Hearing the speech, he was also happy and said, "that's great! I want a brother or sister."

Chu Nian said, thinking whether it was a brother or a sister?

Jiang Yunxian smiled and touched Chu Nian's hairy hair.

The doctor explained the precautions, and then went home to rest. Yang

Lele took Chu Ning's hand and said something for a while before reluctantly taking song Zian away.

On their way home, Yang Lele and song Yimin kept lamenting the good fortune of Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning. They had children again so soon.

"Mom, do you think brother Chu Nian won't like me when he has a brother or sister?"

At this time, song Zian children obviously have their own worries and doubts.

"No, zi'an. Brother Chu Nian won't dislike you. He will always like us zi'an." Yang Lele touched song zi'an's head and said softly.

She immediately felt that her daughter was pestering Chu Nian, which was really a bit possessed.

Here, Jiang Yunxian took Chu Ning and Chu Nian back to Jiang's house. He drove very steadily all the way. He was afraid that a little shaking of the car body would disturb Chu Ning's mother and son.

Chu Ning sat in the car and looked at Jiang Yunxian's cautious appearance. She couldn't help laughing and said, "Yun Xian, you don't have to do this. I'm not pregnant for the first time. As for you, when I just came here, the doctor didn't say the child was very good." Chu Ning couldn't help teasing Jiang Yunxian.

When Jiang Yunxian heard Chu Ning say so, he felt even worse.

After all, Chu Ning didn't fulfill her responsibility as a father when she was pregnant with Chu Nian. Until now, she still feels very guilty when she thinks of it.

Jiang Yunxian secretly decided to take good care of Chu Ning's mother and son this time and not let Chu Ning suffer a little pain and fatigue.

"The doctor told you to be careful. After all, it's not harmful to be careful in the first three months. You have to listen to the doctor." Jiang Yunxian said quietly, although he felt bad in his heart.

"OK, OK, I know. It's wordy." Chu Ning stopped looking at Jiang Yunxian and turned to look out of the window. She felt very warm in her heart.

My small family team will grow again.

The three members of Jiang Yunxian's family returned to Jiang's house. Jiang's father and mother haven't slept yet.

"Mom and Dad, we're back. I just took Chu Ning to the hospital for examination, and Chu Ning was pregnant again." Jiang Yunxian saw Jiang's father and mother, so he quickly shared the exciting news.

When Jiang's father and mother heard the speech, they all stood up immediately. This is the good news they have been looking forward to for a long time. Now it has finally come true.

"Great, Chu Ning, it's very kind of you. You have to be careful next. Everything is important to you and the children!" Jiang mother took Chu Ning's hand and told her carefully. Her eyes were full of smiles and excitement.

Jiang Fu also smiled excitedly. After all, when people are old, they always hope to have children and grandchildren around, and the more, the better. They always feel that there are too few people.

Chu Ning looks at Jiang's father and mother, Jiang Yunxian, and Chu Nian who has been watching her. Chu Ning feels that she is the happiest woman in the world.

In the following days, Chu Ning was just one of the ladies. Jiang Yunxian naturally took over and sent the car every day. He drove carefully and carefully for fear of a slight mistake.

Jiang's mother is fully responsible for Chu Ning's diet. She makes delicious food for Chu Ning every day, cooks all kinds of soup, and threatens to make Chu Ning's body as strong as an ox, so that Chu Ning can be at ease for childbirth.

Chu's father and mother are also very happy to know that Chu Ning is pregnant. Chu's mother always asks Chu LAN to take the prepared food to Chu Ning to the company.

It is said that it is necessary to make up the gap between work. Chu Ning and the baby are hungry for a long time.

This makes Chu Ning feel embarrassed. She thinks that this pregnancy is too laborious.

Chu Ning is like the most important treasure of the Jiang family at home. Everyone revolves around her.

In the company, Chu LAN took over more than half of the work led by Chu Ning, saying that women are not suitable to be too tired when they are pregnant.

Chu Ning feels that she is a canary kept by a group of people. It's very expensive, but sometimes people pay attention to it.

After all, Chu Ning feels that her life like grass has more vitality and vitality.

Chu Ning felt that such care was really a little breathless, so she called Yang Lele that day.

"Lele, what are you doing?" Chu Ning sat in the office and wanted to talk to Yang Lele. She felt that her world was obviously smaller now.

"I'm at work! How are you, my pregnant goddess." Yang Lele looked like a playful face across the phone.

"Well, you said, pregnant women are not good at all. Since pregnant, Jiang family has been around me every day. I feel that I am fat and stupid, and I am not like me any more." Chu Chu found out the opportunity to make complaints about it.

"Ha ha, Chu Ning, did you do it on purpose? You didn't ask me to show off?" Yang Lele smiled brightly.

If you didn't know Chu Ning too much, you would really think that Chu Ning is free now to be angry with her.

However, Yang Lele is well aware of Chu Ning's character. After all, Chu Ning is used to being independent. She worries about everything by herself. Rarely will others help her, so she has become the protagonist of the family. Chu Ning will inevitably not get used to it.

"Look what you said, you did it on purpose." Chu Ning knew Yang Lele's temperament and always wanted to speak out.

"Hey, don't tell me. How are you recently? Jiang Yunxian is nice to you." Yang Lele still couldn't help but think about gossip.

"Nonsense, of course. Lele, are you busy after work? Let's go out for a walk in the mall?"

Chu Ning wants to make an appointment with Yang Lele alone. She always feels that there are many people's concerns and restrictions on what she eats and does. It's inevitable that she often feels uncomfortable.

"Of course I have no problem. As long as you can, can your family Jiang Yunxian rest assured?" Yang Lele knows the crux.

"I'll talk to him later."

Chu Ning actually has no bottom. Since she was pregnant, Jiang Yunxian was as tough as at the beginning. She didn't let Chu Ning do many things. She was worried about this and that. She looked like an overbearing president.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Ning brewing her emotions and dialed Jiang Yunxian's number, "Hey, Yunxian, are you busy now?"

"Not busy, what's the matter with Chu Ning?" Jiang Yunxian immediately asked when he heard Chu Ning's phone. He was afraid that Chu Ning was not comfortable at all.

"Well, I want to go shopping with Lele after work. How about eating out in the evening?" Chu Ning spoke like a little woman.

"OK, I'll accompany you." Jiang Yunxian thought it wasn't a big deal. Chu Ning called him specially and was very obedient.

"Well, you don't have to come, and you need company to read." Chu Ning didn't expect Jiang Yunxian to automatically take himself as a suffix. When did Chu Ning say he wanted to take him?

"Well, well, I'll take you to the mall after work, and then I'll pick up Niannian and zi'an. I'll pick you up just after that." Jiang Yunxian immediately arranged the process, and his tone was very firm, as if he was talking to his secretary.

"Well, ok..." Chu Ning wanted to say something else, but he thought Jiang Yunxian was like this. If Chu Ning said he would go back at night, Jiang Yunxian would certainly disagree.

In desperation, she had to reluctantly agree.

Chu Ning and Yang Lele enter the mall together. Chu Ning immediately feels the air flowing.

Chu Ning, like a happy rabbit, first bought two ice creams and ate them one by one.

"Chu Ning, are you all right? You haven't eaten ice cream?" Yang Lele was very puzzled about Chu Ning's painting of fleeing from famine.

"You also said that at home, Yunxian wouldn't let me eat cold. He also said that I had a bad stomach. I haven't touched these things for a long time, but I especially wanted ice cream after pregnancy. I always felt flustered."

Chu Ning was eating and complaining about Jiang Yunxian.

"Well, Chu Ning, if your family knew that I took you out to eat ice cream, he would buy it to end me?" Yang Lele made an exaggerated move to wipe his neck.

Chu Ning thought seriously and said, "it shouldn't be. We Yunxian aren't so violent."

After hearing this, Yang Lele immediately jumped up, "Chu Ning. Are you wrong? You don't care about the life and death of your best friend. You even study whether your men are so violent. How come I didn't find you so heavy and light? You make me sad." Yang Lele suddenly came to perform. It was a vivid performance.

"Come on, let's eat something else and bake some kebabs! I still want to have a barbecue!" Chu Ning looked at Yang Lele's posture and was about to lie on her shoulder and cry, so she quickly pushed her away and said.

Yang Lele looks at Chu Ning and opens his mouth. Is this Chu Ning who is usually very calm?

Why do you come out like a greedy cat today?

But Yang Lele can only quickly keep up with Chu Ning. After all, although Chu Ning is pregnant, her actions have no impact at all.

In fact, Chu Ning didn't suddenly become greedy. She was completely a rebound psychology after controlling her head.

Under Jiang Yunxian's Daily "surveillance", Chu Ning suddenly wanted to do what Jiang Yunxian didn't want to do.

Chu Ning and Yang Lele just got the kebab in their hands when they received a call from Jiang Yunxian. Chu Ning was very helpless.

After reporting his specific location, he chewed two kebabs, and the rest, together with those in Yang Lele's hand, went into the nearby trash can.

"Chu Ning, Jiang Yunxian won't let you eat it. He didn't say he won't let me eat it." Yang Lele was annoyed to see that Chu Ning destroyed the delicious food before he ate it.

"Well, you eat and I'll see. It doesn't accord with common sense! It's all right. Lele, I'll unload in a few months. We'll come back then, and I'll make good compensation to you."

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