"Yunxian, Chu Ning, let's take Niannian to the nearby playground for a while. Help yourself."

"OK, mom and Dad," Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning answered together.

When Jiang's father and mother finished, they took Chu Nian and left alone. Jiang's mother seemed to mean something. When she left, she also took the door with her, as if she was afraid of delaying Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning.

Seeing that Jiang's father and mother went out, Jiang Yunxian couldn't help staring at Chu Ning. Jiang Yunxian, who was already next to Chu Ning, couldn't help sitting closer and closer.

Chu Ning feels Jiang Yunxian's proximity and feels a strange emotion rolling in her heart. Chu Ning knows that this is her desire for Jiang Yunxian that has been deeply suppressed for a long time.

Jiang Yunxian involuntarily kissed Chu Ning. Jiang Yunxian seemed to be treating a treasure. He looked carefully, tasted it slowly, occupied it inch by inch, and reached the depths of his soul.

Chu Ning felt Jiang Yunxian's initiative. At this moment, she felt incomparable enjoyment. She didn't want to have any ideas. She just clearly felt Jiang Yunxian and let Jiang Yunxian bring her a little happiness.

Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning seem to be kissing for a century, and they don't want to loosen at all.

Jiang Yunxian became a little angry. He hugged Chu Ning tightly and felt Chu Ning's thin body. Jiang Yunxian felt that he wanted to integrate Chu Ning into his body.

But fortunately, Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning just had a very long kiss in the living room. After all, they may feel that the place is wrong and have some scruples about meeting again after a long separation.

Of course, what he feared most was that Chu Ning would refuse.

After waiting for such a long time, Jiang Yunxian had no temper for Chu Ning. He only cherished and looked forward to it. He had become a tiger without teeth.

Chu Ning looked at Jiang Yunxian and stopped. For the first time, she felt that she was dissatisfied. Chu Ning felt that she was crazy. It was beyond her expectation.

I was annoyed with myself, but I just lowered my head and didn't say a word.

Jiang Yunxian saw Chu Ning suddenly calm down. He couldn't help but wonder if Chu Ning was angry with himself?

Does Jiang Yunxian think he is too anxious? Should we smell the words and whisper before doing something

Jiang Yunxian was immersed in his own thoughts for fear that he might accidentally annoy Chu Ning.

Jiang Yunxian took a serious look at Chu Ning and said, "Chu Ning, I want to explain everything to you from beginning to end. I don't want to have a little misunderstanding with you in the future."

Chu Ning looked up at Jiang Yunxian's eyes and felt distressed. She leaned against Jiang Yunxian's arms and said, "Yunxian, the previous things have passed. We don't want to mention them anymore. Can we all grasp now?"

Jiang Yunxian listened to Chu Ning's voice and felt a warm current in his heart. Chu Ning really forgave him and accepted him this time.

Jiang Yunxian couldn't help kissing Chu Ning's forehead and felt the unique taste of Chu Ning.

One afternoon, Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning sat on the sofa hugging each other. Chu Ning leaned lazily in Jiang Yunxian's arms. Both of them had a rare relaxation and peace of mind in recent years.

Jiang Yunxian couldn't help telling Chu Ning about all her worries, despair, loss and sadness after Chu Ning left. He talked about the joy and feeling of her recovery. It seemed that if she didn't say it now, they would miss each other more.

Chu Ning listened quietly and sighed that he had done wrong. If he figured it out earlier and changed his mind earlier, Jiang Yunxian wouldn't have suffered so much.

Chu Ning listened and talked about the days when she had just left Jiang Yunxian. At that time, her anger, sadness, disappointment and grief almost crushed her, making her feel that everything was gray, as if there was no future

But thanks to Chu Nian's love for Chu Nian at that time, Chu Ning came all the way.

Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning recalled their lives in recent years. They all felt bitter in their hearts. Looking at the love around them, they all felt that these years had been wasted.

One afternoon, sometimes very fast, sometimes very slow.

This afternoon is of great significance and forever memorable for Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning. Because this afternoon, they can finally sit down calmly, tell the past story, uncover the healed wounds, accept and love each other again.

When night fell, Jiang's father and mother finally came back with Chu Nian.

Chu Nianren didn't enter the door, but the voice came in first. He kept shouting that he would go to play tomorrow. He thought about what was the most fun.

Jiang's father and mother pulled Chu Nian into the door and saw Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning embracing each other sweetly on the sofa. This picture is very beautiful. It is a unique scenery that can be displayed by lovers.

Jiang's father and mother couldn't help looking at each other. Their eyes were full of joy. Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning can walk together again. It's not worth Jiang Yunxian's deep love for Chu Ning and the old couple's watching and looking forward to it every day.

Seeing Jiang's father, Jiang's mother and Chu Nian enter the door, Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning loosen up a little, not like they just hugged as if there were no one else.

"Mom and Dad, you've come back with the reading." Chu Ning hurriedly greeted, still feeling a little embarrassed.

After all, when she was with Jiang Yunxian, she had never been so sticky in public. Chu Ning felt that she was a little more alive and went back.

Jiang's father and mother just looked at Chu Ning with a smile and didn't speak, as if it was intentional.

Chu Ning immediately blushed and sat upright, slightly lowering her head to hide her embarrassment.

Jiang Yunxian coughed and his eyes drifted away, pretending that nothing had happened.

Of course, Chu Nian, the most popular, broke the atmosphere first. Chu Nian proudly said, "Grandpa and grandma, what do we eat in the evening? I'm hungry."

Listening to the sound of Chu Nian's milk, Jiang's father and mother seemed to suddenly return to their senses and hurriedly said, "yes, yes, it's time to have dinner. They've already prepared it. They can have dinner after a little preparation."

Jiang's mother hurried to the kitchen. Today is the first day Chu Ning and Chu Nian come back. Jiang's mother naturally doesn't trust the nanny to cook. She has to be there in person and cook some good dishes.

Chu Ning stopped sitting, and immediately followed Jiang Mu into the kitchen, claiming to fight.

Only Jiang Fu, Jiang Yunxian and Chu Nian are left in the living room. Jiang's father looked at Jiang Yunxian and couldn't help saying, "how's it going, boy?" with a smile in his eyes.

"Dad, what's the matter? What's the matter with you and my mother today?" Jiang Yunxian said involuntarily. Jiang Yunxian thinks that today's Jiang's father and mother are very strange. They have always followed him and Chu Ning with narrow eyes, making them two adults fall in love like college students. Parents are very embarrassed to see them.

Jiang Fu laughed and said nothing more. His sunny mood is really relaxing and happy.

Jiang's mother and Chu Ning quickly finished a large table of dishes. The nanny looked around as if there was no place to intervene. It was rare to feel that the Jiang family was so lively and lively.

When Chu Nian ate, he naturally sat next to Jiang's father and mother, while Chu Ning sat next to Jiang Yunxian.

Chu Ning feels that in this way, she and Chu Nian really look like guests.

Jiang's father and mother tried their best to take care of Chu Nian for dinner. They were eager to put everything delicious in the bowl. Chu Nian ate one mouthful and immediately took another mouthful, for fear that there was a little empty space in the bowl.

Jiang Yunxian was even worse. He gave Chu Ning Sheng everything in a small bowl, but he just watched Chu Ning eat with great concentration and basically didn't move his chopsticks.

Chu Ning feels that it's inappropriate to say that she and Chu Nian are guests. In fact, they are more like the treasures of the Jiang family. Jiang's father, Jiang's mother and Jiang Yunxian treat their mother and son with all their enthusiasm and patience, which is to melt them in happiness.

Chu Ning was moved as she ate.

All the doubts in Jiang Yunxian's heart had dissipated long ago.

When the family finished eating, Chu Ning looked at Jiang's father and mother and said to Chu Nian, "Nian Nian, do you want to give a show to your grandparents?"

"Hmm? What program, mom?" Chu Nian heard Chu Ning's proposal and immediately began to think.

"Do you want to sing a song for your grandparents?" Chu Ning kept guiding Chu Nian.

"OK, OK, I can sing the youth cultivation manual." Chu Nian was immediately excited.

Jiang's father and mother obviously didn't expect their grandchildren to be so versatile. Although they knew that children would be more lively, looking at their grandchildren, they were pleasantly surprised and expected by his every cute and small ability.

Chu Ning asks Jiang's father and mother to sit down, while he sits on the other side. Jiang Yunxian sits next to Chu Ning. Everyone is ready and looks at Chu Nian standing in the middle with wide eyes.

Chu Nian seemed not shy. Seeing that everyone had done a good job, he announced the curtain very generously, and then began to dance while singing.

Looking at Chu Nian, who was a little clumsy but very cute, Jiang's father and mother began to cheer. This should be the most moving and exciting performance they saw.

Jiang Yunxian sat with Chu Ning in his arms and watched Chu Nian's performance. Jiang Yunxian's eyes were slightly wet. His son was so old.

Fortunately, Chu Ning has been training him well, so that Chu Nian can be so lively, so cheerful and so lovely.

Although Jiang Yunxian felt it was a pity that he was absent so much, he felt very lucky to think that everything was still in time. For a moment, tears came out.

It seemed that she knew Jiang Yunxian's mood fluctuation. Chu Ning didn't look back at him, but shook Jiang Yunxian's hand, as if she told Jiang Yunxian that she understood and she was

After Chu Nian's performance, he ran to Jiang's father and mother and asked them to tell stories.

Jiang's father and mother have never taken care of children, and they don't have much experience.

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