"Well, Niannian is very happy. Mom, I'm fine. You don't have to worry. Niannian and I will go to the United States early tomorrow morning. Now what I'm most worried about is you and my father. You should pay attention to your health. Don't be brave. You must go to the hospital."

"Your father and I have nothing to do. We are all healthy. Don't worry. Just when you go to the United States, you don't know when you will come back. And Niannian, your father and I will miss you." Chu's mother is inevitably sad when she looks at Chu Ning packing up.

"Mom, Niannian and I will take good care of ourselves in the United States. Besides, the traffic is so developed that we may come back to see you sometime. Besides, you and my father are tired of staying at home, so you can also go to the United States." Chu Ning couldn't help comforting Chu's mother

In fact, she also knows that Xiao Li is pregnant now. When she gives birth to a baby, Chu's father and mother must be unable to go anywhere. As grandparents, they must be around their grandchildren every day.

"We can't go to the United States. When your brother has children, we must stay at home and take good care of them. However, ah Ning, your father and I always think Eric is good. We all see his concern for you and Chu Nian when we come back. This time he will go back to the United States with you. We are also relieved." Chu mother has her own plan, She doesn't want Jiang Yunxian to keep pestering. She hopes Chu Ning can have a new life, happiness and stability, and no more pain and harm.

"Mom, I've said many times that Eric is not suitable for me, but don't worry. This time we leave, we'll end up with Jiang Yunxian." Chu Ning heard Chu's mother say that again. Although she knew she was thinking of herself, she couldn't help being upset.

"Well, well, you're not a child anymore. You make your own decisions about your feelings. Mom only hopes you can be happy." Chu's mother no longer insists. Fate can't be persuaded by persuasion. Chu's mother only hopes that the two people can spark when they arrive at the new environment.

"Don't worry, mom, I will. It's getting late. Go and have a rest." Chu Ning was moved when she saw Chu's mother say so.

Chu Ning cleaned up properly. It was already 1 a.m. when she saw that she was tired and lying in bed. She was sore all over, but she was very awake. Take out your mobile phone and see a wechat pop up. Open it and see that it was sent by Jiang Yunxian.

"Did you sleep?"

Then I sent a group photo of the three of them today.

Chu Ning saw Jiang Yunxian's wechat and was not ready to answer him because she didn't know what to say. She was leaving tomorrow. Today, not only Chu Nian, but also herself, almost blurted out

。 Chu Ning looked at the photo. It was when Jiang Yunxian asked a young couple behind him to take a group photo of the three of them while waiting in line for the roller coaster. Behind them were long lines and happy faces on the roller coaster.

Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning both hugged Chu Nian tightly. Chu Nian had a satisfied smile on his face, and their small hands compared with each other in front of Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning.

Chu Ning was unconscious. Jiang Yunxian was just like he was when he first met. He was handsome, shy and warm

Only in the dead of night at this moment did Chu Ning dare to stare at Jiang Yunxian's face for a long time. Looking back on the days when she came back, Chu Ning either looked out of the window or looked directly at Jiang Yunxian's chest. She never seriously raised her head to have a good look at Jiang Yunxian's face, because she was afraid of her eyes looking at Jiang Yunxian, With a light she doesn't want to admit.

Looking at herself in the photo again, Chu Ning couldn't help feeling a little disappointed with a comfortable smile. Is that herself?

She never thought about what she was like now. She just kept telling herself to be strong and fearless every day, but she forgot that she was a woman. Looking at the woman in the photo, she seemed to be carefree and happy. She almost thought that the previous injury and betrayal were just a dream.

Chu Ning closes her cell phone and tells herself not to think about it. Go to bed quickly. There are still a lot of things to do tomorrow.

But the constant psychological hint that Chu Ning closed her eyelids and still didn't sleep. She turned back and forth, but she felt sore when she couldn't maintain a position for a minute, and she still didn't feel sleepy when she turned over.

Chu Ning felt her heart beat faster and her face was hot at this moment. She didn't expect Jiang Yunxian to kiss herself under such circumstances. What's more, she didn't refuse. She would be so eager for him and entangled with him.

Chu Ning couldn't help asking herself, did she really forgive him?

Can you accept him again?

But Chu Ning's heart gradually began to understand that she couldn't forget him. She always loved him.

It's not so much that she hates Jiang Yunxian for betraying her. She hates Jiang Yunxian for ignoring herself. She hates Jiang Yunxian for disappearing without saying a word. She hates Jiang Yunxian for letting herself kill her child, but most importantly, she hates why she can't leave him.

Why let me hurt again and again but still can't forget him, hate myself, clearly tell myself to break off the relationship with him, but I still have hope in my heart

That kind of self, love has no dignity, no pride, love is so humble, love has no hope, as if walking naked in the snowy winter, but there is no clothes that can keep warm slightly.

She never wanted to take the initiative to think of these words and let herself return to that despair. She just wanted to live in the future she could grasp and didn't want to give Jiang Yunxian another chance to hurt herself.

But what Jiang Yunxian did today once again awakened the deepest love in her heart. She had hopes again. That damn hope, she didn't want it!

Chu Ning can only keep telling herself that she will live better without Jiang Yunxian. She will get what she wants. She also has the ability to take care of Chu Nian when she grows up. Even if she can't make up for the lack of Chu Nian's father's love, she will try her best to make Chu Nian happy.

Chu Ning kept hinting at herself, while always showing Jiang Yunxian's kindness. From time to time, she thought about Jiang Yunxian's explanation that day. Is it true? Can she trust him again?

Chu Ning felt as if she was going to tear. This feeling tortured her. She couldn't breathe in the quiet night. It was this damn feeling. At the beginning, she didn't know how many nights she had to endure to sleep at ease. Is this another round of suffering?

Chu Ning can only tell herself that she and Chu Nian are leaving tomorrow. All this will end tomorrow. Even if she can't let go this time as last time, she already has experience.

Nothing more than a few sleepless nights will pass, and the days will slowly return to calm as last time. This reincarnation seems to be to verify the formation of a habit.

Sleepless all night, thinking back and forth, it's almost dawn.

Chu Ning couldn't help sighing. She had always pretended to be strong. Jiang Yunxian always had a magic that made her crazy. No matter how well she disguised, Jiang Yunxian could make her break her skills quickly. Chu Ning smiled bitterly at the thought.

She couldn't sleep either. Chu Ning got up and wanted to prepare breakfast for the family. As a result, Chu's mother came in as soon as her front foot stepped into the kitchen.

"Mom, it's still early. Why don't you sleep more?" Chu Ning asked.

"I can't sleep when I wake up in the morning. Get up early and cook food for you." Chu's mother looked at Chu Ning and said.

The mother and daughter were busy in a separate atmosphere. They both wanted to say something. They were afraid of causing deeper sadness, so they were silent. In the busy room, Chu Ning's phone rang.

"Chu Ning, I'll pick you up later and help you and Chu Nian get something." Eric's voice sounded and could hear the faint excitement in his voice.

"OK, be safe on the road." Chu Ning always apologized to Eric.

"Is it Eric? Let him come over for breakfast." Chu's mother heard the voice from the microphone and hurriedly asked Chu Ning.

Chu Ning heard the speech and conveyed the explanation of Chu's mother. Then she saw that the melancholy on Chu's mother's face dispersed slightly.

Breakfast was almost ready. Chu Ning hurriedly called Chu Nian to get up. Chu Nian's little face was obviously unhappy. He looked at Chu Ning and said, "Mom, are we leaving today?" Chu Nian was still struggling.

"Well, yes, my mother has promised grandpa Smith and uncle Eric, and uncle Eric will pick us up soon." Chu Ning saw Chu Nian's reluctance, and felt very big and helpless.

"Mom, what if I miss my father in the future? And I like my grandparents very much." Chu Nian was very dissatisfied with Chu Ning's answer, and her face was full of depression.

Chu Ning heard Chu Nian say this and immediately her eyes were slightly red. What should she do?

She can tell herself that it's over when she can bear it. She can force herself night after night, but for Chu Nian, what can she tell him to do? Do you want to tell him that if you think about it, you will naturally not think about it for a long time?

Chu Ning couldn't say such words. She felt so cruel.

"It's all right, Niannian. We don't come back. We just go to live for a while. If we want to come back, we'll come back again." Chu Ning thought and could only comfort Chu Nian in this way. She forgot that this time was different from the last time. Last time she was alone, no matter how painful it was, she would encourage herself to be strong as long as she thought of her son, but Chu Nian was so big this time. He had his own ideas and persistence. How could she curb his ideas again and again and let him listen to himself completely?

"Well, mom, let's stay for a while and come back." Chu Nian thought that this time he was just going to stay for a short time and would come back soon. It was obviously not as sad as just now.

"HMM." she casually agreed. Chu Ning didn't want to discuss this issue anymore. She was afraid that she would be soft hearted and turn around before she could reach the airport.

"Put it on, let's go out to dinner quickly. Grandma and grandpa are waiting for us outside. Uncle Eric will come soon. Don't you like playing with him very much?" Chu Ning quickly turned her head.

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