So Chu Nian was meditating, and suddenly he was hugged around his neck and fell back!

He subconsciously resisted, but the strength of the other party was not small. For a moment, he fell into a stalemate.

Chu Nian tried to see who it was. He turned his head and found that it was Liu Heyan.

When did he wake up? Why is there no movement? Is he a dog?

So he said with difficulty, "Liu Heyan? Are you awake? Let go of me quickly. What are you doing?"

Liu Heyan just sneered and stepped up his efforts.

"Why? What did you say about me? You forgot what you did last night, didn't you? I worked hard for you and didn't go to bed until midnight! You step on Marco and sleep like a dead pig! Are you comfortable? Ah? Are you comfortable? Is it particularly comfortable?"

Hearing this, Chu Nian was a little confused.

Liu Heyan said he took care of himself until midnight? Really?

But his anger didn't seem to be lying, and he did wake up this morning with no hangover.

No wonder you're so angry.

He seemed to understand something and couldn't help feeling a little guilty. "Sorry, I don't know. Thank you."


Liu Heyan released him, snorted coldly, then picked up his mobile phone and looked at the time, "get up quickly. I have to go to work today."

"Invite me to dinner later - the most expensive one."

Chu Nian was stunned for a moment, then reacted, smiled and agreed, and hurriedly got up to wash and prepare for work.

When he arrived at the company, Liu Heyan still looked tired and yawned from time to time.

Seeing him, song Zian came over to say hello. Seeing this tired look, he couldn't help asking curiously, "what's the matter with you? Did you sleep late last night? Why are you so sleepy?"

When she said this, Liu Heyan remembered that he had been tossed to sleep in the middle of the night last night. He couldn't help feeling a little more resentment on his face. "You don't know, Chu Nian was drunk last night. I took care of him until the middle of the night!"


Song Zian was stunned. This is a little informative. How did Chu Nian get drunk? Isn't he seldom drunk?

And why did Liu Heyan take care of him? If she remembers correctly, their homes are not on the same line?

Liu Heyan finally met an opportunity to tell, so he quickly began to pour bitter water.

"You don't know. Chu Nian didn't know where to drink last night. He was so bored that he even drank. He was still drunk."

Here he paused.

Because he remembered he Tiantian last night.

He hesitated to say it. If he Tiantian is really a conspiracy, isn't it bad not to say it yourself?

But what if it's your own illusion? Moreover, there were only three of them present about he Tiantian. Chu Nian was drunk, and he had no evidence. If he said it rashly, it would be bad in case he ruined others' reputation.

Then he thought, Liu Heyan still concealed the part and continued to make complaints about Chu.

"When I was drunk, I happened to go back to the hotel. I met him and quickly helped him in. At that time, it was just the two of us. What do you say? I can only take care of him!"

"You don't know, he vomited a lot and I cleaned it up for a long time!" Liu Heyan felt very sad when he thought of the tragedy last night.

"I still haven't figured it out. Chu Nian felt that his throat was on fire. He wanted to get up and pour a glass of water, but he found that his body was not so controlled, and there was a weak breath in his limbs.

Chu Nian couldn't help asking himself, what's the matter? But he was drunk. Why is he so strong?

Inadvertently looked at the bright sunshine outside. It was another sunny day.

No! Wait, Chu Nian has been in this place for several days and is used to the temperature here. Chu Nian shouldn't feel so cold at this time!

After dialing the front desk of the hotel, Chu Nian reluctantly asked for a thermometer.

Just without suspense, after the "drop", Chu Nian saw the "38 ° C" shining on the thermometer.

Did you have a fever? Chu Nian couldn't help feeling that it was too unexpected.

In Chu Nian's memory, the last fever seemed to have occurred when he was studying. He had a series of schoolwork pressure and the affairs of the internship company. Chu Nian didn't pay attention at once. After staying up all night, he finally felt confused.

But recently, he just went out on a business trip at random and didn't do much tired. Unexpectedly, he made himself like this just because he drank wine once. Chu Nian couldn't help feeling that he was too delicate recently?

He was still lying in bed with his head in his head. Chu Nian had the idea of being lazy for the first time. It seemed that it was good to lie like this.

Looking back on every day in the past, Chu Nian rarely happened to lie in bed and see the sun. Basically, before the sun rose, Chu Nian had already started morning exercise or rushed to Huangtian group to start work early.

Like today, lying in bed in the sun is definitely a new life experience for Chu Nian.

"Dong, Dong, Dong." Chu Nian didn't even bother to lift her eyes when she heard a knock at the door.

I quickly filtered it in my mind. Who will come to Chu Nian at this time?

He Tiantian? Hotel service? Or song Zian?

Chu Nian thought about all the possibilities. Even when he thought that it might be song Zian, his body, which was unwilling to move, suddenly had energy again.

Chu Nian got up faintly and opened the door with expectation.

Just at that moment, Chu Nian was stunned!

Standing at the door, Chu Nian didn't think of every possibility. It was Liu Heyan!

Liu Heyan was originally kind to see how Chu Nian was, but Chu Nian was unhappy when he saw a ghost.

Stretch out his arm and push Chu Nian away from the door. Liu Heyan steps into Chu Nian's room by himself.

"Hello, he Yan, this is my room!" Chu Nian looked at Liu He Yan's extremely smooth movements. Rao is now burning all over. He is still unwilling to compromise. He must fight to show his displeasure.

"Well, I know, what's the problem with your room?" Liu Heyan sat directly on the sofa in Chu Nian's room and crossed his legs, as if he wanted to be angry with Chu Nian on purpose.

"What's the problem? Are you out of your mind? Come and sit in my room and ask me what's the problem?"

Chu Nian thinks what's the matter today. Is there something wrong with his understanding of the world when he has a fever? Why? Otherwise, why did Liu Heyan suddenly become so brazen.

Liu Heyan looked a little crazy when he saw Chu Nian early in the morning. He suddenly felt a little funny. He thought Chu Nian could quarrel and be aggressive. It was estimated that 80% of the wine was almost awake.

But Liu Heyan still sat quietly and looked at Chu Nian with a funny look at your performance.

Chu Nian sees that Liu Heyan is really intentional. She is no longer too lazy to compete with Liu Heyan. The attack just now has made Chu Nian feel more uncomfortable with a headache.

Chu Nian simply lay back in bed and looked angry.

"Hey, I said Chu Nian, aren't you? I'm still here! You're in bed again!" Liu Heyan was surprised by Chu Nian's action.

The boy in my mind who is always meticulous and even has his hair biased in one direction is really a sloppy ghost lying in front of me regardless of his image and clothes?

"What's the problem?" Chu Nian just felt cold and uncomfortable at this time, so he didn't bother to support worthless face in front of Liu Heyan. Hearing Liu Heyan's question, he just raised his head slightly and signaled that he was listening.

"Hum, you also said that you were drunk like a ghost before. If it weren't for me, you would have to sleep on the street at night!" Liu Heyan didn't know whether his behavior at this time was a credit, but he was still willing to see Chu Nian's reaction after hearing this.

Hearing the speech, Chu Nian choked. What Liu Heyan said is the truth.

Aware of Chu Nian's thoughts, Liu Heyan looked at Chu Nian with an evil smile and felt that Chu Nian was actually quite cute.

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