"Since you have given the order to leave, how can I stay here and tell your assistant not to come and I'll go back by myself." he Tiantian was very disappointed.

Chu Nian felt suspicious. She felt a little guilty, as if she was sorry for the woman in front of her.

Hurriedly added: "I'm really not in the mood today. Next time I invite you to eat and make amends."

Hehe, he Tiantian's skin doesn't smile.

"I'm not polite when someone invites me to dinner. I also remember to call Liu Heyan. If he is here, he will be able to make an appointment with song Zian. I haven't seen sister song get together for a long time. It's very lively." he Tiantian left such a meaningful sentence and left in high heels.

Can you make an appointment? Chu Nian was very upset when he heard that the relationship between them was progressing so quickly.

Picked up the bottle in front of him, Gulu Gulu poured a full glass of wine and drank it down.

"Song Zian... You really want to choose him." after a few glasses of wine, Chu Nian's eyes were blurred and lax, and his mouth still muttered the woman's name.

Goodbye to this scene. He Tiantian is not so upset. He deliberately left those words just now to let Chu Nian know that song Zian is just playing with his feelings, hovering between the two and choosing the best one.

In her eyes, men will be so sad, it must be because they are losing.

What she has to do is to let Chu Nian know as soon as possible that he has completely lost that woman.

He Tiantian, with a pair of high heels and bare feet, sneaks down at the door of the president's office. Giving up halfway is not her style.

Fortunately, the harvest of this turnaround was good. Chu Nian seemed to drink himself confused again.

"Chu Nian, my lipstick seems to have fallen in your office." seeing the man in the office, he Tiantian has been lying on the table for a long time. He Tiantian finds the opportunity to go in and test whether he is drunk.

"Chu Nian, are you drunk again?" the woman shook the man lying on the table slightly.

The thick breathing sound, scattered and orderly, seems to sleep very heavily.

"Alas, you deserve it for that woman?" he Tiantian is very sorry to touch the man's well-defined cheek.

The mellow smell of wine, mixed with the hot breath, exhaled, which belongs to this man.

Cold lips, could not help but come forward.

Another hand hanging in the air touched a mobile phone and clicked. The intimate picture of the two people was included in the mobile phone.

He Tiantian looked through these intimate and ambiguous photos with her mobile phone.

If she hadn't been so patient and kept Chu Nian at the door, she would have had such a good opportunity to have close contact with men.

"Chu Nian, when will you understand my good intentions?" he Tiantian secretly lamented her infatuation.

This man belongs to her tonight.

He Tiantian lifted him onto the sofa and stretched out her arm just enough to let herself in.

In this way, she slept peacefully in the arms of men all night.

The next morning, I was woken up by my cleaning aunt.

"Mr. Chu, why did you fall asleep in the office?" the aunt who just wanted to come in for sanitation saw two people hugging each other in the office.

Fools know what this is?

It's just that Chu always looks different from the cold Chu Nian. I've never seen him so close to any woman before.

Unexpectedly, I saw it for the first time all night in the office.

He Tiantian saw the look of aunt Baojie and knew that he was imagining the purpose he expected.

"Chu Nian is drunk. He hasn't slept long. He doesn't clean the office carefully. Don't make him sleep." he Tiantian has no shelf at all and gently reminds him.

This made her good in aunt cleaning's first impression.

"Oh, ok... Madam." aunt Baojie left in a hurry.

I don't know what to call he Tiantian for a moment, but just by virtue of each other's temperament and their president's intimate behavior, it is concluded that the relationship between the two must be unusual.

Naturally, I dare not offend the unidentified woman in front of me.

Madam, he Tiantian smiled when he heard this address.

"Wait a minute, please bring me a cup of warm water and a basin of hot water." he Tiantian looked at the man who hadn't bathed all night and said in embarrassment.

"Yes, I'll go right away." the unidentified woman is so polite and considerate. I'm sorry.

Hurry and do what she says.

Cleaning aunt quickly prepared a basin of hot water, and then quickly left without disturbing them.

With the time getting late, the employees in the company began to arrive one after another.

Early in the morning, I saw several people gathered together: "I heard that the president slept with a woman in the office last night."


Haw haw awkwardly. After a while, he spread the whole story all over the gongsan.

Many good employees sneaked to the door of the president's office.

Sure enough, I saw that a woman was carefully wiping her face for their head.

"What's the origin of this woman? I've never seen anyone who left that around the president."

The little sister at the front desk yesterday: "no wonder the president didn't leave so late yesterday. He wouldn't have made an appointment long ago."


One morning, everyone in the company was stirred up by this heavy gossip.

Chu Nian couldn't be calm at home.

Jiang Yun got up early.

It was her who said clearly yesterday that she didn't have to worry. It was also her who couldn't sleep all night when she came back to the room.

It was hard to get to the day. I slept at dawn for a while. I got up early because I was too worried.

"You are really heartless. You sleep so well that Chu Nian hasn't come back all night." Jiang Yun's face is worried.

Before he woke up, Jiang Yu rubbed his hazy sleep eyes.

"Such a big man can fight and carry. Don't worry about anything." then he wanted to pull the quilt and continue to sleep.

"On weekdays, Bai is so kind to you. In case Chu Nian gets drunk like last time and is watched by someone with a heart, who is responsible?" Jiang Yun said unhappily.

Jiang Yu can't stand people saying he has no loyalty. He can't sleep at this point.

She changed her meaning: "OK, let's go to the company first."

Maybe he fell asleep alone in the company.

They hurried to the company and were surrounded by a strange and enthusiastic atmosphere as soon as they came in.

"What's the situation? I think everyone is so positive and working." Jiang Yun's keen sixth sense noticed that there was something different today.

It won't really happen. Jiang Yun had such an idea in her heart and hurriedly took the man's hand to the elevator.

As soon as the elevator door was opened, the office was surrounded by several floors, which was quite a picture of creditors coming to collect their debts.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yu scratched his head blankly.

When they were wondering.

A familiar voice came from the crowd.

"Don't spread this around. President Chu is just drunk. I'll stay and take care of him. There's no other misunderstanding. Don't take it to heart..." this paragraph doesn't prove anything. It seems to be from he Tiantian's mouth.

When they heard the sound, they stopped.

Stand behind a crowd of onlookers and listen quietly.

He Tiantian in the crowd was touted like the stars holding the moon.

"Sister, we all know that you and President Chu must want to keep a low profile so that they can get along with more space." I don't know which subordinate is so eager to figure out what others mean and flatters the woman in front of us in a different way.

After hearing this, everyone sighed secretly. That's what it meant.

The people who really love are often those low-key lovers.

"Don't talk nonsense. I just happened to pass by and saw that you Chu was drunk and stayed here all night." he Tiantian added a fire secretly when he saw that the atmosphere was facing her.

All night?

People seemed to smell more gossip and get excited.

A single word can explain the past all night.

Besides, how could there be such a coincidence? He Tiantian is not from their company. How could he pass by their president's office.

If it weren't for the appointment, no one would believe it was such a coincidence.

"I know, we all know." an employee had something to say, comforting him that the more he explained, the more he told the truth

"Let's break up. What we saw and what we heard just now are regarded as having never happened." an employee with appeal in the company dispersed the people to work.

He Tiantian can't hide his smile when his goal is achieved.

Watching the people scattered around, the two people hiding behind the crowd began to feel uncomfortable.

Yesterday, he Tiantian and Chu Nian were together all night? No wonder he couldn't wait until he came home.

He Tiantian suddenly took the hand of the employee who spoke for her: "thank you. If you hadn't stood up to speak for us, everyone wouldn't know what they would think."

The voice is several higher than the original, firmly hooked, in fact, they don't want to distract the employees.

These people don't want to believe that it's just such a simple thing for their president and the woman in front of them to get along in the same office.

So when I saw he Tiantian and left the employee who spoke for her, I knew there must be something inside.

"Sister, you don't have to be polite to me. We all know that we subordinates can't speculate about you and the president." the employee looked attentive and completely defected to he Tiantian's main camp.

He Tiantian smiled: "OK, then go to work." her appearance is even more misunderstood. It must be a difficult night.

Just now those colleagues who listened quietly looked at each other, and their eyes were full of an expression of sudden enlightenment.

Needless to say, the gossip has been hammered in their hearts. It won't be long before the rest of the building must be this time. It's a thought-provoking office hangover.

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