"Anyway, I don't care! My studio will be completed in two days at the latest! You should give me enough start-up funds, otherwise I don't know what I will do! Even people like Chu Ning can become famous. I don't think I'm worse than her!"

Fang Yuhao didn't understand Gong Qingtian who suddenly stood up and threw things. "She is her and you are you. There's no need to be angry because of such comparison? Anyway, you are the best existence in my heart! And you know, I have to go on business these two days. I'm busy with all kinds of things. I just..."

"Fang Yuhao, you don't love me as much as you say, do you? Otherwise, why can't I achieve my requirements so easily? You really let me down... I waited for you for more than a year and tolerated it again and again, but in exchange for your neglect?"

Gong Qingtian ran out with tears. "In that case, I don't want to be with you anymore. I'm so stupid! I was afraid I would like you only when I was blind!"

"Sunny day!"

It was already dark outside at ten o'clock. Fang Yuhao's heart immediately tightened up and chased out without even having time to wear his shoes.

"Calm down, I didn't say no, just... You know the recent situation of the company! And by the end of the year, all kinds of bonus red envelopes are a lot of expenses. How about waiting until the beginning of next year? At the beginning of next year, I promise that your studio can be fully completed and put into use!"

When he was strongly held in his arms, Gong Qingtian struggled hard and didn't want to cooperate at all. "Think about how many times you said the same thing yourself! If I still believe it, I'm a complete fool!"

"In a word, I'm leaving! Anyway, your deep understanding of me is not as good as your company! What am I doing shamelessly around you?" Gong Qingtian insisted on leaving. She used all her strength to push Fang Yuhao away. She couldn't accept Chu Ning's appearance, which was much better than herself.

"Sunny day! Why can't you understand me? Of course I'm sincere enough to you, and you should doubt that?"

Fang Yuhao's foot was actually pierced on a sharp stone, but he held Gong Qingtian back from pain. This night, he exhausted his patience and spent all his words to calm Gong Qingtian.

After the press conference, Jane studio's reputation spread in China, and Chu Ning's name was known by more and more people.

"Jane, some media recently called to discuss the interview in the studio, or did they refuse all?"

"Yes, all rejected."

Chu Ning answered the assistant's question quickly and resolutely. The purpose of her press conference was to let those who had seen themselves understand that their original behavior was outrageous and they didn't really want to be famous. What's important is that she wanted Jiang Yunxian and others to regret their decision a year ago.

The light shook quietly with the night wind. Chu Ning's fingers tapped gently on the table as if everything was under control. She couldn't help feeling relaxed. On the data next to her left hand, the disgusting name had been completely crossed out by herself, and her eyes were full of smiles.

Chu Ning took out her mobile phone a year ago and found that it was full of dust and could be used when charged. She wrote down one of the numbers and thought it would be useful.

But just about to put it back, a call came in from her mother. I don't know how many times this number has appeared in the missed display, but Chu Ning has been clean for a year since she went to the United States and abandoned the mobile phone.

Ignoring the call, Chu Ning began to draw her own manuscript, so the mobile phone made a noise in its place for nearly half an hour, and then there was the prompt sound of SMS. Chu Ning didn't hear it.

For two days, Chu Ning has been stimulated by this noise. She plans to turn it off, but she doesn't know which tendon in her brain is wrong. She finally gave up her decision to turn it off.

All kinds of hesitation hit Chu Ning in her heart and made her restless. She couldn't let go of her desire for family affection, but it was hard to forgive that family affection had made her worse a year ago. She probably lacked only one step. Her heart gradually softened and told herself that the comments on the Internet were always biased towards the weak in less than two days, The studio received a lot of questioning emails about whether Chu Ning abandoned her family and failed to bear the responsibility of support. Along with the microblog and many news, it was full of malice to Chu Ning.

The studio encountered a little difficulty.

Chu Ning wanted to deal with it quietly, but she didn't expect her parents' video to come out. Now she is blaming herself. Although Yang Lele calls again and again to comfort her, Chu Ning is still very upset.

Finally, Chu Ning dialed the phone she didn't want to have anything to do with.

"Ningning! Is that you? Ningning? You're answering the phone! Your father and I saw your news on TV and knew you went to the United States and came back. Why don't you contact us? How hard we've been looking for you this year? Do you know? We're just a baby daughter like you. What should we do if something happens..."

Her mother's voice was like a gushing flood. There was no way to stop it. She was completely immersed in her sadness and excitement.

The word "baby daughter" really gave Chu Ning goose bumps. She grew so big that she had hardly heard such a disgusting and disgusting word from her mother's mouth.

Chu Ning felt that she could not laugh or cry. Why would such a common word used to express love in other families be so exclusive and disgusting in her opinion? I was not touched at all.

"Meet me at Nanguo Chinese restaurant at 11 noon tomorrow. I have something to say."

Chu Ning hung up before her mother continued to be excited. She found that there were other obvious things mixed in her exclusion, which completely made her unable to sort out. If she listened, her ears would become soft and her heart would become soft. There was no way. Her sense of responsibility made it difficult for her to abandon the fetters between emotions.

"Ning Ning, you've lost a lot of weight! Shouldn't it be a hard year? Your father and I look forward to your return every day. We thought what happened to you by that Xiaojiang! Everyone said that the emperor blocked you, and I don't know what it meant, but every time I went to the company to find him, he wasn't there. He just came back from Korea recently. He told us the news of your return Yes... "

Chu Ning, who was tightly held by her mother, was embarrassed and wanted to pull away, but the rare warmth was too real and easy to make people feel dependent. Chu Ning had to stand blankly.

Father's hands are two snake skin bags. The living creatures in them are still struggling. When he comes near, he seems to hesitate and dodge his eyes. "In the past, I was wrong. Your mother and I were too impulsive. No matter what, you are also my daughter. Although I moved my hand, my heart hurts with you!"

"This is a chicken raised at home. It's not fresh if you kill it directly. You're timid. When you want to eat, you'll take it to the vegetable market and invite someone to kill it. By the way, there are some newly collected pomegranates and oranges, which can't hold too much. That's the basket. If it's not enough, you'll go home and eat it. It's the new year's coming soon, isn't it? Don't spend it alone. Go back and let's have a good meal A group new year's dinner... "

For a time, her father's increasingly rickety body and her mother's face with white hair made Chu Ning feel sad. Obviously, she was a parent, but it was so rare to speak to herself with an apology and peace. Chu Ning couldn't help but have a sour nose and red eyes.

If it weren't for strong endurance, I'm afraid I would cry on the spot.

"Of course I can go back, but in the news..."

"Don't worry, it's all our problem. It has nothing to do with you!"

Mother quickly answered and explained, "We've also heard about those comments. We wanted to find you, but we didn't want to add such trouble to you. Now we're contacting the new media. I'll tell your father that it's not your problem. We made a special apology today. If you're willing to forgive us for our previous practice, would you like to go back to the reunion dinner together? It's also very important to have one less person's reunion dinner Lonely, LAN LAN is at school now. In fact, he really wants to follow you when he hears that you come back, but you know his front leg is injured. He has missed a lot of classes and has a final exam recently, so he can't get away... "

After meeting her parents, Chu Ning couldn't help crying. She never imagined that her father would seriously want to apologize. Although it was embarrassing, she had to say that she was moved.

Parents of this generation in rural areas always hold the idea of "I am a parent and I am all right" to educate their children. Even if they are wrong, they are in the maintenance of their own face and will not take the initiative to bear it, or treat it as if it has not happened, or coax their children with a new thing.

Sometimes Chu Ning felt that she hated their greedy faces. Sometimes she couldn't help but feel distressed. After all, she was also her parents.

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