The car stopped at the door. Jiang Yunxian saw Chu Nian sleeping on Chu Ning's leg and hurriedly said, "don't wake up Niannian. Let him sleep. I'll take him out of the car."

Jiang Yunxian opened the door and stretched out his head to get Chu Nian out of the car. Chu Ning couldn't help laughing because of his clumsy appearance. Jiang Yunxian also thought it was funny. Then he looked at Chu Ning's face, which had a charming brilliance against the dim street lights. Jiang Yunxian was stunned and couldn't help probing forward.

With a slightly heavy breathing sound, Chu Ning had a premonition of what was about to happen.

She should have refused, but Chu Ning didn't move. She not only didn't move, but also gently closed her eyes and shut any voice in her head. At this moment, she didn't want to think about anything.

Jiang Yunxian couldn't help approaching and slowly covered Chu Ning's lips.

He can't remember how long he didn't kiss Chu Ning, but Chu Ning's breath has never been forgotten in his mind. Jiang Yunxian was fascinated by the faint fragrance and beautiful touch of Chu Ning.

He kissed gently and nibbled carefully. Jiang Yunxian's heart beat faster and heavier. He felt that he could not control the next moment.

Chu Ning felt the heat of Jiang Yunxian. For so many years, she didn't expect to hug and kiss again. It was so natural that she didn't feel strange at all.

It turned out that even if she didn't admit it at the bottom of her heart, she still missed Jiang Yunxian. She still buried that feeling in her heart and integrated it into her blood.

He responded involuntarily, gently hugged Jiang Yunxian's head and wanted to further explore more. Once the suppressed desire broke out, even Chu Ning was startled.

Chu Ning couldn't help crying. No matter how deep the misunderstanding was, she couldn't cover up the fact that she still loved Jiang Yunxian.

At this moment, she didn't want to think more about anything. She just wanted to keep this feeling going, forget all the previous grievances, forget that she was leaving with Chu Nian tomorrow, and forget that it would be difficult for them to meet again in the future.

Chu Ning rarely experienced a moment of neglect when she was an adult. Her constant calm and self-restraint became a thing of the past at this moment. Jiang Yunxian didn't expect that Chu Ning would be more active than before,

Finally, in their increasingly tight embrace, Chu Ning felt Chu Nian's dissatisfaction after being squeezed, and Chu Nian turned over unconsciously.

Feel Chu Ning's instant recollection of Chu Nian's action, the blush receded, and immediately felt annoyed. God, what is she doing? Even in the community, in the car at the door, and in the presence of Chu Nian, he did this with Jiang Yunxian.

Jiang Yunxian felt Chu Ning's pause and heard Chu Nian's movement. He was a little embarrassed. After all, he was already a parent and was not as unscrupulous as when he was young.

Jiang Yunxian stopped demanding, coughed slightly to ease the rapidly falling atmosphere in the car, and said in a voice, "well, ah Ning, don't move first. I'll take Niannian out of the car first, and you'll come down."

Chu Ning also hurriedly sorted out her slightly messy hair to make herself look like she had just experienced a wind and moon. Listening to Jiang Yunxian's words, she quickly answered: "OK, be careful and don't knock and read."

Jiang Yunxian carefully picked up Chu Nian and stared at the treasure in his arms. He withdrew himself from the car first. His slightly huge body accidentally knocked on the door. He just stared at Chu Nian in his arms for fear of a mistake.

Seeing that Jiang Yunxian held Chu Nian down, Chu Ning looked around in the car, packed Chu Nian's things, and got off the car.

Chu Ning walks in front. Jiang Yunxian holds Chu Nian in his arms and follows Chu Ning closely. Both of them are still thinking about what just happened and want to say something. After all, they are afraid to destroy the beauty just now. They don't make a sound all the way.

Back home, Chu's father and mother haven't slept yet. They've been waiting for them to come back. Jiang Yunxian came in with Chu Nian and didn't say anything.

Jiang Yunxian put Chu Nian on the bed, looked at Chu Ning gently and said softly, "ah Ning, I'll pick you up and Nian Nian tomorrow morning."

Chu's mother heard Jiang Yunxian say so and hurriedly looked at Chu Ning for fear that Chu Ning would say her plan for tomorrow.

"OK." Chu Ning answered softly.

Chu Ning just nodded faintly without saying anything. Chu's mother was just a little relieved.

"Then you have to rest early. I'm tired today. Parents, you can rest early. I'll go first." Jiang Yunxian wanted to reach out and touch Chu Ning's face, but looking at the expression of Chu's father and mother, Jiang Yunxian didn't dare to stretch out his hand after all. He still needs a tough battle here!

Jiang Yunxian drove to Jiangzhai. Along the way, my mind was full of pictures of today with Chu Ning and Chu Nian. Chu Ning's gentle and sweet smile and Chu Nian's innocent smile make Jiang Yunxian feel very full.

He couldn't help thinking how desirable it would be to live like this every day in the future.

Thinking of what happened with Chu Ning in the car when she came back in the evening, she couldn't help but be agitated. It seems that Chu Ning doesn't resist herself as much as before. Does it mean that Chu Ning has accepted him again from her heart?

Jiang Yunxian suddenly felt that the efforts of so many days had finally made substantial progress, and he couldn't help looking forward to tomorrow.

Now he really wants to see Chu Ning and Chu Nian all the time. He doesn't have to do this anymore. He's just picking up and seeing off. He's just inviting. He's eager for the three of his family to live together. I really hope this day will come soon.

When he returned to Jiang's house, he saw that the lights were bright at home. He expected that Jiang's father and mother hadn't slept yet. Jiang Yunxian couldn't help accelerating his pace.

"Dad, mom, why haven't you slept so late?" Jiang Yunxian felt distressed when he saw that Jiang's father and mother were still waiting in the living room.

"Your father and I want to see Chu Nian. We can't sleep anyway. We'll wait and see. That's it. How was your day? Did Chu Nian have a good time? By the way, and Chu Ning, how is she recently?" Jiang's mother kept asking when Jiang Yunxian came in, her face full of concern.

"Well, don't worry, mom. Everything is very good. We went to the amusement park today. Chu Nian was very happy. He had been excited to play one after another. He didn't want to go when it was dark. Originally, he said to come back for dinner at night, but after playing all day today, Chu Ning and Chu Nian were tired. Chu Nian fell asleep in the car back! Wait for next time, mom. Next time, I will take them with me Come back for dinner. "Jiang Yunxian comforted Jiang's mother. He understood how Jiang's father and mother wanted to see Chu Nian. After all, Chu Nian is their grandson. The so-called next generation relatives are such feelings. They worry about him anytime and anywhere.

"Hey..." father Jiang sighed with melancholy on his face. He couldn't help complaining about Jiang Yunxian. "Look at you, it's not all your fault. A good family, let's toss like this. If it weren't for you... Now your mother and I can see Chu Nian every day and enjoy the happiness of our family." father Jiang was obviously unhappy about the past.

Jiang's mother saw that Jiang's father had brought up this worry and silently stopped talking. Rao was so distressed about her son. In this matter, she also felt that Jiang Yunxian had done wrong. She thought that Chu Ning had gone to the United States with pregnancy for so many years. She also felt that the Jiang family was ashamed of her.

And Chu Nian, when she first saw this grandson, she loved it from the bottom of her heart. That's her own grandson, who dotes on everything every day. She doesn't think it's enough to give anything she wants.

Jiang Yunxian knew he was wrong and lowered his head.

Seeing that Jiang's father and mother were slightly angry, they suddenly felt remorseful. They could only blame their youth for their mistakes in the past, but they could never do it again.

Jiang Yunxian secretly made up his mind to make up for Chu Ning's mother and son, let them accept themselves again as soon as possible, and get rid of Jiang's father and mother's worries.

Suddenly, Jiang Yunxian remembered so many photos taken for Chu Ning's mother and son on his mobile phone today and said, "Dad, mom, I took a lot of photos for Chu Ning and Chu Nian today. Do you want to have a look together?"

"OK, open it quickly. You child didn't say it earlier. Take it out quickly and let us see our baby grandson." mother Jiang said happily when she heard the speech.

After all, Jiang's father and mother are old and have some presbyopia. Jiang Yunxian hurriedly connected his mobile phone to the TV and showed enlarged photos one by one.

Both Jiang's father and mother, wearing reading glasses and smiling, looked lovingly at the grandson in the picture.

Chu Nian in the photo, or running, or jumping, or smiling, looking back, or concentrating on playing

There are also group photos of Chu Ning and Chu Nian together. Each one is beautiful. Jiang's father and mother communicate happily. They can't help but sigh that they don't seem to be around. They grow tall without seeing Chu Nian in a few days.

And Chu Nian's expression was so lively and lovely that Jiang's father and mother's heart suddenly softened.

After the photo was released, Jiang's father and mother were still not satisfied. They told Jiang Yunxian to play it again and asked Jiang Yunxian to wash it out. Jiang's mother said she would make a photo album and put it in the living room. When the guests came, they should show them her lovely grandson.

Jiang Yunxian suddenly felt that Jiang's mother was exaggerating, but when he thought of Jiang's mother's mood to see Chu Nian, he was sad and secretly blamed himself.

Chu Ning had already discussed the itinerary with Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and the plane was leaving the next morning.

Today, I went out with Jiang Yunxian for a day and had to pack up when I came back. Seeing that Chu Nian has fallen asleep, Chu Ning doesn't dare to delay any more and is busy doing her own work.

Chu's mother watched Chu Ning silently pack up her things and stopped talking several times. She still said, "ah Ning, did you take Niannian and Jiang Yunxian out to play today and have a good time?"

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