The Spring Festival arrived as promised in everyone's expectation. On the 29th day, Chu Ning walked into the street and there was a lively scene everywhere.

The studio has been empty for a long time because of the annual leave. She has spent this week alone, with some expectations and some worries.

In fact, there are not many things in the suitcase. They are all some specialty foods taken home, as well as their own designed scarves and so on.

Looking at the people passing by, Chu Ning has an unspeakable feeling. It has been a long time since she came home for the new year with this expectation, or almost not, because the new year has always been irritable in her mother's eyes.

"The Chinese New Year is to spend all the money that hasn't been spent at once! And as a woman, I'm either preparing food or cleaning every day. If you guys are a little considerate, I won't have backache and neck pain! Stand there like an uncle one by one. Why, do you want me to feed your food to your mouth?"

When she was a child, her mother's scolding and complaining is still clearly engraved in Chu Ning's mind. She always remembers the face that was almost burst by anger. At that time, there were not so many wrinkles. Although it was black, it was young.

Perhaps, some things can really be spent so easily?

Chu Ning took a deep breath and her cell phone rang.

"Ning Ning, pay attention to safety when you come back. Give me a letter when you get home. I'll ask your father to pick you up later."

The text message with only one sentence made Chu Ning burst into tears. All she had expected was such subtle and simple warmth, but she didn't feel it for more than 20 years.

Although Chu Ning was shy and didn't know how to respond when she really had such warmth in front of her, she definitely felt that her heart was being occupied by intimacy without any gap.

"Ningling, let your brother carry the suitcase in. You've been driving so long. Take a break first! Lunch will be ready soon!" as soon as you got home, mother's voice came out of the kitchen.

"Sister, do you know how much I miss you? I haven't seen you for a year, and you are beautiful again! I heard that you have become a famous international designer now, isn't it great!"

The younger brother reached for the suitcase. Chu Ning couldn't help but stop it. Her eyes stared at his legs.

"Ah! My leg? It's already good. There's nothing at all. Now you can run!" Chu LAN showed off her leg excitedly and jumped twice at once. Chu Ning was relieved to give him the suitcase.

It seems that everything is as warm as she imagined, but Chu Ning also noticed a slight difference. Compared with the past, everyone seems to have a more sense of distance, and her brother's mouth is incredibly sweet.

"Lemonade, eat more. Your brother comes back once a week and eats enough when he is sick. It's you. You're very tired in the field. You must often have trouble eating and sleeping well? And the food outside is not necessarily clean. We'll bring you some chickens back to the company next time!"

His father sandwiched the two drumsticks into Chu Ning's bowl and smiled with pity. Chu Ning was almost tearful by such a scene. It was probably the only time that there were two drumsticks in her bowl. In the past, she was either in Chu LAN or didn't know where she went. Although she didn't care, she suddenly felt sad when compared with this.

However, Chu Ning finally returned the two chicken legs to his father's and mother's bowls, "I often cook there, and the things are safe. Eat by yourself!"

However, Chu Ning was moved by the act of sandwiching vegetables. In order not to let her emotions explode, she simply picked the rice in front of her.

"Eat slowly... What else! It seems that the child is really suffering. We are all blamed..."

The tone of mother's self reproach and the hand gently stroked on her head touched Chu Ning. After eating, you hid in your room.

Not knowing how to describe her mood, Chu Ning accidentally felt flustered inside. It seemed that she couldn't go or come in one breath, which hindered her normal expression and made her lacrimal glands disordered.

Finally, Chu Ning finally understood that it was because the expression of love was too much for her to adapt.

Although in the past days, Chu Ning has habitually told herself that it doesn't matter if she is not loved, or even if she feels dull. After all, there is no completely selfless and complaint free love in the world.

However, Chu Ning now finds that she is not as free and easy as she imagined. The reason why she feels excluded and at a loss about the love she receives now is entirely because she cares too much about being loved, isn't she?

If you can, Chu Ning is more willing to accept such love since she was a child, rather than the love that suddenly appeared after an embarrassing accident happened halfway, which makes her even more afraid to accept it easily.

"Sister, are you not feeling well? Mom just cooked ginger soup. Do you want to drink it?"

When her younger brother knocked on the door outside, Chu Ling had the illusion of going back to her childhood. At that time, Chu LAN always liked to deliberately make loud noises when she slept. Her father never accused her. Instead, he would accuse her of being a sister when she was angry with Chu LAN.

But today, it was obvious that my father's voice came from outside.

"Don't make any noise. What if Ning Ning is sleeping! She's just on her way and she's so tired from work every day. Let her have a good rest. She can drink the soup anytime. It's a big deal to let your mother reheat it at that time..."

Chu Ning didn't notice what she said next. She was completely moved by the consideration of her rare father. It was probably the first time in more than 20 years. Everyone seemed to have changed a lot in the past few hours. Chu Ning saw many things her father had never seen before.

I have to say that Chu Ning is immersed in such feelings and changes, but too many changes make her uneasy, because she never believed that a person would suddenly change her temperament. She reluctantly regarded it as the disappearance of this year, which really makes everyone feel their importance, but Chu Ning still felt unable to convince herself.

Until the day before leaving, Chu Ning finally understood the real reason for everyone's change.

At that time, mother looked at herself with sparkling eyes, with some embarrassment and some begging.

"Ning Ning! You see, your brother will graduate in another year. By then, he will be in his twenties. After working for two years, he can get married..."

She seemed to choke on food, cleared her throat and sat up straight. "Your father and I have never had much ability. I didn't expect you to be so successful. It's a great face for our parents. By the way, I can help your brother. It shouldn't be difficult now?"

Chu Ning was stunned by her mother's tentative and cautious tone. Sure enough, the sense of distance she perceived was still real. She stopped her chopsticks and immediately realized that there was something to be explained.

"You must know the situation of this society best now. However, if boys didn't have cars and houses, there would be no girls at all. They would be in their twenties when they came out of college and worked for several years before they could buy cars and houses. I'm worried about Lan Lan..."

"Hey, we don't want you to give him money for nothing, or he's too extravagant. Why don't you help him buy a car and let him straighten his waist among his friends? It's not so difficult to find someone. When he makes money himself, he can give it back to you..."

His father also joined the camp. At this time, Chu LAN had gone to school.

Chu Ning seemed to understand the real reason why everyone suddenly changed so much. In fact, it was to make it harder for her to refuse when she was asked!

"Lan Lan really can buy a car, and he has got his driver's license. Of course I can help him. This thing still needs to be considered from the long term. I will remember."

"That's great! He will be happy! We really have a hardworking and sensible daughter!"

"Yes, yes..."

His father and mother were so excited that they almost didn't hurt Chu Ning. She was occupied by goose bumps. This embarrassment was even more terrible than the first day back. She went a little deeper into her skin pores, and there was no way to escape.

Chu Ning has understood the real intention behind these behaviors, but the only warmth left makes her unable to bear to pierce. Perhaps as long as the conditions are not so excessive and within her ability, there is no need to worry about it. After all, such embarrassing intimacy is better than complete indifference.

If it hadn't been for their active kindness, Chu Ning would have been hard to let go. Although everyone's enthusiasm has been mixed with obvious purpose so far, Chu Ning still holds a distant expectation that it should not be so difficult to achieve real closeness.

The work after the festival is relaxed always needs to be more attentive. Chu Ning stayed in the studio for two weeks before finally adjusting the atmosphere to the calm state of years ago.

"Jane, according to your previous arrangement, this is the latest Huangtian information, which has the contact information of companies and individuals they have contacted in a week."

"OK, put it first!"

Chu Ning rubbed his temples, rolled up the information, took a general look, and a proud smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Jiang Yunxian, haven't you noticed? It's the fifth list. Oh! I really don't know whether it's the emperor's money that doesn't care or your reaction is too slow. In short, I'll play with you bit by bit. Wait! I've suffered in the past, and I'll let you taste..."

She said to herself and made a new stroke in the notebook next to her.

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