Yang Lele turned his eyes, full of inner drama.

"Mom, come on, come on, I want to eat."

Song Zian didn't care what the ghost was, and he didn't have any adult association ability. Just looking at something in the pot, he felt his stomach growling and kept urging.

Song Yimin looked at his daughter and wanted to stop it, but under the influence of Yang Lele, he didn't dare to say anything and shook his head silently.

He felt that Yang Lele was going to take song Zian to the ditch. When he grew up, he didn't look like a lady.

After going out to dinner with boys, one mouth will eat brain flowers.

Song Yimin accidentally covered his face with his hand and felt unable to bear to look directly at him.

"Niannian, do you want to eat brain flowers?" Chu Ning was also deeply infected. She quickly asked Chu Nian's opinions and looked at a full image of a competent mother.

"Mom, what's that?" Chu Nian was still a little reserved in this matter. He first asked what structure it was.

"Ah, that, this is..."

Chu Ning didn't expect that Chu Nian would care what it was. She suddenly felt speechless and felt that the explanation was very disgusting.

"Ha ha, Niannian, this is a pig's brain!" Yang Lele blurted out when he saw Chu Ning was very embarrassed.

In her eyes, this is a very delicious thing. Whatever it is.

"Ah? Pig brain, can't you? I don't eat it." Chu Nian immediately flashed back and shook his head in fear.

Pig brain sounds like swearing. You don't want to become a pig brain after eating.

At this time, song Zian, seeing Chu Nian's reaction, even opened his mouth: "that, mom, I won't eat either. You eat."

This sentence is a very lady, and I don't know whether she wants to understand what it is.

Jiang Yunxian and song Yimin were relieved to see that the two little guys refused.

They thought it was ok, otherwise there was no way to live. They really doubted whether there would be a place for themselves in the family in the future.

"Niannian, Zian, I tell you, this thing is really good. It will become smart after eating! You can get 100 points in the exam! Really, do you want to try?"

Yang Lele saw that the two little guys refused. He couldn't help but have some regrets and worked very hard to sell.

However, I don't know where her theory of eating pig brain to supplement human brain came from. It obviously needs further demonstration.

Chu Ning couldn't help laughing after hearing Yang Lele's words.

She remembered that many years ago, when she saw such a disgusting thing with brain circuits, she wanted to vomit.

It is also Yang Lele who coaxed himself so patiently to say that after eating, he can get the first place in the exam and have unlimited creative thinking.

They all take brain flower as an artifact when they learn design. Whenever they encounter a bottleneck in design, they have to turn to brain flower for help.

Chu Ning listened to Yang Lele's demonized fallacy and thought it was true. Holding the determination of a strong man to break his wrists, she frowned, bit her cheeks and held her neck tightly, so she forced herself to eat.

He swallowed without much chewing, which made Chu Ning feel that she had to cover her mouth hard so that she wouldn't spit out immediately.

But later, I ate more with Yang Lele, and turned into powder gradually. Now it has become a must point for hotpot.

Yang Lele looked at his brain and couldn't sell it. He had no choice but to get Chu Ning and his bowl, and said to himself, "if you don't eat such a good thing, don't blame me and Chu Ning for enjoying it alone! Chu Ning, eat quickly and let them look greedy."

Chu Ning looked at Yang Lele's way of getting around to himself, and couldn't help laughing.

Looking at the brain flower Yang Lele filled in his bowl, Chu Ning didn't have the same appetite as usual and felt a little disgusted.

Chu Ning couldn't help feeling very strange. What's the matter? Is it because I haven't eaten for a long time?

Yang Lele just looked at Chu Ning, but didn't move his chopsticks. He couldn't help saying, "eat Chu Ning, won't even you dislike my brain flower?"

Chu Ning shook her head gently, dug a mouthful with a spoon and put it into her mouth.

But unlike usual, Chu Ning didn't sigh the smooth taste of naohua. After eating it, it became more disgusting and couldn't help retching.

"What's the matter, Chu Ning? Is it choking?" Jiang Yunxian, who was nearby, heard Chu Ning's movement and rushed over, patted Chu Ning on the back and asked.

At this time, Yang Lele and song Yimin also cast concerned eyes. They don't know what happened to Chu Ning.

Chu Ning wants to squeeze a voice out of her throat to answer everyone that she has nothing to do, but bouts of retching surge in, leaving Chu Ning no time to take care of it.

Chu Ning couldn't sit still any longer. She hurried to the bathroom and kept retching. She felt that there was a breath in her stomach and kept turning up.

Jiang Yunxian saw Chu Ning run out and hurriedly stood up, but he couldn't follow him to the bathroom. He had to hurriedly ask Yang Lele: "Lele, go and have a look. What's the matter with Chu Ning?"

Yang Lele is also flustered at the moment. This is not the first time they have come out to eat hot pot. Chu Ning has never had such a situation.

Is the brain flower here not fresh?

"It's all right, I'll go and have a look now. Don't worry!" Yang Lele could only pacify Jiang Yunxian.

Yang Lele hurriedly ran out with Chu Ning, leaving anxious Jiang Yunxian and song Yimin, as well as questioning Chu Nian and song Zian.

Yang Lele comes to Chu Ning. Chu Ning just keeps retching, but she can't spit out anything. It looks very uncomfortable.

"Chu Ning, what's the matter with you? Are you better?" Yang Lele kept asking. She really hoped Chu Ning could answer her right away.

After a while, Chu Ning's nausea was not so serious, so she slowly raised her head.

Yang Lele quickly handed over the paper towel in his hand.

"It's all right, Lele. I don't know what's wrong today. I feel like vomiting after taking a bite. Maybe I'm uncomfortable in my stomach in recent days. Just have a rest. It seems that I can't eat brain flowers with you today."

After Chu Ning's severe retching, his face was obviously a little pale, but he didn't forget to joke to reassure Yang Lele.

"That's not good. You're too scary. Let's go to the hospital quickly." Yang Lele is not ambiguous about this matter and has to take Chu Ning to the hospital.

"No, no, I'm fine. I know my own body." Chu Ning hurriedly refused.

She felt that Yang Lele was making a mountain out of a molehill.

The two men returned to their seats in a stalemate.

Seeing Chu Ning coming back, Jiang Yunxian immediately asked, "Chu Ning, what's the matter with you? Are you better?"

"Also, Chu Ning just retched badly. I said take her to the hospital. She said nothing!" Yang Lele said before Chu Ning could speak.

After hearing this, Jiang Yunxian immediately stood up, put on his coat and took Chu Ning to the hospital. He also said, "Lele, you and Yimin take the children to eat here. I'll take Chu Ning to the hospital."

Chu Ning saw that Yang Lele and Jiang Yunxian were so determined that there was no way. She couldn't even go after dinner. She had to stand up and follow Jiang Yunxian.

At this time, Yang Lele was no longer in the mood to eat hot pot. He let the two children eat a few mouthfuls, so he took his two children with song Yimin to find Chu Ning and his wife.

Jiang Yunxian took Chu Ning to the hospital and drove a lot faster than usual. Chu Ning couldn't help saying, "don't worry, Yun Xian, I guess you just ate something bad and have a rest. There's really no need to make a mountain out of a molehill."

Just Jiang Yunxian glanced at Chu Ning faintly, and Chu Ning stopped talking.

After all, if Jiang Yunxian is really fierce, Chu Ning is still a little scared.

At this time, Jiang Yunxian remembered that Chu Ning was a little uncomfortable last time. Jiang Yunxian proposed to have a physical examination, but Chu Ning didn't agree. This time, the symptoms were more serious, and he couldn't help but feel that he couldn't be controlled by Chu Ning's temperament.

The two men came to the hospital. Jiang Yunxian took Chu Ning directly to the emergency department.

At this time, Chu Ning had the mentality of revisiting her hometown. She thought of bringing Xiao Li here at night. She vomited... No... Chu Ning couldn't help feeling that it wouldn't be so coincidence!

But this is often the case, or how can we say that nothing happens without a book! After a series of examinations, the doctor finally announced that Chu Ning was pregnant.

Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Ning very seriously. After staring at Chu Ning carefully for a few seconds, he couldn't help running forward to pick up Chu Ning and turned around in place for several times.

Jiang Yunxian's excitement is really beyond words. His face is full of expectations for the baby!

Chu Ning smiled and said, "don't turn, don't turn, Yun Xian, put me down. There's another one in my stomach!"

Chu Ning changed from instant surprise to joy when she heard that she was going to be a mother again.

Her heart is full of longing for the baby.

When Yang Lele and song Yimin arrived with Chu Ning and song Zian, they just saw Jiang Yunxian turning around with Chu Ning.

Yang Lele and song Yimin were stunned in the local area, thinking what they were doing?

Yang Lele couldn't help but he song Yimin looked at each other. His eyes were puzzled.

"Lele, Yimin, come on, Chu Ning is pregnant, and I want to be a father again." Jiang Yunxian gently put down Chu Ning, walked quickly to Yang Lele and song Yimin, and said eagerly.

As he spoke, he gestured with his hand, as if he was afraid of not being able to express his mind clearly.

When Yang Lele heard this, he was also happy for Chu Ning. "Really? Chu Ning? You're great, you're great, great." Yang Lele was excited and could only say an exclamation.

Song Yimin also excitedly patted Jiang Yunxian on the shoulder and said, "Congratulations, Yunxian."

Jiang Yunxian returned with an excited smile.

At this time, the two little protagonists, Chu Nian and song Zian, obviously have not fully understood the happy things of adults.

"Niannian, mom will give you a brother or sister soon!" Jiang Yunxian couldn't help but say to Chu Nian.

"Brother or sister?"

Chu Nian remembered the ideas that Jiang's mother often instilled in him recently. He had already been mentally prepared.

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