Jiang Yunxian, who was inexplicably hung up the phone, was at a loss. Although song Yimin already knew the truth, Yang Lele was obviously hard to convince. He made several calls in a row, all of which were turned off.

The most convenient and effective way was blocked. Without song Yimin's excellent helper, Jiang Yunxian fell into silence again. Chu Ning's news was about to come, but it was still empty.

"Send more people to investigate! It's such a well-known studio. Why can't you find an address?"

The dispatched personnel returned empty handed every time. Jiang Yunxian could no longer sit still and his patience was slowly fading.

"To be honest, I think this is the intention of the studio. Most of the time, they receive orders online, but there are also customer meetings. This situation requires all kinds of submission of materials and applications. It is said that few people have really seen the true face of Jane. There were few photos of her on the news in the United States before..."

"President Jiang, Chu Ning's parents came again and said... They said that the deadline given last time had come and they wanted to meet you immediately."

The question hasn't been solved yet, and new problems appear again. Jiang Yunxian is too busy to see Chu Ning's parents at all.

"You go to help deal with it first. If you can't, just plug the red envelope and let them wait. Chu Ning's safety has been determined, but the address hasn't been determined yet."

Secretary Xiao Yang received a survey and couldn't help but be surprised. "The famous Jane was Chu Ning? But... Why didn't she show up and contact her parents? Although she used to be our chief designer, Huangtian doesn't have to be responsible for her parents! They are really unreasonable..."

Xiao Yang still wants to continue to make complaints about it, but Jiang Yunxian's glittering eyes are stopped.

"Just do what I say and don't let them make things big."

Some of them leaned back in their chairs wearily. Jiang Yunxian dismissed these investigators. Perhaps Chu Ning deliberately made herself unable to find them?

The clue has been completely broken. Even Jiang Yunxian can't help but want to give up. If it's really like the state under speculation, it's hard to find Chu Ning for a while.

"I feel bored for you in the office all day. Why don't you go out for a walk? Every time I want to come and see you, you always look unhappy, which makes me very worried!"

The high-heeled shoes approached loudly. Jiang Yunxian noticed the familiar skirt at a glance. In fact, he was more bored, but it was not easily revealed on his face.

"What's bothering you? Be happy, Yunxian! I heard you flew to the United States. What did you do? The jet lag hasn't been completely adjusted? You look very tired..."

While caring, Murong Bai went over and began to rub his shoulders around Jiang Yunxian from the back. "Recently, I accompanied my aunt to the massage parlor. I just learned a few moves. Maybe I can help you relax!"

However, Murong Bai's excitement and excitement became stiff after a few seconds, because Jiang Yunxian firmly pushed away her hand and his tone was loose.

"Let me be alone!"

For Jiang Yunxian, such a refusal is not euphemistic. He doesn't want to make his words too ugly, but it seems that Murong Bai doesn't understand his meaning and still smiles. He's full.

Jiang Yunxian was embarrassed by his full score smile. He clearly knew what Murong Bai had done before, but now it is difficult to say a word. His heart is hanging on Chu Ning. It is difficult to let go of his heart if he doesn't find it one day.

"President Jiang..."

Xiao Yang knocked on the door and came in to report, "the two have asked me to send them away. They asked for 50000, but they didn't make so much trouble after reading the information. I'm probably a little surprised, and I heard that Jane will hold a press conference recently."

When cutting out the news interface on the tablet, Jiang Yunxian's eyes lit up. If this is true, it should be easy to find Chu Ning. A stone hanging for so long seems to have begun to shake.

"Jane?" Murong Bai, who stood nearby, wondered, "is it the designer who took less than a year to gain a foothold in the American fashion industry and then came back to do a big job?"

When she came together to check the time difference, she was not frightened by the above introduction.

"Chu... Ning! Jane is Chu Ning? No? It's definitely not true!"

Murong Bai retreated while trembling, his head shaking a little exaggerated.

"Why isn't it true? Chu Ning's ability is there. There must be a more suitable place to go without the emperor. It seems that Mr. Smith has much more means than I thought."

Jiang Yunxian seems to be asking Murong Bai's words, but he is actually trying his best to restrain his inner excitement, and Murong Bai's reaction further confirms his guess. It is probably she who makes Chu Ning have no way to go by means.

However, at this time, Jiang Yunxian does not intend to ask for punishment, because the really important things have not been solved, but now he is looking forward to the development of things in his heart.

In the past year, Fang Yuhao's company continued to develop stumblingly. After the durian incident, the employees almost changed blood again. He finally stabilized the situation. Now he slowly feels relaxed again.

Gong Qingtian has been quite quiet recently. Although she occasionally complains about his busyness, she still decides to catch this "Knight" silly and infatuated man before finding a more suitable target.

"Yuhao, the year will be over again. Don't you have anything to say? I have something to say. The things you promised me have not been fulfilled yet. How many years do you think I have to wait? Although I cherish my days with you, my family won't agree unless you fulfill what you said before."

"Sunny day..."

Fang Yuhao stood up. He was still very affectionate and held Gong Qingtian's hand tightly. "I understand what you said, but you should also understand me, don't you? I've been busy repairing previous loopholes in this year, including eliminating some bad comments about the company, but don't worry. I haven't forgotten a word I said."

His attitude is firm and his tone is full of desire. "Listing has always been my dream, and if we continue with our current development trend, we will definitely succeed next year, and we will not disappoint you."

Gong Qingtian seemed to smile approvingly, but he was not completely satisfied.

"In addition to listing?"

"In addition to listing? That is to be your real fiance, I will seriously and formally propose to you!"

Facing Fang Yuhao's promise, Gong Qingtian's face became not very good-looking. She angrily shook off Fang Yuhao's hand and turned her body back to him. "You really don't remember. This is your so-called sincerity? It seems that I'm still too easy to trust people. This is a bad problem."

"Ah! I know! Of course I remember! Don't be angry first. It's under planning now! How can I just think of my dream and ignore your dream? Things in the studio have really been arranged, but there are too many things I've encountered recently. I don't want it to be ordinary. It needs to be beautiful and practical to be handed over to you, can't it?"

Gong Qingtian fell into Fang Yuhao's arms and sobbed softly. "You made me wait very hard! Do you know? If it wasn't for you, I could go to work myself, why should I stay here and get angry? Anyway, I can't wait, I have to see the renderings! You have to take me to the scene!"

"Well, well, it's all up to you!"

For this tender and coquettish way, Fang Yuhao is trapped and can't extricate himself every time. He even enjoys it when he is needed.

At this time, Gong Qing couldn't help laughing. She already knew Fang Yuhao's temper more and more. Although she was still far away from figures such as Jiang Yunxian, she still enjoyed the attitude of acting completely according to her own intention. If she couldn't find a better choice, Fang Yuhao might not be so bad.

But the idea was dispelled by Gong Qingtian two days later.

"It is said that this is the first time Jane has held a press conference since she returned home, and the scene is particularly popular. For the domestic public, the name of designer Jane may have been very loud, but there are a few people who have really seen her. There are very few things shown in the existing data. We only know that she once worked in a well-known enterprise in China, and today Jane herself is on the scene Luna's business is the family group Huangtian, and she also named a group of works after her own destiny. Let's go to the scene together... "

When a familiar and unfamiliar name appeared on the TV screen, Gong Qingtian almost lost his chin.

"This... This is impossible!"

"Chu Ning? Chu Ning is Jane?" Fang Yuhao, who has never read entertainment news, is half open at this time. The newspapers in his hands are scattered on the ground. When he can see the face in the lens clearly, he and Gong Qingtian have completely become two static oil paintings.

"Why did she become like this? Didn't she set up a stall at the gate of the school? Wasn't she blocked by the emperor? How did she become an internationally famous designer? Yuhao, I must have read it wrong, right? Right?"

Gong Qingtian almost shakes Fang Yuhao's dinner out and still refuses to believe it.

"But... This seems to be Chu Ning himself..." Fang Yuhao was a little helpless. He calmed down for a long time and grabbed Gong Qingtian's hand to confirm.

"It's all your fault! At that time, she didn't do things more decisively, but she had the opportunity to fly to the branches and become a phoenix! If she can become an international designer at her level, I can too!"

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