When the plane arrived at the South Korean airport and finally landed and dived, Chu Ning woke up because of the unstable center of gravity. She peeped at Jiang Yunxian with her eyes narrowed.

His eyelashes were long and covered his eyelids like black crow feathers.

"The plane has arrived at Seoul airport. Please take your luggage..."

Jiang Yunxian's eyelashes blinked, like the tail wings of a butterfly, trembled twice, and Chu Ning quickly shifted her eyes.

He stood up and took down the luggage from the luggage rack. At the same time, there was a rose gold suitcase on it. It was Chu Ning's. He also took it down.

"Goodbye!" Jiang Yunxian stretched out his finger bone clear hand and waved to Chu Ning. As soon as his long leg took a step, he got off the plane.

Chu Ning held her suitcase and looked sadly at Jiang Yunxian's back. She thought: I'd better not see you again.

Jiang Yunxian's presence in South Korea is bound to add trouble to himself!

Xiao Li took her carry on luggage and walked to Chu Ning. Just now Jane slept on Jiang Yunxian. Do you want to tell her?

"Xiao Li, you can contact the hotel car and pick it up." Chu Ning pinched his eyebrows.

"OK," said Xiao Li crisply.

Jane has too many things to worry about. Forget that little thing and don't bother her.

After Xiao Li made a decision, he contacted them according to what Chu Ning said. The car from the five-star hotel they had booked came to pick them up. After they got off the plane, they went straight to the hotel.

Five star hotel, the suite is very spacious, and even has a swimming pool.

Chu Ning took a handful of clear water in her hand by the swimming pool, with a quiet smile on her face. She said with some regret: "unfortunately, she didn't come for vacation. Otherwise, give me a drawing board. I can find a lot of inspiration here!"

"Jane, you go take a bath quickly. I'm so tired by plane. I'll contact Jack. We have to catch up with Jiang Yunxian as soon as possible!" Xiao Li took out his mobile phone to check the address book.

Chu Ning is glad to have such a good helper around her.

She took her change of clothes and went into the bathroom.

The hot water washed away the fatigue of Chu ningzhou's car, and her white and tender skin became red under the washing of hot water. Coupled with the fresh fragrance of shower gel, she was more comfortable.

When Chu Ning opened the bathroom door and came out, Xiao Li's expression was obviously much lower.

"Jane, I screwed up!" Xiao Li drooped. "When I contacted Jack to ask for a meeting, he refused me, and he hung up before I said anything."

Chu Ning heard this, and the loss in her eyes also came out.

In a moment, she adjusted her mind, put her hands on Xiao Li's shoulder and said, "compare our hearts. If we are Jack, someone suddenly takes the liberty to invite herself to dinner, she must refuse."

"What should we do next?" Xiao Li regained his confidence under the comfort of Chu Ning.

Chu Ning lowered her head, bent her index finger and put it on her chin, thinking seriously.

After a while, she came up with a good idea.

"Is there a headhunter's phone in South Korea? It shouldn't cost much to buy Jack's whereabouts. Let's show him with our sincerity!"

Xiao Li's smile bloomed like a sunflower.

She was so happy that she went crazy that she hurried to find her laptop, "I'll contact you right now."

Chu Ning also sat down to order.

She didn't eat anything on the plane because Jiang Yunxian was there. Even her dinner time was delayed.

When the takeout arrived, Xiao Li also contacted the headhunter.

"Jane, the headhunter has received the money and will send Jack's position within half an hour." Xiao Li's tone is uncontrollable happiness.

"Well, eat first." Chu Ning's eyes fell on the takeout.

This is a Korean takeout, a classic Korean barbecue rice. It looks like it has both color and flavor.

Unfortunately, this time he came with a task. He didn't have much time to enjoy the delicious food. Chu Ning and Xiao Li only spent more than ten minutes eating the meal.

When Xiao Li also took a bath and felt comfortable, the headhunter sent the address.

It's a string of Korean.

Chu Ning directly copied this to the translation software and translated it into Chinese.

"The first billiards club." Chu Ning spits out these words in her cherry lips, and her white and tender hands are also clenched into fists. She is very confident in winning over Jack to reach a cooperative relationship.

Chu Ning and Xiao Li hurried to the first billiards club.

The billiards club didn't have any difficult requirements. Chu Ning took Xiao Li and walked in smoothly and found Jack's separate box.

There is another person, Jiang Yunxian!

Chu Ning's pupil shrank suddenly. He was so tight and slow that he still made him a step earlier.

Under all the emotions, Chu Ningyang smiled sweetly, walked near Jack and held out his hand: "Mr. Jack, I'm Chu Ning from lemon studio. I came here specially from China."

"Don't talk while I'm playing billiards!" Jack said stiffly.

Chu Ning swallows all the words back into her stomach. Jack's bad tone makes Chu Ning know the truth and don't touch the mold.

Xiao Li nervously holds Chu Ning's hand. Chu Ning holds her hand. She is very firm. She has stood straight aside and didn't speak quietly.

"Jack, look, if you can hit that ball into the hole, I will admire you!" Jiang Yunxian also took a club in his hand and looked valiant.

Just got off the plane, his clothes seemed to be the same as before, but he didn't look tired.

Chu Ning admired him.

"Hum, little fun." Jack followed Jiang Yunxian's words, made a standard posture of playing billiards, and then made a hole in one shot, with a bright smile on his face.

"I admire you. You are good at playing." Jiang Yunxian clapped his hands and smiled.

"It's hypocritical of you to praise me for playing so well." Jack jumped up and put his shoulder on Jiang Yunxian's shoulder.

Chu Ning looked at the harmonious scene.

Men and men are always easy to have common topics, but although she is a woman, she will not easily admit defeat!

"Look, I hit all the balls here. That's my goal today." Jack's eyes fell on the table with hope.

"Wait and see!" Jiang Yunxian stood aside.

With the sound of each ball entering the hole, Chu Ning cheered Jack in her heart.

After scoring several goals in a row, Jack seemed a little tired. This time, he didn't hit the ball into the hole smoothly. He frowned a little disappointed.

"Yunxian, I can't." Jack gasped.

"Then let me take it!" Jiang Yunxian walked over with a club, and the smile on his face was very bright.

His club head gently poked the white ball. The white ball hit two balls, and the two billiards rushed towards the hole at a precise angle.

Finally, both into the hole!

Kill two birds with one stone. Chu Ning's eyes were full of surprises.

As a spectator, Jack seemed to notice Chu Ning and asked aloud, "who are you?"

"Mr. Jack, as I just introduced, I'm Chu Ning from lemon studio. I'm here to talk to you today..." Chu Ning answered Jack's question happily.

"Xiao Pu, let her go first. I don't want to talk about business today." Jack interrupts Chu Ning's words, calls his men and drives Chu Ning and Xiao Li out.

Chu Ning stood at the gate of the first stadium.

Xiao Li still held Chu Ning's hand and asked, "Jane, what are we going to do? Give up Jack?"

"No, it's our problem that we disturbed his rest time, so we can stand here and wait until he plays well." Chu Ning's eyes were very firm.

When Xiao Li saw Chu Ning's appearance, his heart came down to Chen wenle, and she waited with him.

After Chu Ning was kicked out, Jack and Jiang Yunxian were left in the first stadium.

"Yunxian, who is this woman? I noticed you looked at her a lot just now." Jack shrugged his eyebrows and smiled at Jiang Yunxian.

Jiang Yunxian made another easy shot into the hole.

He raised his black eyes, looked at Jack and said word by word, "my woman."

"Well, why did she come to me for cooperation?" Jack applauded Jiang Yunxian's excellent skills and asked his doubts.

"Women are so awkward." Jiang Yunxian sighed.

Jack nodded with understanding.

Then he came up to play billiards with itchy hands. After playing one, he said happily: "it must be a contradiction. Women who are enterprising are also great. Do you want me to rub her spirit for you?"

"Ha ha!" Jiang Yunxian smiled, neither agreeing nor opposing.

Instead of talking about anything else, they began to play billiards happily.

Jiang Yunxian's skill was so good that he suppressed jack, but Jack also lost convinced.

After a hearty game, the two talked happily and left the first stadium, but saw Chu Ning standing outside waiting, still straight.

"Why are you still here?" Jack took a serious look.

Then, he turned around and said to Jiang Yunxian in Korean: "what a beautiful little girl, with eyes."

Jiang Yunxian smiled and replied in Korean, "of course!"

Chu Ning looked at the two of them with an ignorant face. He really didn't know anything about Korean. He knew that he would mend Korean before coming. Otherwise, they wouldn't speak openly in front of him. He didn't know what they said.

Looks like a comment?

Chu Ning's eyebrow tip picked.

"Mr. Jack, are you free now?" Chu Ning squeezed out a smile.

"Beautiful little girl, do you want to invite me to dinner? But I'm a serious man. Forget it." Jack made a gesture and asked Xiao Pu to invite Chu Ning out again.

Jiang Yunxian looked coldly and said nothing.

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