Song Zian first found the lobby manager and asked if he saw Chu Nian here today.

After all, Chu Nian is a leader in the business community. In the past, he has had a lot of contacts with Jinming hotel. Although the waiters of Jinming hotel may not know Chu Nian, basically, the lobby manager will know these VIP level figures.

Without spending too much time, the lobby manager thought that he seemed to have seen Chu Nian.

"Miss Song, Mr. Liu, I should have seen Mr. Chu tonight." the lobby manager thought carefully, and the idea of seeing Chu Nian became clearer and clearer.

"What time is it?" Liu Heyan sounded the alarm at this time and felt that it was not simple.

"It seems to be more than six o'clock." although the lobby manager Liu Heyan's question, he also began to recall.

"Is Chu Nian alone?" Liu Heyan saw that song Zian was very worried and hurried to start a careful inquiry. It seemed that he was calmer than song Zian.

"It seems so. I saw Mr. Chu and a lady waiting here, but I can't remember whether he waited later."

Song Zian could not remember clearly when he saw the lobby manager. He had never given up his finger to dial Chu Nian. At this time, he pressed it again.

Just still no one answered.

"By the way, Zian, do you have a picture of Chu Nian?" Liu Heyan seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Yes!" Song Zian doesn't know what Liu Heyan is going to do, but she has saved a lot of photos of Chu Nian. Not to mention now, even when Chu Nian was at school, song Zian also left photos of Chu Nian.

"Open one for me!" Liu Heyan didn't explain so much, but deployed according to his own ideas.

Song Zian did not hesitate. He quickly scratched on his mobile phone and picked out a picture of Chu Nian wearing a suit and tie.

"Please call the waiters in batches. I need to ask." Liu Heyan had an idea at this time and said to the lobby manager.

"OK, Mr. Liu, I'll do it right away." the lobby manager also knows the priorities of things. These people are people they can't afford. If they have any needs, they naturally have to be met at the first time.

"Ling Tao, you go to the monitoring room and have a look at today's monitoring. I need to know the trend of Chu nianjin coming here." seeing that the lobby manager has gone according to his instructions, Liu Heyan said to Ling Tao again.

Liu Heyan asked Ling Tao to come over at this time. Naturally, it wasn't a decoration. For one thing, Ling Tao is his confidant. No matter what happens, it's easier to deal with. In addition, Ling Tao has been with Liu Heyan for so long and is handy to use.

At the beginning, Liu Heyan just wanted to come and see song Zian's heart. Don't be so anxious.

As a result, Liu Heyan and song Zian came all the way. After so long, they still didn't get through to Chu Nian. At this time, even Liu Heyan became worried and accelerated his action.

The lobby manager quickly called a group of waiters. Because there were many guests during the hotel's business period, it was inconvenient to call all the waiters at one time. They could only be called in small areas to check.

Just like this, the progress is very slow. Many people who ask don't remember seeing Chu Nian.

Even those who have seen Chu Nian are scattered when Chu Nian enters the door and when he sees Chu Nian sitting. They are basically similar to the lobby manager.

The private room Chu Nian sat in this time was set by he Tiantian. The people in Jinming Hotel don't know he Tiantian, so even which private room Chu Nian sat in is not very clear at this time.

Waves of waiters asked. When Liu Heyan felt that his patience was running out, the waiter who helped he Tiantian help Chu Nian into the hotel room came in.

Seeing the picture on Song Zian's mobile phone, the young waiter recognized Chu Nian.

After all, although the waiter serves a lot of people in one night, there are not many guests who need the waiter to deliver them to the hotel room.

So when the waiter saw the picture, he said he had seen it tonight, but he seemed to be drunk.

After hearing this, Liu Heyan and song Zian immediately frowned, because they both knew that Chu Nian seldom drank wine, and basically they wouldn't drink.

Song Zian couldn't help but immediately asked, "are you sure it's him? Is he drunk?"

The waiter looked at Song Zian's unbelievable expression and nodded again.

But when song Zian asked, the waiter suddenly remembered a strange detail. At that time, he Tiantian said to the waiter that Chu Nian was drunk and needed a rest, but when the waiter drove Chu Nian, he didn't hear any alcohol.

Although the waiter is still young, he is not stupid. It seems that there are dignified people around him, and he is accompanied by the lobby manager. He must not be able to offend himself. Therefore, although he feels strange, he doesn't dare to talk nonsense at this time, so he has to ask and say anything.

"Do you know where he went when he was drunk?"

Song Zian was even more worried at this time, thinking that it would be more dangerous if Chu Nian went out and walked around when he was drunk.

But it's impossible. Chu Nian has never been drunk in such business talks.

"Well, there was a female guest who said he needed to rest after he was drunk. She couldn't lift it alone. Let me help him to the hotel room!"

When song Zian heard the waiter say so, his eyes suddenly widened! I can't believe what I heard.

Song Zian couldn't help looking at Liu Heyan and wanted to see if Liu Heyan heard the same message.

However, the expression on Liu Heyan's face let song Zian know that what they heard was the fact that had just happened.

"Which room did they enter?"

Liu Heyan is much calmer than he Tiantian at this time. After listening to the waiter's description, Liu Heyan has roughly guessed that the female guest should be he Tiantian.

If, as the waiter said, Chu Nian gets drunk when talking about business with customers, he Tiantian, as a secretary, can't open a room in the hotel directly with Chu Nian no matter what solution is adopted!

Moreover, Liu Heyan clearly knows that he Tiantian is not an ordinary secretary. Liu Heyan doesn't look up to he Tiantian's means and feels that it is somewhat dirty.

He Tiantian's practice today was beyond Liu Heyan's expectation. I don't know what he Tiantian wants to do when she takes Chu Nian into the room?

If you guess right, he Tiantian can only say that it's shameless!

However, in the gap analyzed by Liu Heyan, song Zian has asked which room Chu Nian entered at that time. Under the leadership of the waiter, he has walked forward quickly.

Liu Heyan wants to hold out his hand to stop song Zian. After all, he is afraid of too unbearable scenes, which will make song Zian collapse on the spot, stimulate him, and lead to irreparable consequences.

But Liu Heyan didn't stop song Zian at all. At this time, song Zian's urgency seemed unstoppable. Liu Heyan had never even seen the expression of urgency and uneasiness on Song Zian's face.

A painful feeling rose from Liu Heyan's heart. Liu Heyan was in a very contradictory mood at this time. He wanted to stop song Zian, but he wanted to hurry to the scene to see what happened.

Soon at the door of the room, song Zian's urgent footsteps suddenly stopped, as if he were making a decision.

Took a deep breath, reached out and knocked on the door.

Just no response

He Tiantian has brought Chu Nian into this room for some time, but he Tiantian never thought it would cause any doubt.

Based on his understanding of Chu Nian, he Tiantian often works overtime, so no one knows when to go home except Chu Nian himself. Therefore, he Tiantian always thought that Chu Nian disappeared for a few hours, and no one would think of looking for Chu Nian.

He Tiantian just forgot Chu Nian now, not only the son of Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian, the successor of Huangtian group, but also song Zian's boyfriend. Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian may not know every trace of Chu Nian, but song Zian generally knows, especially in the stage of hot love.

When song Zian called Chu Nian, he Tiantian heard it first, but he Tiantian didn't answer it on purpose. He Tiantian wants to make song Zian anxious and let song Zian feel that she is not valued.

Imagine if song Zian would be angry or disappointed if he didn't call Chu Nian. He Tiantian felt very happy and angry.

Just for a long time and many times, especially when Liu Heyan dialed the phone, he Tiantian couldn't help getting upset. He felt that these people affected his mood too much. He conveniently turned Chu Nian's phone to silent and secretly buttoned it on the table, so he Tiantian couldn't see the annoying people dialing Chu Nian.

He Tiantian just speculated according to her own thinking. She just couldn't get through the phone all night. What can happen? Chu Nian is already the general manager of a company, and she is so big. It's not too normal that she can't answer the phone for some urgent things occasionally!

He Tiantian just forgot that Chu Nian is not a person who doesn't obey the rules and has no style, so Chu Nian doesn't answer the phone all night, which is enough to attract people's attention.

He Tiantian poured himself a few glasses of red wine, as if he were emboldening himself. After he Tiantian drank a few glasses of wine, he seemed to be interested. He picked up his mobile phone, held it from various angles, and put himself and Chu Nian in a picture frame.

At this time, he Tiantian made great efforts to get rid of Chu Nian's clothes one by one, gradually revealing the smell of male hormones.

He Tiantian didn't think about the scene with Chu Nian. To be exact, he had fantasized countless times, but when Chu Nian's every inch of skin and every well-trained muscle appeared in front of her, he Tiantian still had a deep sense of excitement, like rising from the bottom of her heart.

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