next day here! There was a lot of trouble before. Unexpectedly, many employees left together at that time..."

"Is everything on that paper true?"

"True or false, who knows? If the salary is satisfactory, I don't think the boss has much impact on me..."

"But... Can't you say that?"

So the sensation caused by durian, stinky tofu and a big character newspaper of at least ten square meters began. Fang Yuhao's whole company was discussing this matter. In addition to the influence of smell, many people forgot to sleep and eat directly in order to inquire about the cause and effect of the matter.

About Fang Yuhao's divorce a year ago, and the existence of the embarrassing diary were turned over again. Some people saw Fang Yuhao arguing with Chu Ning at the gate of a university half a month ago.

"I saw the boss slapping two girls. Fortunately, one of them was bold. He and Gong Qingtian went to find fault for no reason. I bought the clothes at that stall several times and they were good. Although they were ground stalls, I have to say they matched well. They were good for normal leisure occasions." A female employee revealed such an experience that surprised everyone.

I don't want to hook up some people familiar with the matter.

"Don't you mean big a? I was there that day. I thought I saw the wrong person. It was really a feeling of bullying, but everyone didn't know what happened, and most of them were female students, so I didn't stop it. And I didn't want to help the two girls because I had two children and didn't have a conflict with others. Otherwise, I really wanted to help them. It seems that I heard about one of them One was the chief designer before Huangtian. What's his name? "

"That's right! Chu Ning is the boss's ex-wife! She was completely used as a substitute for Gong Qingtian for a year, and finally lost 300000 when she divorced! Tut tut......"

At this time, someone began to get excited. "You can't say that. You're not a party. How do you know what's going on? If the boss really has no problem, how can there be a storm of resignation at that time? The company can't go on."

In the two-sided discussion and confrontation, some cynical employees, after learning about it, followed their predecessors and resigned, and even publicly asked the company to give an appropriate response.

"You didn't notice such an obvious pile of things? Did I pay you to come to the company for free? You don't polish your eyes and doze off in the daytime? If there's another time, no, it's impossible. You'll deduct half of your salary this month!"

There was a pat of bodyguards standing in the office. They all held their breath and lowered their heads. Even if they were unhappy, no one said a word.

Fang Yuhao was extremely angry. His eyes were completely suppressed into an unnatural red. The glass in his hand was trembling, as if it would burst in the next second.

"I'll give you 20 minutes at most to clean up all the garbage! Don't smell at all! And if anyone talks behind my back again, don't blame me for being rude!"

When the bodyguards were unified, Gong Qingtian, who had been silent on the sofa, walked over and gently helped Fang Yuhao knead his shoulders. "You don't have to be angry about this thing. You know who did it at first sight, don't you? Chu Ning is not our opponent at all now. He doesn't let us say anything about the humiliating things he has done. It's really capricious."

"It's so annoying! Haven't you heard what everyone talks about? On a sunny day, I don't care. I'm just afraid that rumors will hurt you."

Fang Yuhao suddenly stood up and hugged Gong Qingtian tightly in his arms. "At least I hope to ensure your safety within my ability. You are the most harmless existence! Give me some time and I will make all the voices against you disappear!"

"Don't mess around. Now the employees are a little impetuous, and a group of people have left because of various rumors. Don't act rashly. I don't think Chu Ning will do more things."

"Sunny day..."

For the woman's comfort and tips, Fang Yuhao felt warm in his heart. He stared at Gong Qingtian's eyes for a long time. Unexpectedly, some glittering and translucent were shaking, "do you know how gentle you are? The more so, the more reluctant I am to let you get hurt."

The instrument mirror on the back wall shows Gong Qingtian's shallow smile, "if you say so, I feel very happy and embarrassed. It seems that I have been falsely praised..."

In fact, her soft tone was wrapped with a sense of deserved nobility and hatred that was not easy to catch.

Gong Qingtian's right hand seemed to rise slowly in response to Fang Yuhao's white shirt, but it was completely boxed. The already clearly visible meridians seemed more contoured at the moment. If Chu Ning was right in front of her, she would definitely be able to give her a critical blow.

Chu Ning, who finished the "bad thing", was led by Yang Lele all the way from the path. It lasted about half an hour. The two finally squatted panting in a corner and wiped the sweat on their foreheads.

"Ha ha! I can almost imagine Fang Yuhao's smelly face! It must be more angry than when he threw rotten eggs at him!" Yang Lele laughed up and couldn't stop.

"Will this be too..."

"Too what? Too harmless!"

Yang Lele hammered a wall with his hand, "I don't think it's enough! Think about the damage they have done to you. Such revenge is nothing but a little relief, isn't it?"

Chu Ning finally nodded. If she hadn't been encouraged by Yang Lele, it would be difficult for her to do such a thing. Although she was a little out of line with her old way of doing things, she really had some relief!

"It's Fang Yuhao!"

At this time, Chu Ning's mobile phone rang. Chu Ning was a little surprised, but her surprised expression immediately disappeared. After all, the traces left by durian strategy are too obvious. No wonder it will be found so easily.

Yang Lele was immediately alert and robbed the mobile phone. Before he could speak, Fang Yuhao was scolded.

"Listen, Chu Ning, I won't tolerate you again and again! It's so annoying. It's ridiculous for you to come to the company to do such a thing! You know my temper. If there's another time, I'll take measures!"

"Really? Why wait for the next time? It's better to do it this time. Do you think our family Ningling still wants to have any relationship with you? Don't be conceited. If you have seed, take measures now! I planned this thing, you sue me! I'll wait!"

Yang Lele laughed on his mobile phone and made a silent move to Chu Ning who wanted to stop him.

"But... I'm curious about what kind of measures you should take, whether to stab your pain or expose the truth. There should be only a few blind people. Do you want to bet? I heard that the camera at the door of your company is broken, and it doesn't matter?"

She said with a threatening cough, "I'm not afraid. Just a pile of durian and big character newspapers can't be a big crime. If you're willing to make a mountain out of a molehill, of course I'm willing to accompany you! I've been busy with my homework recently. I really want to relax..."

"Yang Lele! Don't push an inch! Let Chu Ning answer the phone! Is she nearby?" Fang Yuhao was obviously angry.

But this tone made Yang Lele feel excited about her success. She couldn't help laughing twice. As soon as she looked up, she continued to put her mobile phone close to her mouth and made a mockery, "Sorry, she doesn't want to see you. Don't call in the future. By the way, if you have time to call, you might as well take a good bath. I guess you should be full of stink now, hahaha..."

With Yang Lele's forthright laughter, the mobile phone was hung up, and Fang Yuhao jumped up from his seat. The glass finally didn't escape, and instantly fell to the ground and became transparent glass slag.

"Chu Ning..." there was blood between his fingers, and his face was twisted.

"Ning Ning, what are you going to do next? Why don't you go to my house for a few days first! Just relax, and then I can accompany you whatever you want to do."

When he arrived at Chu Ning's residence, Yang Lele looked worried. "You don't have any financial resources after this trouble. It's probably not easy to do it again. Do you have any other ideas? Do you still have money in your hand?"

Yang Lele took out hundreds of pieces from his bag and put them into Chu Ning's hand. "I have only so much now. I'll pick them up when I get home."

Chu Ning refused for the first time and blocked Yang Lele's hand. "I can't take this, even borrow it. In fact, I still have some savings, really."

After several repetitions, Yang Lele finally gave up her kindness, not that she couldn't push Chu Ning's strength, but she understood Chu Ning's self-esteem and didn't want to be too troublesome, so she had to compromise.

It was already a cold winter season. Chu Ning was walking outside alone without any destination or interest. There was only a little change in her coat pocket.

This week, Yang Lele called every day to say hello, but Chu Ning said she was unwilling to accept help and insisted that she still had money.

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