"What's the matter with you? You look listless?" Liu Heyan found that Chu Nian's reaction was not as energetic as usual, but felt powerless.

"Nothing, I have a fever." Chu Nian was still thinking about song Zian at this time. Naturally, he didn't think about what Liu Heyan said. Anyway, it was what Liu Heyan asked and answered.

"Ah? You still have a fever? You're a big man. You have a fever after drinking some wine?"

I don't know whether Liu Heyan is a bad friend or not. What he says is all the pain points of Chu Nian anyway.

"You really sent me back before?" Chu Nian didn't care about Liu Heyan's attitude at this time. He just thought it was interesting for Liu Heyan to bring himself back to the hotel.

"Well, dead." Liu Heyan looked at Chu Nian's meaning and seemed to express his gratitude. Suddenly he was a little embarrassed.

"Thank you." Chu Nian whispered what he wanted to express at this time.

Although Chu Nian and Liu Heyan are rivals in love, Chu Nian and Liu Heyan met many years ago. Apart from Song Zian, they were still partners and friends who trusted each other.

Chu Nian thought at first that Liu Heyan came to see his jokes. Anyway, Liu Heyan's temperament is that he sometimes looks a little careless.

But Chu Nian knew that it was Liu Heyan who sent him back to the hotel. After thinking about it, she knew that Liu Heyan must have been in trouble.

The clothes Chu Nian wore before had long disappeared. Chu Nian had already put on a clean nightgown. Don't think about it. Chu Nian also knew that Liu Heyan did these eight Chengdu.

The gratitude in his heart gradually overflows. Chu Nian has always been used to relying on himself. There are few times when he needs help from others, but there is really such an opportunity. Chu Nian's gratitude is choppy.

Chu Nian glanced at Liu Heyan casually and saw Liu Heyan's well maintained face. At this time, he hung two big black circles. It seems that Liu Heyan certainly didn't rest well in order to take care of Chu Nian.

Thinking of this, Chu Nian's heart still took some slight guilt.

Liu Heyan didn't know that Chu Nian thought so much without saying a word. He was still reluctant to spare his breath: "you can't drink well, just a few whiskies, and you're down!"

Chu Nian had no intention to quarrel with Liu Heyan at this time. She was a little worried. She didn't know where song Zian was. Would she see her previous gaffe?

Liu Heyan was bored when he heard Chu Nian's door ring again.

Liu Heyan winked at Chu Nian, but Chu Nian didn't know who it was and shrugged slightly.

Chu Nian opened the door. It was he Tiantian.

He Tiantian woke up long ago and has spared countless trips in his heart. He wants to see Chu Nian, but he is afraid that it is inconvenient for Liu Heyan to come in early in the morning.

Later, he Tiantian finally knocked on Chu Nian's door after finding countless excuses for herself.

But he Tiantian trembled violently at the moment she saw Liu Heyan.

He Tiantian doesn't know what's wrong. Recently, when she sees Liu Heyan, she always feels inexplicably guilty. She doesn't know whether it's because Liu Heyan's eyes are always unfriendly or because he Tiantian has a ghost in her heart.

"Good morning, Mr. Chu, Mr. Liu, you are here too." he Tiantian said hello with a feigned calmness.

"Well, you're here. What's the matter with the project?" Chu Nian looked at he Tiantian. His first reaction was whether there was a problem with the project.

Liu Heyan was not interested in he Tiantian's visit. When he saw Chu Nian asking, he turned his eyes up and secretly scolded Chu Nian for being stupid.

"No, no, Mr. Chu, you were drunk before. I just came to see you. What can I do..." he Tiantian didn't think that Chu Nian was still thinking about work at this time, and the answer was full of panic.

"Oh, nothing, he Yan is here." Chu Nian saw that he Tiantian was not doing anything important. He immediately relaxed and turned back to sit down.

He Tiantian saw that Chu Nian turned and went in without asking himself. It seemed that there was no awareness of outsiders, so she went directly to the middle of the room.

Liu Heyan looked at Chu Nian and he Tiantian. He felt helpless.

Liu Heyan remembers that he clearly said to Chu Nian that he Tiantian is not those silly white rabbits. He Tiantian is a woman who is very scheming and will never stop until she reaches her goal. Chu Nian should be on guard against such a woman and must not take it with her

Just looking at this, Chu Nian estimates that he doesn't care

Liu Heyan's face was black at this time, and he felt the pain of hating iron and not steel. He wanted to scold Chu Nian again, but it was really difficult to operate in view of the presence of he Tiantian.

Take another look at he Tiantian. A smiling face is full of flattery to Chu Nian at the moment, as if that is the most important thing for her right now.

Liu Heyan couldn't help feeling that the more he looked at it, he said to he Tiantian, "miss he might as well go back first. I'll take care of Chu Nian here."

But he Tiantian seems to have completely ignored Liu Heyan's order to leave, took another step towards Chu Nian, stood closer, and said, "President Liu, you're not less tired these two days. Why don't you go back and have a rest? I'll take care of President Chu here."

He Tiantian looked at Liu Heyan quietly, as if she was determined not to let him.

Liu Heyan was choked by he Tiantian and looked at he Tiantian with resentment. His eyes were full of discontent.

"President Chu, do you think it's ok?" he Tiantian looked at the scene and was a little deadlocked, but she wanted to stay alone with Chu Nian. She couldn't help but summon up the courage to look at Chu Nian and asked.

Liu Heyan felt that he was about to be blown up. He felt that the three of them, together with song Zian, were not so scheming and shameless as this woman. He immediately looked at Chu Nian like a warning and was ready to see how Chu Nian refused.

As a result, Chu Nian didn't seem to understand Liu Heyan's eyes. He nodded faintly and said to Liu Heyan, "He Yan, Tiantian makes sense. You haven't tossed less these two nights. Go back and have a rest."

Chu niangang wanted Liu Heyan to go back to rest, but he Tiantian came in before he opened his mouth. At this time, Chu Nian said his thoughts while he Tiantian mentioned it.

But Chu Nian completely didn't expect how unhappy Liu Heyan was at the moment. It was entirely for Chu Nian's good mood, as if he hadn't been understood at all.

Liu Heyan couldn't sit still now. He got up and left angrily. His back seemed to be angry.

He Tiantian looks at Liu Heyan leaving, as if she is finally relieved.

Liu Heyan has obstructed the existence of he Tiantian since last night. Although he Tiantian dare not be too presumptuous due to Liu Heyan's identity, he Tiantian still hopes that Liu Heyan will not appear, let alone affect her plan.

Chu Nian saw that Liu Heyan was gone, and no longer said anything. He just sat quietly to refresh himself, and didn't take he Tiantian too seriously.

He Tiantian looked around and immediately found the thermometer on the table. Surprised, he Tiantian quickly picked up the thermometer, looked at it and asked anxiously, "President Chu, do you have a fever?"

"Well." Chu Nian gently squeezed out a sound from his voice, which was a response. He didn't care much about he Tiantian's fuss.

"How many degrees do you burn? Do you need to go to the hospital? Or should I buy you some antipyretic drugs?" he Tiantian is very anxious at this time. After all, Chu Nian is the person who is now on the tip of he Tiantian's sweetheart. I'm afraid he can't take good care of it.

"No, I'll just have a rest." Chu Nian immediately felt that he Tiantian was not as good as Liu Heyan here.

Although Liu Heyan's mouth is damaged, at least Liu Heyan won't be as noisy as he Tiantian. He has been yelling since he entered the door. It's impossible for Chu Nian to have a moment of leisure.

"Mr. Chu, well, I'll go out and buy you some medicine, which can be better and faster." he Tiantian saw that Chu Nian refused, but she still couldn't stop he Tiantian's enthusiasm to take care of Chu Nian. He Tiantian took her own bag and hurried out.

After Liu Heyan went back, he felt suffocated in his heart.

Chu Nian is clearly Liu Heyan's rival, but Liu Heyan doesn't understand why he has to meddle in Chu Nian's business again and again.

And Chu Nian is entangled by he Tiantian. For Liu Heyan, it should be a happy thing. Looking at Song Zian's reaction, it seems that he Tiantian is very concerned about his appearance, and he also has opinions on Chu Nian, which are beneficial to Liu Heyan.

If Liu Heyan's head is normal, he doesn't have to think about it. He should comply with the development of the relationship between Chu Nian and he Tiantian, and then look on coldly. When necessary, he can also add fuel to the fire. It's not like now. He is afraid that Chu Nian will suffer losses and tries to stop and protect him, but he hasn't been accepted in the end.

Liu Heyan felt that he must have been funny to do such a stupid thing.

But as soon as Liu Heyan calmed down, he remembered he Tiantian's innocent and pure face. It is estimated that only Chu Nian will be fooled!

He shook his head at will. Liu Heyan was ready to forget all these things. Since Chu Nian didn't appreciate it, Liu Heyan didn't have to chase him all the time!

"What are you doing here?" Song Zian just walked out of the door and saw Liu Heyan in the hall.

"Nothing." Liu Heyan was quite surprised. He didn't go to song Zian today, but song Zian appeared himself.

"Oh." Song Zian didn't think so. Seeing that Liu Heyan was nothing, he went straight ahead.

"Zian, where are you going?" Liu Heyan changed his mood when he saw song Zian.

"Nothing. Go out and buy something."

Liu Heyan thought that he had nothing to do in the morning, so he wandered along with song Zian.

"Is brother Chu Nian better?"

Song Zian walked ahead and hesitated for a long time, but he still asked what he wanted to ask.

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