He Tiantian feels that there is an invisible hand behind her, pushing herself step by step. Sometimes she occasionally stops to think about whether it is right to do so, but for a long time, it seems that even he Tiantian is numb.

The most important thing is that after seeing Chu Nian and song Zian together, he Tiantian feels that every pore is full of hate, which makes he Tiantian unable to extricate himself. Every decision is even made by he Tiantian himself.

However, when he Tiantian really saw Chu Nian lying in bed and allowed herself to do whatever she wanted, she suddenly felt sober. He Tiantian couldn't help asking herself, will she really regret coming to this step? Does it really matter?

He Tiantian's original idea was to ask Chu Nian out by herself, and then take the opportunity to give Chu Nian medicine to make Chu Nian faint. After that, he Tiantian staged a live Chunxiang physical drama and took a panoramic view. When necessary, he Tiantian can intercept some scenes to secretly let song Zian see them. He Tiantian doesn't believe it. If song Zian sees these solid evidence, Can't give up on Chu Nian.

Whenever I think of this, he Tiantian is very excited. It seems that such a result has been achieved.

On the other hand, song Zian received a call from Chu Nian when Chu Nian was ready to leave. Song Zian knew that Chu Nian had gone to Jinming Hotel, and Chu Nian said that he would go to song Zian around 8 p.m.

Song Zian didn't go anywhere at night because of Chu Nian's explanation. She worked overtime in the hibiscus studio. It's also good to go out for a snack when Chu Nian comes to pick her up.

Soon it was eight o'clock, but song Zian didn't wait for the person or phone call from Chu Nian.

At first, song Zian didn't care. After all, punctuality is important for men, but sometimes it's not so Ke Ding Mao. He can exactly match what he said.

However, song Zian's stomach was growling at this time. Song Zian was ready to go out to eat first, and then wait for Chu Nian.

As a result, song Zian sent a wechat to Chu Nian, but no one responded for a long time.

Song Zian's current relationship with Chu Nian is completely a new way. That is, no matter when song Zian leaves information to Chu Nian, it is returned in seconds in most cases. Therefore, song Zian has waited for more than ten minutes and has not waited to respond. Song Zian still feels a little strange.

So song Zian called Chu Nian and was ready to talk to Chu Nian in person. After a while, Chu Nian didn't know, he came directly to the hibiscus studio and ran empty legs, which song Zian didn't want to see.

However, song Zian's phone rang for a long time, but there was no response, which made song Zian more confused.

Usually Chu Nian's phone calls will be received at the first time, which is also Chu Nian's personality problem. Chu Nian always believed that if anyone dialed him but no one answered, it would easily cause worry if he was a familiar person, so Chu Nian formed the habit of answering the phone at the first time early in the morning.

But what happened today? Is Chu Nian in a hurry? Such time is really too little, not only did not return to wechat in time, but also did not answer the phone.

As chunian's girlfriend, song Zian is very concerned about everything about chunian. It turned out that song Zian had been around Chu Nian for so many years like his sister, and knew Chu Nian's character well.

When song Zian was secretly suspicious, song Zian's phone rang!

Song Zian was delighted. He thought it was Chu Nian's phone. He hurriedly picked up the phone. He just saw the caller ID, but it was not Chu Nian, but Liu Heyan!

Song Zian has talked to Liu Heyan. Liu Heyan is a rare gentleman. Although she has some regrets about this matter, she is very aboveboard and gives her most sincere wishes to song Zian and Chu Nian.

Therefore, although song Zian apologized to Liu Heyan, he was more grateful. He thanked Liu Heyan for his understanding and God for letting him meet such a good brother.

Although song Zian was still anxious at this time, he still connected Liu Heyan's phone. I don't know what's urgent for Liu Heyan.

"Hello, brother he Yan."

"Zian, what are you doing? Are you tired of reading with Chu?" Liu Heyan had nothing to do today. Although he said he had decided to put song Zian down, he was still a little sad and not very easy. So Liu Heyan couldn't help thinking that he might as well bother Chu Nian and song Zian to pass the time and let himself die.

So Liu Heyan thought of what he was going to do and immediately dialed song Zian.

But Liu Heyan didn't expect to call Chu Nian, although he felt that song Zian should be with Chu Nian at this time.

"No, brother he Yan." Song Zian heard that Liu He Yan had nothing to do. He immediately stopped thinking about Chu Nian.

"What's the matter with you, Zian? Are you okay? There's something wrong with your voice!" Liu Heyan has been in contact with song Zian for so long. It can be said that he knows song Zian no less than Chu Nian in some aspects, so Liu Heyan judges that song Zian must have something on his mind as soon as he listens to song Zian's voice.

"I'm fine. Brother he Yan is brother Chu Nian. I can't get through the phone. I'm so worried!"

Although song Zian has always liked Chu Nian in her heart, she has been in contact with Liu Heyan for so long. She has long regarded Liu Heyan as a brother and a close friend. She has something in her heart, and it is about Chu Nian. Song Zian immediately said it.

"Ah? What's going on? Why can't I get through?"

Liu Heyan also knows Chu Nian very well. He is not so unreliable. Chu Nian usually sets up call reminders and messages in advance during meetings to save others' worry.

"I also feel strange. I don't know what's urgent."

"Don't worry, Zian. I'll call him and have a look!"

While calling Chu Nian, Liu Heyan set out for the hibiscus studio.

Liu Heyan sometimes has a very keen feeling, that is, the existence of a woman's sixth sense. When something happens, Liu Heyan always feels inexplicably uneasy.

At this time, Liu Heyan felt a kind of uneasy mood, so he did not regard it as a trivial matter, but paid high attention to it.

When song Zian saw Liu Heyan, he was obviously surprised and asked, "brother he Yan, why are you here?"

"I'm not at ease, so I'll come and have a look. Do you know where Chu Nian went in the evening?"

Liu Heyan asked anxiously. If song Zian wasn't worried, he would feel that Liu Heyan was making a fuss. After all, Chu Nian was so old and not a child. He just didn't answer the phone. What could happen.

"In the afternoon, brother Chu Nian called me and said that he would have a party at Jinming hotel in the evening. He should be able to finish it around 8 p.m. and then came to me. As a result, I didn't wait. I thought it was strange that no one answered the phone."

Song Zian felt a little upset at this time, so he couldn't help saying all the causes and consequences.

"Come on, let's go to Jinming hotel."

Liu Heyan made a quick decision, immediately took song Zian and drove to Jinming hotel.

On the way, Liu Heyan dialed the phone, "Ling Tao, now start to Jinming Hotel, now!"

Liu Heyan knew that he didn't give Ling Tao a chance to speak. After explaining his affairs, he quickly hung up the phone.

Now Ling Tao's mood is obviously different from that of Liu Heyan and song Zian. Ling Tao is preparing to fight with his friends in the bar. At this time, he is stretching out his hands and punching. It can be said that he will see the victory and defeat soon!

But at this time, Liu Heyan's phone came in, and Ling Tao was going to commit an embarrassing cancer on his face. Do you want to leave your friends and work for the leaders alone at this time?

But although this seems to be a question, it doesn't need to be answered. Ling Tao knows he has no second choice. Liu Heyan, as a leader, is a bully. It is estimated that in the future, he will not only manage Lingtao, but also manage Lingtao's family!

Every time Ling Tao thought of it, he felt a deep shiver. Sometimes when it's lonely and cold, Ling Tao can't help feeling that his single dog can protect himself for so many years thanks to Liu Heyan! Ling Tao has countless times. Ling Tao, who is dating, was called away by Liu Heyan!

Naturally, Ling Tao has not given tactful feedback, saying that at his vigorous age, he should pay attention to personal problems.

But Liu Heyan didn't accept Ling Tao's stem at all. When Ling Tao said he couldn't understand any more, Liu Heyan replied without salt: "men should focus on their career. What's the use of women who can't understand your career?"

Ling Tao sighed deeply. So much bitterness and fatigue that once happened to him has to be repeated again.

"Well, man, I'm sorry. I have to go first. The leader has something urgent and must be present. Drink first. Count mine and mine!"

But Ling Tao's brothers obviously didn't buy it and despised Ling Tao's behavior of abandoning his comrades in arms.

Ling Tao ran out of the bar like a fugitive and kept talking silently. If Liu Heyan continues his style, Ling Tao will go crazy sooner or later. Even if he is not crazy, he will be alone in the future!

Although there were complaints, Ling Tao did not dare to slow down his speed. He basically arrived at Jinming hotel at the same time as Liu Heyan and song Zian.

Seeing that Liu Heyan and song Zian were worried, Ling Tao immediately hid his complaints and realized that something big might have happened.

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