Chu Ning's straight and taut back was like a broken string, which shrugged and pulled down feebly.

Xiao Li thought that they had traveled so far from China to South Korea, and Jack didn't even give them a chance to speak. His eyes burst into tears.

Seeing Xiao Li's sad appearance, Chu Ning perked up.

How can the core strength of lemon studio be easily defeated.

Her weak hand gently lifted Xiao Li's cheek, and the cherry red lips closed one by one: "Xiao Li, there are many frustrations on the road of life. We'll just get used to it."

"Get used to it!" Xiao Li wiped his tears. "It's too bitter."

"Life is bitter. Those who can't eat are much more bitter than us, so we should learn to find sweetness by ourselves." Chu Ning's eyes seem to try to convey his faith to Xiao Li.

Xiao Li nodded as if he knew something.

Chu Ning cracked her lips and said with a bright smile, "since Jack doesn't give us a chance to communicate well, I'll take you to eat delicious food. Since they all came to Korea, I heard that the barbecue here is very good."

"OK, I'll have barbecue. After eating, we'll make persistent efforts to find Jack tomorrow." Xiao Li also wiped away his tears and his eyes were shining, which was infected by Chu Ning's optimistic attitude.

The two women left their work for the time being, went to the barbecue shop and ate themselves with a full belly before they returned to the hotel for a long walk.

They are holding hands and still commenting on this delicious meal.

"This roast pig's large intestine is really amazing!" Xiao Li smashed his mouth.

"Ha, I think the sauce for Korean barbecue is more distinctive." Chu Ning scraped the greedy cat's nose.

They didn't lower their voice. Instead, they went out to relax because of their failure in work today.

As soon as I came back, the sound spread in the corridor.

"I'll tell Jack tomorrow and try to get him to talk to us. This work is very key. I hope Wang's mother can succeed." Chu Ning clenched her fist at Xiao Li before brushing her room card.

Xiao Li knows that Chu Ning is cheering her up.

She also bent her eyes and said, "we are sure to succeed."

The sound of opening the door suddenly rang.

Chu Ning was surprised. She thought she didn't swipe the room card. How did the door open? She found that it wasn't her own room door. She turned her head and looked at it. Then her eyebrows and eyes were wrinkled and her face was bitter.

Jiang Yunxian was standing at the door of the opposite room. He was wearing wide silk pajamas.

Not only did he not look sloppy, but because of the light in his eyes, it made people feel that he was noble.

"Come in, I have something to tell you." Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Ning from shallow to deep, and his eyes contained thousands of words.

Chu Ning looked at him and looked at his room number.

Just opposite yourself.

"Why do you live in the room opposite me?" Chu Ningzhi asked.

"Coincidence!" Jiang Yunxian answered casually.

Sitting next door on the plane, even staying in the hotel is opposite. It's a coincidence. People can't believe it's really a coincidence.

"No, I still have important tasks to do tomorrow!" Chu Ning refused, giving people no room to turn around.

Jiang Yunxian stretched out his long arm and stopped Chu Ning.

With a cold smile on his face, he said, "do you really think Jack will cooperate with you? In addition to maintaining a long-term cooperative relationship with Huangtian, he is also my childhood playmate. You are too confident in yourself."

Chu Ning heard Jiang Yunxian's words, and her indomitable nature came up.

She turned around. Yu Jiang Yunxian was only one fist away. Both of them could breathe on each other's faces.

"What do you mean, is there anything wrong with my self-confidence? As for you, you are too insecure." Chu Ning looked directly at Jiang Yunxian without a trace of timidity in her eyes.

"Oh? Why am I not confident? Tell me." Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Ning with great interest.

"First of all, I'm looking for Jack. You're also coming. You're sitting next to me on the same plane. Now even the hotels are opposite me. Aren't you staring at me because you're not confident?" Chu Ning asked with red mouth and white teeth.

Jiang Yunxian was silent and looked far away.

Chu Ning continued to take a step closer and looked up at Jiang Yunxian. "I didn't expect that a company as big as Huangtian would worry about digging the wall in our small studio. If you have the ability, you shouldn't make your works better."

There was a faint irony in her tone.

Jiang Yunxian is a little distracted. If he lowers his head, he can just touch her lips.

The taste of her lips was so fascinating that Jiang Yunxian's head slowly lowered uncontrollably.

"Jiang Yunxian, you don't need to ignore me like this. I don't pay attention to you. Forget it, you love me opposite. I won't give up easily for Jack." Chu Ning stepped back and said with some small fried hair.

When Jiang Yunxian returns, Chu Ning has brushed her room card and returned to the room.

Let's wait and see step by step.

Jiang Yunxian rubbed his lips.

Chu Ning took Xiao Li's hand and went back to his suite. Some angry complained, "this damn man is intentional, he is intentional!"

"Yes, Huangtian is a big company originally. There are so many small companies competing with him for resources. Why do we have to embarrass a small studio?" Xiao Li also pouted and resented.

"Xiao Li, go to bed now. Let's stop Jack early tomorrow morning and catch up with Jiang Yunxian." Chu Ning bit her teeth, and Jiang Yunxian's behavior stimulated her fighting spirit.

"Jane, it's only seven o'clock now. I can't sleep!" Xiao Li said bitterly.

Chu Ning looked up and saw the wall clock on the wall. The pointer was really only seven o'clock.

"Anyway, I'm going to bed now. Try to get up as early as possible. I'll call you up at five o'clock tomorrow!" Chu Ning ran to bed.

Although it's only seven o'clock, the bed in the five-star hotel is very comfortable.

The pillow is latex pillow, the mattress is constant temperature, and the soft velvet quilt. Chu Ning seems to have returned to her mother's arms. Today's sleepiness hypnotizes her.

The next morning, when the first ray of sunshine came in, Chu Ning had washed in the bathroom.

The clock on the wall, exactly five o'clock.

"Xiao Li, you can get up!" Chu Ning went to Xiao Li's second bedroom and knocked twice.

Xiao Li is still sleepy, but she can't help getting up. She glances at Chu Ning and is very aggressive.

Jiang Yunxian heard a slight sound when he got up here. He turned over and continued to sleep.

At six o'clock, Chu Ning and Xiao Li stood downstairs at Jack's house.

Jack just got up and did morning exercises in his room. Xiao Pu went upstairs and told Jack about it. Jack stood on the balcony and sure enough saw Chu Ning and Xiao Li.

"They're so early?" Jack couldn't believe it.

He didn't even promise to meet. They even came to the door. Instead, he had a playful attitude, "since they have so much perseverance, let them stand there and wait and see how long they can wait!"

Xiao Pu respectfully said "yes!"

Jack put on his clothes and had a nice breakfast before he went out.

"Mr. Jack, I'm Chu Ning, the designer of lemon studio who came from China. I really hope to cooperate with you..." Chu Ning seized the opportunity and ran to Jack at the speed of 100 meters.

Jack looked at Chu Ning, shook his head and interrupted her.

"My good friend Jiang Yunxian also specially came from China. I'm going to his hotel today. I don't have time to talk about cooperation." Jack refused again.

Chu Ning bit her lip and could only watch Jack leave in front of her.

"What to do, Jane." Xiao Li's crying voice came up again.

Even if Chu Ning was anxious to climb like an ant, she didn't expose half of her points in front of Xiao Li. If she was in a mess, everyone would follow.

She said in an indifferent tone, "not this time. We'll have another chance. Let's go back to the hotel first!"

The two returned empty handed.

When walking to the hotel hall, Jiang Yunxian came up again.

Chu Ning looked at him and proudly raised her chin.

Jiang Yunxian arranged his wrist watch. He didn't seem to see Chu Ning and passed her.

Chu Ning sees the Jack he wants to find sitting on the sofa waiting for Jiang Yunxian in the hall. It seems that what Jiang Yunxian said is true. Jack and he are childhood playmates. Of course, their love is extraordinary.

Back to the room.

Chu Ning calls the headhunter and asks him to inform him when Jack is alone.

But the headhunter didn't call for a long time. Chu Ning made several inquiries himself. No doubt it was Jack who had been eating, drinking and having fun with Jiang Yunxian all day.

"Jane, what shall we do?" Xiao Li looked sad.

"First investigate Jack's hobbies, so that if the opportunity is in front of us, we can fall in love with him." Chu Ning found something to do for Xiao Li.

Seeing the sky getting dark, how can jack and Jiang Yunxian play so well!

Chu Ning finds out Xiao Li and remembers Jack's hobbies. Then she is busy for several hours and Xiao Li begins to yawn.

Until more than ten o'clock, the opposite door opened with a "squeak".

He's back! Chu Ning woke up.

She made a decision, stood up and resolutely walked to the door. Xiao Li suddenly grabbed Chu Ning's wrist, "Jane, what are you doing?"

"For Jack's sake, I'll try!" Chu Ning gave Xiao Li a positive look.

Xiao Li slowly loosened Chu Ning's wrist and looked at Chu Ning's back when she opened the door. She was still worried. What if Jiang Yunxian bullied Jane? Jane is such a simple girl. Will she be seduced by Jiang Yunxian's beauty? It's very dangerous to think about it.

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