After looking at his son, Jiang Yunxian couldn't help laughing. After looking at Chu Ning, he said, "you too. Niannian wants the three of us to be together. Don't be afraid. I'm here." Jiang Yunxian then looked at Chu Nian. The father and son formed a tacit understanding in their eyes, both with a bad smile.

Chu Ning listened to Jiang Yunxian's saying "I'm here". She couldn't help but feel a little touched. How long haven't she heard that? There was no time to miss and read, and there was no time to read. No matter how I didn't admit it, at that time, I still wanted to have such a voice in my heart to accompany her all the time.

"Well, mother doesn't sweep away her interest today." Chu Ning scraped Chu Nian's small nose and promised that on a rare day, Chu Ning wanted to make Chu Nian happy anyway.

The three people photographed the team and sat in a row on the roller coaster. Chu Ning felt that she had not started yet, and her heart had already mentioned it to her throat.

This was the first time in her life that she took a roller coaster. Before, she was invited to play. She refused without even thinking about it, but this time her son's invitation had to agree anyway.

Chu Ning can't help feeling that "a woman is weak, but a mother is just" is really reflected in all aspects.

Jiang Yunxian, who has been watching Chu Ning and Chu Nian, bends his mouth upward into a beautiful arc. He likes Chu Ning for so many years. He still sees Chu Ning's side of such a little girl for the first time. He thinks how can he not take her to play in such a long time before, go to a strange city and experience the fun outside of work?

The three people were still immersed in their emotions. Suddenly, a backward acceleration made their hearts seem to miss a beat. All the ideas in their minds were thrown out with the roller coaster, leaving only instinctive screams.

At the beginning without any precaution, Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning were twisting their heads and looking at Chu Nian respectively, but at the beginning, the huge wind forced them to look back. Both of them tilted their heads, "ah... Ah..." screamed all the way, leaving only three people's hands holding tightly and never separated all the way.

In the screams of the crowd, the roller coaster finally slowed down. Chu Nian, who had closed his eyes all the way, finally stopped screaming and almost cried.

He opened his eyes and saw that Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning both tilted their necks and rubbed their necks with one hand. He couldn't help laughing. A simple game seemed to be the afterlife of a family.

Seeing Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning holding their hands tightly, Chu Nian felt so relieved for the first time.

Jiang Yunxian was the first to come down. He stretched out his hand and pulled Chu Ning down. Seeing that Chu Ning's face was still slightly white, he didn't feel some pain. He went to hold Chu Nian and saw that Chu Nian's mental state was OK. He couldn't help asking the little guy, "is it fun to read?"

"Well, it's fun. What are we going to play next?" Chu Nian has opened his big eyes and began to look for new goals everywhere. In the child's world, he won't be tired as long as he plays.

Jiang Yunxian saw that Chu Nian was anxious to play the next project. He looked at Chu Ning's face and asked with concern, "ah Ning, how are you? Are you uncomfortable? Can you continue to play?"

Chu Ning felt Jiang Yunxian's worry, nodded slightly, looked at the cheerful Chu Nian beside her, and said, "I'm ok. Just have a rest. Let's find a project to queue up first."

Jiang Yunxian saw Chu Ning's complexion gradually return to normal, touched Chu Nian's hairy hair and said, "Niannian, mom just got a little uncomfortable on the roller coaster. Shall we play a less violent project first?"

"Mom, are you better?" hearing Jiang Yunxian's words, Chu Nian looked at Chu Ning with a little worry.

"Mom has nothing to read. What do you say we play next?" Chu Ning looked at Chu read with tenderness in her eyes.

"Well... Let me see, why don't we go on a merry go round!"

The three reached an agreement and walked towards the carousel together.

This time, Chu Ning and Chu Nian sat on a merry go round. Jiang Yunxian himself sat on a merry go round next to them. Soon, with happy music, the three people felt that they were flying slowly. Jiang Yunxian hurriedly thought of something and quickly took out his mobile phone to take pictures of his mother and son.

Looking at Chu Ning and Chu Nian's happy smiling faces in the photo frame, Jiang Yunxian felt that every corner of his heart was filled with them. He felt that happiness was so difficult but so reasonable.

The three people laughed and shouted. Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Ning's long hair floating in the wind and thought it was a beauty he had never seen before.

One day, the three tried their best to play one after another. Chu Nian seemed tireless. He didn't shout tired. His face was full of joy and excitement.

Chu Ning saw that it was going to be dark soon, so she couldn't help holding Chu Nian: "Nian Nian, we've been playing all day. It's going to be dark soon. We should go home."

"Mom, let's play for a while." Chu Nian still didn't want to leave, holding Chu Ning's hand.

"Niannian, look, the amusement park will close soon. Shall we play again next time?" Chu Ning can only try her best to persuade Chu Nian, thinking that it's not very safe to play when it's dark.

Jiang Yunxian saw that Chu Nian was still playing. He spoiled and said, "Nian Nian, let's discuss it. It's going to be dark. Let's play the last item, and then we'll go back, OK?" then he took a look at Chu Ning and patted Chu Ning's hand.

Chu Ning could only acquiesce when he saw Jiang Yunxian speak. They had a rare tacit understanding.

"Well, let's play the last item." Chu Nian said and began to choose carefully.

Chu Nian took a fancy to a large pool full of colored plastic balls, took off his shoes and went in to play with other children. Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning are waiting at the door. It's a rare clean time of the day.

"Ah Ning, yesterday my parents heard that I brought Niannian to the amusement park with you today. They were so happy that they specially told me to take you back to dinner at night." Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Ning sincerely and longed for Chu Ning's consent.

Chu Ning couldn't help touching Jiang's father and mother when she heard that Jiang's father and mother wanted to have dinner together. She really had no reason to refuse.

But she knows that Chu Nian likes to stay with Jiang Yunxian and her grandparents.

Today, after playing in the playground for a day, not only Chu Nian, but also Chu Ning herself was a little shaken. She almost thought that this happiness was real. She and Chu Nian could always have it.

A firm voice in her heart kept saying, "Chu Ning, have you forgotten what you suffered before? You have Chu Nian now. You should protect him!"

Seeing that Chu Ning didn't speak, Jiang Yunxian took another step closer: "ah Ning, my parents are very happy to know you're back this time. They hope you can take Niannian back. They also like Niannian very much. When they mention Niannian, you don't know how happy they are."

Chu Ning felt torn in her heart and wanted to promise. She was afraid of getting deeper and deeper. She wanted to end this moment quickly. She didn't have to face such a struggling moment. Seeing Jiang Yunxian's perseverance, she finally made up her mind: "forget it tonight. I'm a little tired. Another day."

Chu Ning finally said the words of rejection, but it was not easy in her heart.

Seeing Chu Ning's refusal, Jiang Yunxian thought that Chu Ning was just tired and not ready today. Thinking that Chu Ning could promise to take Chu out to play, it was a good start. Everything would develop in a good direction. He couldn't help but persuade himself to be more patient and no longer insist.

When Chu Nian is willing to come out from the inside, it is already dark. Chu Ning looks at Chu Nian's sweaty little face and quickly takes out a paper towel. Jiang Yunxian is not idle. He is afraid that Chu Nian will catch cold, so he quickly puts on his coat for Chu Nian.

When it was done, Chu Nian kept his promise and was ready to leave. When he left, he was obviously not so happy when he came, and kept looking back.

Seeing Chu Nian so reluctant, Jiang Yunxian hurriedly comforted: "don't be unhappy about Niannian. Will your father bring you to play next week? We can come and play often as long as you want!"

Chu Nian looked up at Jiang Yunxian and almost cried. He wanted to promise happily, but he and Chu Ning were about to leave for the United States. How can they come back to play. He wanted to tell Jiang Yunxian, but he was afraid that Chu Ning was unhappy. He thought about it and just wanted to cry.

Chu Ning looked at Chu Nian's silence and bowed her head. She was very upset. It was difficult for such a young child after all.

Chu Ning couldn't help feeling sad. She hurried to cover up: "it's getting late. Let's go home quickly. Grandma and grandpa are still waiting for you at home. They should worry if they go back late." then she took Chu Nian forward.

Jiang Yunxian saw Chu Nian suddenly calm down. He didn't know what the child was thinking. He couldn't help muttering. It seemed that he had stayed with Chu Nian for a short time and didn't understand Chu Nian enough. His father was still far from good.

He hastened to keep up with Chu Ning's mother and son.

Jiang Yunxian drove, and Chu Ning's mother and son still sat in the back row. Soon Chu Nian fell asleep. After all, he played all day. Once the child stopped, he immediately fell asleep.

Jiang Yunxian wanted to say something, but he was afraid to force Chu Ning too tight, but the effect was not good. He could only look around and say, "are you tired today?"

"Tired." Chu Ning replied briefly.

"..." Jiang Yunxian realized the awkward chat mode and thought about how to continue.

For a long time, Jiang Yunxian said, "you're so beautiful today. I've never seen you wear sportswear." this sentence is Jiang Yunxian's heart. After so long, Chu Ning still has a familiar feeling and attracts him more than before.

"You are also very handsome today." both of them are full of worries. They talk like clouds. In fact, they all want to pierce the layer of paper between them.

Before long, they drove into the community where Chu Ning lived.

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