Chu Ning immediately felt warm in her heart. As soon as she came back, she became so pretentious and cared so much.

But although her heart complained about herself, her face was the most relaxed smile.

When the meals were served one by one, Jiang Yunxian was no longer idle. He served Chu Nian with vegetables and Chu Ning with soup. He also said that women should drink more soup to supplement their bodies.

He also gave chunian a variety of high protein foods, saying that chunian is growing and developing now. He should supplement more protein and grow tall.

Chu Ning looked at Jiang Yunxian talking and busy and felt good to enjoy. She never thought about what it would be like to raise Chu Nian with Jiang Yunxian. She never thought that there would be such a harmonious and beautiful time, so all this happened in front of her.

Chu Ning also secretly blamed herself for being so stupid. She wasted many years and made the three members of the family suffer.

But Chu Ning didn't say anything. Enron waited for Jiang Yunxian to take care of himself. He felt that he had never been at ease. He didn't have to worry about what to eat, what to drink, whether Chu Nian was full or not, and didn't have to worry about ordering and paying the bill

Jiang Yunxian has covered all this. At the moment, she just sits quietly and eats what she likes with her mouth open.

Chu Ning felt that there was no such happy moment.

Although Jiang Yunxian has been busy, his heart is like a little sun. It's very warm. Sitting opposite his favorite woman and beside his lovely son, Jiang Yunxian feels that this is the most important meaning of life.

What does Jiang Yunxian need to do all the time to make this simple warmth feel, and tell himself that all this is true, different from every imagination in the past.

Of course, among the three members of the family, Chu Nian is the happiest.

Because the father he wanted to see sat next to him and took gentle care of him as he imagined, Chu Nian's little face had already smiled into a flower.

Children's happiness is always the most simple and direct.

Chu Ning saw that Jiang Yunxian had been busy. Finally, he couldn't see it anymore. He advised him, "don't patronize us. You can have some food."

When Jiang Yunxian heard that Chu Ning cared about him, he agreed happily. He felt more like he was filled with honey and wanted to fly away.

Chu Ning saw that it was useless to persuade. She smiled and stopped talking. She just ate a lot of food in front of her.

Chu Ning thought, it's better to let the kitchen serve directly into two plates, one in front of him and the other in front of Chu Nian. Jiang Yunxian of the province works as a porter here. Anyway, he doesn't eat himself.

Chu Ning thought that she was also very bad and couldn't help being happier.

A meal was finally coming to an end. Jiang Yunxian seemed not to enjoy it. He repeatedly asked Chu Ning and Chu Nian if they wanted to add food.

Chu Ning has been too lazy to pay attention to Jiang Yunxian's exaggeration. Chu Ning's mother and son eat a large table of dishes. It's not easy to fill so much. Jiang Yunxian also asked whether to add dishes.

Chu Nian is more direct. He has changed from sitting straight at the beginning of dinner to leaning on his chair like a little old man. Chu Nian touched his round stomach and said, "Dad, do you want my stomach to explode?"

Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning were amused by Chu Nian's appearance. They also looked at each other and smiled, feeling the joy of reunion after a long separation.

Jiang Yunxian finally put down his chopsticks and silently looked at Chu Ning and Chu Nian in front of him, as if he were still thinking.

Chu Ning looked at Jiang Yunxian doing everything slowly today and couldn't help shaking her head. It seems that it will take a long time for Jiang Yunxian to adapt to their mother and son's return. Now it's up to him.

However, the family had been sitting for five minutes after eating in three. Jiang Yunxian was still silent and immersed in a happy mood. He just looked at Chu Ning's mother and son and giggled.

Chu Ning finally couldn't help it. She scolded Jiang Yunxian in her heart. How can she live more and more foolishly?

Seeing Jiang Yunxian's hesitation, he said, "the meal has been finished. Don't you take me to meet my parents?"

Jiang Yunxian was surprised again. Chu Ning asked to see Jiang's father and mother! It's about meeting your parents!

"See, see, go now!" Jiang Yunxian said incoherently.

There are too many surprises in these two days, which has exceeded Jiang Yunxian's conventional bearing range.

Jiang Yunxian didn't expect that everything went so smoothly.

Although he never intended to give up Chu Ning and Chu Nian, he always felt that he had to go through thousands of hardships and was still afraid that Chu Ning would not change his mind.

He never thought that one day, Chu Ning would appear in front of him without any warning, be kind to him, speak softly, have dinner with him and go home with him.

Chu Ning looked at Jiang Yunxian's appearance, and her heart was filled with emotion. She thought about meeting again after a long separation these days, but she never thought it was this scene.

It seems that sometimes there is a big difference between imagination and reality.

However, it is undeniable that reality is always more desirable and gratifying than imagination.

As soon as Chu Nian heard that he was going to see his grandparents, he immediately jumped up from his chair and shouted, "I'm going to see my grandparents! I'm going to see my grandparents!"

Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning look at Chu Nian and feel that happiness comes so steadily.

Jiang Yunxian drives a car with Chu Ning and Chu Nian sitting behind him.

Chu Ning offered to buy something for the second old man first.

Jiang Yunxian hurriedly said no, you and Chu Nian can go is the best gift for them.

However, Chu Ning insists. When she comes back this time, Chu Ning holds the longing and determination for a new life, so it is a new beginning for Jiang Yunxian and Jiang's father and mother.

Jiang Yunxian didn't say anything more. The recovery of Chu Ning made Jiang Yunxian more careful. He should respect and love Chu Ning more.

Jiang Yunxian held Chu Nian in one hand and Chu Ning in the other. He was very happy.

"Let's order a bunch of flowers, Yunxian." Chu Ning looked at Jiang Yunxian's happy look, thought and said.

"Order flowers? Why do you remember to order flowers?" although Chu Ning said he would bring some gifts to Jiang's father and mother, Jiang Yunxian didn't think at all. He was only foolishly happy. He was still very confused when Chu Ning said he would order flowers.

"Of course, mom likes flowers. I want to order a bunch of flowers for mom. What do you think?" Chu Ning looked at Jiang Yunxian and replied angrily. He felt that Jiang Yunxian was stupid for a moment.

"OK, listen to you." Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Ning seriously, his face was full of smiles, and kissed Chu Ning gently on his face.

Chu Ning blushed and said, "Hey, hey, it's outside."

Jiang Yunxian laughed at the speech. Chu Nian in Jiang Yunxian's arms couldn't help clapping and laughing when he saw Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian.

Chu Ning quickly picked the flowers for Jiang's mother and asked the waiter to wrap them up. The color matching was very warm and made people feel good.

Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Ning holding the flowers and immediately felt very beautiful.

Chu Ning didn't have too much delay, so she went to pick some fruits that Jiang mother usually likes to eat, and set out to Jiang's house with Jiang Yunxian and Chu Nian.

When Jiang Yunxian learned that Chu Ning was going to visit Jiang's father and mother, he excitedly dialed Jiang's mother. Jiang's mother was happy and speechless on the phone. She quickly told Jiang's father that the old couple were looking forward to it at home.

Jiang Yunxian drove into Jiang's house. Jiang's father and mother had already gone out to meet him. Seeing Jiang Yunxian get off first and then come down with Chu Nian in their arms, Jiang's mother hurried forward to pick up Chu Nian.

Chu Nian saw Jiang's mother. Her little face was full of excitement and cried happily, "Grandpa, grandma!"

Jiang's father and mother couldn't close their mouths with a smile.

Chu Ning held Jiang Yunxian's outstretched hand and looked at Jiang's father and mother, who had not been seen for a long time. She felt very sad. Her eyes were a little red. "Dad, mom, I came back with Chu Nian."

"Hey, hey, it's good to be back, it's good to be back," said Jiang's father and mother. Everyone in the Jiang family has been looking forward to this moment for too long.

"Don't stand outside. It's cold outside. Come and sit in the house." father Jiang saw that everyone was excited in the yard and hurriedly called everyone in.

Jiang's father and mother hugged Chu Nian, and Jiang Yunxian held Chu Ning tightly. The family walked towards the house very warmly.

As soon as Chu Ning entered the house, he handed over the prepared flowers and fruits. Jiang's mother has been smiling since they entered the door, as if there was only one expression.

"Chu Ning, if you come back this time, won't you go?" Jiang's mother smiled for a long time. Suddenly she remembered something and asked Chu Ning again.

"Mom..." Chu Ning was a little embarrassed when Jiang's mother asked. She suddenly felt that she came back too late. She was deeply ashamed of Jiang's father and mother. She couldn't help feeling that her eyes were slightly red.

"Oh, look at your question. Since Chu Ning has come back with her children, of course she won't go. He still needs to ask!" father Jiang seemed to see the fluctuation of Chu Ning's mood. He immediately made a voice to clear the siege, and looked at mother Jiang with a little complaint.

Jiang's mother seemed to realize her mistake. She laughed and said, "yes, yes, look at me. Chu Ning won't go, and my grandson won't go either."

Chu Ning heard that Jiang's father was helping her out. She looked at Jiang's father gratefully and felt that Jiang's father still supported her as always.

Jiang Fu also took a deep look at Chu Ning. There was comfort, emotion and joy in his eyes.

Jiang Yunxian watched silently and couldn't help holding Chu Ning's hand, as if he was proclaiming sovereignty and would never let go.

Chu Ning's mother and son and everyone in the Jiang family are immersed in the joy of reuniting after a long separation. They all want to say something. They don't know where to start. For a time, everyone is just laughing and laughing. For a while, they look at Chu Ning and read Chu

Since Chu Nian entered the door, Jiang's mother and father took turns to hold Chu Nian and gave Chu Nian no chance to walk down the ground.

The little guy was fresh for a while, and finally became a little impatient. He said, "Grandpa and grandma, I'm going out to play."

Jiang's father and mother heard the appeal of their baby grandson and hurriedly greeted Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning.

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