On the other side, Jiang Yun and Jiang Yu looked at each other. They just hit a wall at Song Zian, but it doesn't matter. Fortunately, there is Chu Nian.

"I feel uncomfortable at the thought of brother Chu with that sweet." Jiang Yun gathered her arms and looked disgusted.

Jiang Yu also agrees with this. Although he doesn't know song Zian very much, he can feel that she is a good girl, and he Tiantian is as disgusting as the platform girl.

She and Chu Nian are not only unworthy, but also different.

"Then we must find a way to make up with Miss Song." Jiang Yu rarely put forward his own point of view.

"Yes!" Jiang Yun became excited. Although there was no way from Song Zian, there was still a way for her eldest brother.

As long as Chu Nian sincerely makes a Platonic confession to song Zian, song Zian will be moved even if he is tough. At least they think so.

They made a look at each other and soon nodded.

"Let's go. It seems necessary to go to Huangtian group." Jiang Yun raised her lips and said happily.

Huangtian group stands in the center of the most prosperous street in the city center. The modern building of the new century designed by top designers will definitely attract the attention of many people whenever passing here.

In the whole city and even in many places around it, 90% of the people want to work in it, which is beyond expectation.

Jiang Yun and Jiang Yu walked into the building one after another. They didn't attract much attention in their simple clothes.

Although they are the biological children of the president of Huangtian group, they have appeared in the group only a few times. I'm afraid no one knows their true identity.

I took the elevator to the vice president of the group, that is, the floor where their eldest brother works, but I heard what attracted them as soon as I got out of the elevator.

"Chu Nian and I are really nothing, just..." he Tiantian's whine can make people get goose bumps, which has successfully attracted the attention of people around him.

She glanced around and saw that her goal had been achieved, so she continued to say softly, "brother Chu Nian doesn't know why he was so good to me. As a grateful person, of course, I should be good to him."

He Tiantian's expression was flattering and could exude water. People around him were surprised when they heard it.

"It turns out that they really have this relationship. I said that the vice president is very different from her."


Such voices gradually spread from all around. He Tiantian continued to pretend to be simple and ignorant, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

"Oh, Chu Nian hugged me inexplicably that day. At that time, I really didn't know what to do." seeing the effect is very good, he Tiantian continued to add fuel and vinegar.

"Who allowed you to slander Chu Nian like this?" as soon as Jiang Yun heard he Tiantian's words, her anger suddenly rose. She knew that this woman was very cheap, but she didn't expect to be so cheap that no one could beat her.

"You, you are..." man Ting was surprised but whispered, and suddenly there was a voice of opposition. He Tiantian immediately turned her head and looked at the past, but she stared at the visitor in surprise.

She recognized the man. Although she was in casual clothes, she saw it several times. When she followed Chu Nian, the somewhat arrogant Miss Jiang family, the president's own daughter.

Maybe it's still incredible, but he Tiantian was completely speechless when she saw Jiang Yu coming behind Jiang Yun.

"Why, don't you know me?" Jiang Yun's voice was not loud, but the clear voice made everyone in the hall hear clearly.

"Aren't you..." won't appear in the company?

He Tiantian suddenly remembered what she had just said on purpose, and her white, tender and red face turned pale with a brush.

She just wanted to show off in the company. It spread from person to person to song Zian's ears and made her completely lose her heart. Unexpectedly, she met such two great gods.

"Oh, you don't take a mirror to take a good look at yourself. What can Chu Nian see about you? Who gives you the courage to say such a thing, Liang Jingru?" Jiang Yun gets angry and won't take care of the person's mood at the expense of others.

Jiang Yu didn't say anything, but she looked at he Tiantian with disgust, which made her more frightened. She didn't know what to say. She hesitated and didn't say a complete word for a while and a half.

The frightened and pale face attracted the attention of the surrounding colleagues. A gentle literary man wearing glasses next to him seemed unable to see it. His face was horizontal and said to Jiang Yun: "who are you? You have no quality. I'm afraid you haven't been taught well at home?"

"Yes, what's the matter with you? Isn't it jealous that people are liked by the boss? Look at you. What's a student doing?" when someone began to talk, the aunt with heavy makeup by the window despised it.

"How my tutor is seems to have nothing to do with you? I'm afraid I'm a passer-by if I care so much about that bitch?" Jiang Yun stopped Jiang Yu who wanted to come forward and continued, with no change in his face.

"No, they don't mean that..." he Tiantian's voice trembled with fear, but it sounded more lovable to others.

"Sweet, don't be so kind. The little girl is so unscrupulous. It's not enough to say a few words?" the original literary and art man held his glasses and then said to Jiang Yun, "that's what I mean. If the little girl doesn't learn well and goes to other companies, whose children are you?"

After that, he turned around and estimated which clerk's brother and sister came to play.

"Don't, don't say, they are..." the more anxious he Tiantian wants to say it, the more difficult it is to speak.

"What is it? The president's children should abide by the law and be polite." the coquettish aunt next to him stared at Jiang Yun's direction and couldn't stop mocking.

"Oh, stop talking." he Tiantian was so frightened that she couldn't help feeling uneasy. She looked at the colleague next to her and muttered.

Although it's good to speak for herself at ordinary times, these two people can't be provoked. What can we do now? She can't help but regret what she just said in the hall.

Jiang Yun continues to stop Jiang Yu, who wants to slap others, but she can't stop her anger. As soon as she is ready to say a few words, she hears the squeak of the innermost door

"What if it's the president's daughter?" Jiang Yu said when he saw the man coming out of the room with a raised corner of his mouth and a slight edge in his eyes.

Hearing this, the whole hall was fried, but Chu Nian was present, so he endured it and didn't dare to be too surprised.

Jiang Yun looked at everyone with a surprised expression, especially the two people who had just talked to he Tiantian were frightened, shocked and happy.

She stepped forward and looked wronged. She shouted softly to Chu nianrou, "brother."

As if the next sentence was that they all bullied me, and all the people present immediately returned to their seats, as if it was none of their business.

Chu Nian heard it, nodded slightly, and then looked around coldly. The people who looked at it were very angry.

After that, I probably guessed why the two siblings wanted to find themselves, and quickly left with Jiang Yun and Jiang Yu.

After watching the three people leave in the special elevator, the people in the hall were relieved and there was an uproar.

"He, he Tiantian, they, they really..." the literary man hurried to he Tiantian for confirmation, and his trembling glasses were about to fall off.

"Yes, they are the children of the president, and also the brother and sister of the vice president." he Tiantian looks very reluctant and seems to be worried about them.

"It's over, it's over." the man with glasses seemed to be approaching his deadline. He squatted slowly and was about to sit on the ground.

"Oh, my God, I just got into this company and caused such a thing. It's not easy for me to rely on the relationship..." the gorgeous aunt next to the window looked desperate. When it came to the back, she stopped in time, but she was still very regretful and afraid for a while.

The people present also shook their heads, glad that they had just not participated, provoking two great gods who should not be provoked.

"I can't imagine that the president's children are so ordinary. If they are famous, who dares to provoke them? It's really hard to judge by their appearance." a clerk on the side shrunk his mouth and shook his head.

The discussion in the hall could not go on for the time being.

On the rooftop, Chu Nian lit a cigarette, put his hands on the railing, but his suit also revealed a decadent taste.

"Come on, what are you looking for me?" he seems to be careless. Now he doesn't care about anything except song Zian.

"Brother, we went to find sister zi'an." Jiang Yun looked at such a brother, worried and afraid that his words would hurt him next.

Hearing the name, Chu Nian's eyes seemed bright, but he couldn't show it clearly, so he paused, turned around and asked, "is she... How is she now?"

"Elder brother, what you should care about is her attitude towards you now?" Jiang Yun sighed, looking unbearable.

"Oh, what does she think of me?" Chu Nian hesitated when asked. He felt like something was flowing out. Was he afraid?

No, he should firmly believe that song Zian loved him. He loved him before, now and in the future.

"Sister zi'an said that she wanted to give up... Give up loving you again." Jiang Yun's voice was not big or small, but it exploded in Chu Nian's heart like a thunder.

Open your mouth, clearly want to say something, but can't make a sound.

Does she really want to give up herself? But why? They were so good before, but what happened later didn't seem to be on the track, which pushed them apart a long distance.

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