In fact, song Zian has nothing to do. He also wants to inquire about Chu Nian's news.

Hearing Liu Heyan say that Chu Nian was drunk last night, song Zian still felt incredible in his heart, and he also had some worries that song Zian was unwilling to admit.

"Much better, just get up and have a fever in the morning." Liu Heyan said indifferently, as if he and song Zian were discussing other people's affairs.

"Fever? Is it serious?" Song Zian naturally did not expect that Chu Nian would have a fever after he was drunk. In Song Zian's memory, he also remembered that Chu Nian was very uncomfortable.

"It's not serious." Liu Heyan couldn't help grinning. Seeing that song Zian was worried about Chu Nian, Liu Heyan felt that he still had some strength in his heart.

Song Zian has an impulse to see Chu Nian immediately, but at the thought that he Tiantian may be around Chu Nian, song Zian immediately resisted it.

Sure enough, song Zian heard Liu Heyan say, "don't worry, I've seen it this morning. Chu Nian's state is OK and stable. Later he Tiantian went to take care of him, and I'll come back."

Liu Heyan didn't know whether he would fall in love with Chu Nian if he said so realistically, but he thought he was telling the truth.

Song Zian's face was a little pale for a moment, as he thought. Song Zian immediately stepped forward.

"Slow down and wait for me, Zian!" Liu Heyan knew song Zian's reaction. He didn't say anything, but followed song Zian closely.

"Hey, Xiaoting, help me change the ticket. If I have something urgent to go back, I'll change it until tonight." Song Zian doesn't know what suddenly comes to mind and urgently orders Xiaoting, who is thousands of miles away.

"Zian, are you going back tonight?"

Liu Heyan was surprised. It seems that the itinerary has changed. Liu Heyan quickly took out the phone.

"Lingtao, help me change my ticket." Liu Heyan ordered Lingtao to come while following song Zian.

Song Zian reluctantly looked back at Liu Heyan, but Liu Heyan's smile immediately made song Zian speechless.

"Mr. Liu, are you coming back so soon? Didn't you say you would stay for a few days?" Ling Tao didn't seem willing to let Liu Heyan come back, but he felt a little hesitant.

Has the final say, "when can I go back to the airport?" I thought, "Liu Heyan, I'm sure to go back to Song Zian with her." but Liu Heyan didn't want to invite Song Zian at this time, so he had to check what he had done.

"There is only one class, leader." Ling Tao doesn't know what happened to Liu Heyan, but he doesn't have to think about it. It must have something to do with song Zian.

"OK, that's it." Liu Heyan quickly hung up the phone and followed song Zian with a flattering face.

Song Zian glanced obliquely at Liu Heyan, but he knew Liu Heyan's personality and had nothing to say.

Chu Nian didn't go out all day under the boos of he Tiantian. She wanted to find song Zian, but she felt that she was drunk yesterday. She didn't know if song Zian would dislike herself when she saw such a person, so Chu Nian had to bear it.

Finally, the fever subsided. It was the next day.

Chu Nian looked at his own room and felt very clear for a moment. Chu Nian thought that he Tiantian couldn't get rid of him several times yesterday. Chu Nian felt that he had to hurry up to find another secretary.

Chu Nian cleaned himself up and knocked on Song Zian's door.

For a long time there was no response, and Chu Nian was full of suspicion.

Quickly dialed song Zian's phone: "Zian, where are you?"

"Brother Chu Nian, I've come back. There's something urgent here."

Chu Nian was stunned on the spot. Song Zian had gone back in advance without notice!

Chu Nian didn't say the question he wanted to blurt out after all.

Why not wait for Chu Nian to go back together? Or let me know?

Must we go so quietly?

Chu Nian's heart seemed to have countless voices calling all the time, but when he came to Chu Nian's mouth, he finally said, "OK, I know."

Chu Nian hung up the phone. Her face was very ugly. Chu Nian sat down dejectedly, as if she didn't know what had happened.

When song Zian got home last night, it was late at night.

Yang Lele and song Yimin didn't know in advance because they came back from a temporary flight change.

Suddenly seeing song Zian's home, Yang Lele was very worried. He didn't know what else to do and kept asking.

Song Zian's heart was not quiet because he Tiantian appeared from time to time. Under Yang Lele's questioning, he just felt annoyed, but he didn't say anything after all.

Yang Lele has always been skeptical about song Zian's business trip. He doesn't know whether song Zian is really due to his work or whether he has been entangled by Chu Nian and Liu Heyan recently.

Seeing that song Zian hurried back in the middle of the night, Yang Lele's heart strengthened his previous thoughts, thinking that song Zian's estimation is likely to be related to Chu Nian and Liu Heyan.

But Yang Lele wanted to ask, song Zian obviously didn't want to say, so she had to go.

Song Zian still remembers that when he got on and off the plane last night, Liu Heyan insisted on sending song Zian home first.

Song Zian is no longer a little girl's family. Although song Zian may still need to be protected in Liu Heyan's eyes, song Zian has long regarded himself as invulnerable.

Under Liu Heyan's insistence, song Zian had to agree.

When the Song family came downstairs, song Zian was grateful to Liu Heyan. After all, Liu Heyan had always been kind to song Zian. Anyone who was not hard hearted could feel Liu Heyan's sincerity.

However, when Liu Heyan finally left, he looked into song Zian's eyes and asked affectionately; "Zian, I'm willing to wait for you. Don't you consider me?"

Although song Zian didn't say anything at that time, his heart still contracted violently. There were always some uncertain emotions flowing in Song Zian's heart, so that song Zian didn't know what he thought.

Fortunately, Liu Heyan didn't force song Zian to answer, but smiled faintly and left.

Just after waking up today, song Zian always couldn't help thinking of what happened these days.

I wanted to take this opportunity to go out and relax, so that I could stay away from all this chaos.

But what song Zian never expected was that Chu Nian and Liu Heyan followed themselves so far all the way. And there are many problems in the middle.

Song Zian found it difficult to describe his mood every day during his business trip. He could only say that it was not much better than staying at home, or it should be worse than staying at home.

Because it seems that on every occasion and every corner, you can meet Liu Heyan and Chu Nian, and even he Tiantian who follows Chu Nian.

Song Zian looked at the endless traffic outside the window and wanted to warn himself that time can always solve everything. When you can't decide, just wait for time. There will always be a way.

Chu Nian, who has not yet returned, is in a completely bad mood after talking to song Zian.

To be exact, it's better to feel dizzy when you get sick and have a fever than to be frustrated now.

Chu Nian sat blankly and didn't do anything. The phone rang several times, but Chu Nian didn't bother to answer. Just a person seemed frozen and opened his eyes, but he didn't know where he was looking.

Soon Chu Nian's door rang violently.

At first, he just tapped, then kept ringing the doorbell. Finally, he Tiantian's anxious cry rang, accompanied by the ringing of the phone. It was very lively for a while.

Chu Nian was so annoyed that he hugged his head with both hands, as if he wanted to shield all the clutter, but the sound brought by he Tiantian seemed to be able to drill through the wall, making Chu Nian unavoidable.

"Hello, housekeeping? The phone rang in our leader's room, but no one opened the door. I'm worried about something unexpected. Could you come over?"

Before long, he Tiantian had dialed the hotel manager and was ready to force the door open.

But Chu Nian didn't lose consciousness. He Tiantian's voice reached Chu Nian's ears through the crack of the door.

That's enough! Chu Nian got up and went to the door. With impatience, he opened the door.

He Tiantian, who was flipping her cell phone at the door and didn't know what to do next, suddenly saw the door open. He was surprised and immediately smiled. There was unspeakable excitement and trembling in his voice: "President Chu, you're in the house! I think you haven't promised to knock at the door. You can still hear the bell in the house when you call. I'm worried about you... It's great that you're all right!"

He Tiantian said as she took something inexplicably bright in her eyes, as if she was greatly frightened and experienced the joy of the rest of her life.

"I'm fine." Chu Nian looked at he Tiantian's exaggerated reaction, and felt a trace of warmth in his heart. The unhappiness and anger that had just been disturbed were swept away. He just glanced at he Tiantian faintly and turned back.

"Mr. Chu, are you okay? It's not a fever, isn't it? Is there anything uncomfortable today? If there's anything uncomfortable, we should hurry to the hospital." he Tiantian consciously followed Chu Nian into the room and conveniently closed the door. It seems that he Tiantian is chunian's familiar and close friend or closer relationship, and there is no distance and politeness between superiors and subordinates.

"It's all right." Chu Nian returns to the sofa and sits down. He Tiantian starts nagging when he enters the door. He doesn't have the heart to scold her. It seems that Chu Nian feels the kindness from he Tiantian at this time.

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