Liu Heyan invited Chu Nian and song Zian's parents and told them that Chu Nian wanted to propose. Then they waited for Chu Nian's proposal in the restaurant and wished Chu Nian a successful proposal.

They said it behind song Zian's back. Song Zian also noticed something and felt that Chu Nian was a little unhappy because he was hiding something from himself. In addition, Chu Nian told song Zian that he was going on a business trip, which made him even more unhappy.

The next day, Jiang Yun goes to find song Zian, goes to song Zian's house and rings the bell "Ding Dong Ding Dong".

After a while, a middle-aged woman came to open the door. "Miss Jiang, are you looking for the eldest lady?" the middle-aged woman asked, "yes, aunt, is sister-in-law an at home?" Jiang Yun asked.

"Yes, yes, miss. I'm reading in the garden. Do you want me to take you in?" the middle-aged woman asked again, "no, I'll just go myself."

Jiang Yun smiled, "then I'll prepare tea for you."

The middle-aged woman said, "aunt, don't bother. Go to work. Song Zian and I went out."


Jiang Yun comes to song's garden with her own memory. At a glance, she sees song Zian reading in the glass room. The sun shines on Song Zian through the glass room. It looks very quiet and beautiful. Jiang Yun quietly walks over and covers song Zian's eyes with her hands: "guess who I am."

Song Zian smiled and said, "Jiang Yun, only you can play this game." "ah, there's no one. What are you looking at?" Jiang Yun tooted her mouth and read the book in Song Zian's hand: "Song Zian, your book is reversed. Do you want to read it?"

Jiang Yun said in surprise. Song Zian's face was red: "there's no way. I don't want him."

Jiang Yun glanced and saw the note next to song Zian, which was full of Chu Nian: "I said I didn't want to. Look at your paper."

Before Jiang Yun finished, song Zian hurriedly put the paper away: "how is it possible? Why are you looking for me?"

Song Zian felt that the topic was diverted: "Oh, I'm looking for you to shop. It's boring to go alone."

Song Zian was afraid that Jiang Yun would bring back the topic just now and agreed.

Jiang Yun took song Zian here and there: "Jiang Yun, I'm not shopping with you. Why do you always show me clothes."

Jiang Yun Li said boldly, "this one is not suitable for shopping today. Buy it again." then he took song Zian to buy clothes, do hair and beauty, and dressed song Zian very beautifully.

Jiang Yun quietly praised herself and looked at the time: "are you hungry? I'm hungry. Why don't we go to dinner."

Song Zian looked at his watch, and it was really time for dinner: "well, is it the last one?" Song Zian asked.

"OK, go to that one." Jiang Yun said and took song Zian to the top restaurant.

At the door of the restaurant, song Zian looked at the restaurant: "there's no one inside. Didn't you do it today?"

"How could it be." maybe it's because song Zian got to the door of the restaurant. Jiang Yun was a little excited. Song Zian also noticed the fluctuation of Jiang Yun's mood: "Why are you so excited? Are you hiding something from me?"

"Hey, hey, how could it be? Well, don't ask. I'm super hungry. Let's go to dinner." Jiang Yun said with some guilt in the face of song Zian's eyes. She thought to herself: God, song Zian won't find anything.

Into the shop: "waiter, menu." Jiang Yun reached for the waiter.

"Hello, miss, here is the menu." the waiter handed the menu and stood aside.

Jiang Yun pointed to the menu: "I want this, this, that,..." Jiang Yun returned the menu to the waiter after ordering.

As the service fee was about to leave, Jiang Yun called the waiter again: "wait a minute, give me some bottles of good red wine and champagne."

Song Zian looked at Jiang Yun and was shocked: "Jiang Yun, why do you order so much? We can't eat anything. Why do you want so much wine? What's the matter today?"

Jiang Yun whispered in her heart, "Hey, hey, you wait here first. I'll go to the bathroom." Jiang Yun ran away and thought: Fortunately, my task has been completed.

As soon as Jiang Yun left, the restaurant sounded the sound of piano, which is song Zian's favorite piano music. Usually, this restaurant will play the piano, but I don't know why. Tonight, song Zian seems unable to control his feet and wants to see who is playing the piano.

Walking to the piano, a tall and straight figure was printed in front of song Zian. Song Zian looked at the back and felt like Chu Nian, but it didn't.

Chu Nian can't play the piano, and Chu Nian is still on a business trip, but song Zian still feels that Chu Nian will soon finish playing a piano song.

The man stood up. Chu Nian felt that song Zian's burning eyes were staring at him. He was very nervous when he thought he would propose to song Zian later. He knew that song Zian would accept himself later, but he was still very nervous.

Chu Nian turned around and saw song Zian carefully dressed by Jiang Yun. He felt that his heart was about to jump out of his body. The two looked at each other like this. It was urgent. Jiang Yun and others waiting for Chu Nian to propose: "why doesn't Chu Nian propose? Shouldn't it be a French kiss, and then wrap her in a wedding ring while song Zian doesn't pay attention." Jiang Yu took a look at Jiang Yun: "how can you look experienced."

Jiang Yun smiled unnaturally: "don't worry about this."

Here Chu Nian didn't know where to hold out a bunch of flowers and walked slowly to song Zian: "zi'an, I picked and wrapped this bunch of flowers myself. I think only the most beautiful and lovely girl in the world can have it. I think that girl is you."

Song Zian was flushed by Chu Nian, but he still said, "then I'll take it in front of you."

As soon as song Zian took the flowers, Chu Nian said, "zi'an, don't you count whether there are 99 flowers? You're not afraid of my cutting corners."

Song Zian looked at Chu and read, "well, that's what you want." after that, song Zian counted the flowers, but as soon as he counted twelve, he was relieved that the flower was a little different.

Take a closer look, song Zian takes out a ring from inside and looks at Chu Nian.

Chu Nian took the ring and knelt on one knee. "Song Zian, you are the best girl I have ever seen. You are beautiful and kind. Whether you are angry or happy, you make me move. I don't know how to propose. I have to use this most innovative method. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Song Zian looked at Chu Nian and burst into tears.

At this time, friends, journalists and others who were hiding also stood up and "marry him, marry him"

Song Zian looked at the crowd and found that he and Chu Nian's parents were also there. He felt that he was the happiest girl in the world.

"I will, Chu Nian, I will!"

Chu Nian heard song Zian's words, took the ring to song Zian's hand, stood up and kissed song Zian.

After kissing, song Zian suddenly thought of so many people nearby and blushed.

"Zi'an, today we can also invite the media. Tomorrow everyone will know that you accepted my proposal, and everyone will bless us. In this life, you can only marry me and can't run away." Chu Nian said.

"Well, in this life, we will be tied together and never separate." Song Zian also whispered back.

When the parents of both sides saw this scene, they looked at each other and went to Chu Nian and song Zian: "we old people don't play with you young people."

Then he looked at Chu Nian and song Zian vaguely: "it doesn't matter if you play late."

Song Zian blushed again. That night, they played very late. Song Zian was not good at drinking. Jiang Yun kept pouring song Zian wine. Chu Nian was pulled by Jiang Yu and couldn't take care of song Zian. Then song Zian was drunk.

Chu Nian also drank wine. There was no way but to go to the hotel. When he got to the hotel room, song Zian entered the room and began to talk nonsense: "Chu, Chu Nian, I like you so much. I want to marry you. We will raise a lot of babies in the future..."

Nian looked at Song Zian, who fell to bed and died: "Zian, let you go today. On the wedding day, I won't bear it."

Here, when Chu Nian and song Zian distribute dog food everywhere, he Tiantian goes to the nightclub every day to spend the night with different people in order to have a baby as soon as possible.

As he Tiantian wished, one day he Tiantian was eating in the restaurant and ordered a table of dishes. Thinking about the "fatigue" every night these days, he ordered a bowl of fish soup to replenish his body. Unexpectedly, he felt sick Just smelling the rain.

Smart as he Tiantian, she guessed that she might be pregnant, but she couldn't spit it out in front of everyone.

She tried to resist her nausea, pretended to be dignified and walked quickly to the bathroom. When she came out, she didn't care about eating. She paid and went to the hospital.

There were not many people in the hospital that day, but he Tiantian still felt that time passed very slowly.

After a while, he Tiantian arrived. He Tiantian entered the consulting room and came out with a list clearly stating that he Tiantian was pregnant. He was very excited.

She thought about how to slander her child to Chu Nian, so that Chu Nian could break up with song Zian and be with herself.

But after thinking about it, I felt that Chu Nian had to know about the child first, so I went to Huangtian group to see Chu Nian.

At Huangtian, he Tiantian stood at the front desk: "I want to see your president."

The receptionist replied, "excuse me, miss, do you have an appointment?" he Tiantian remembered that he had to make an appointment in advance to see Chu Nian, but he Tiantian couldn't make an appointment, so she made trouble at the front desk.

The front desk had no choice but to call Chu Nian. Unexpectedly, Chu Nian refused to meet him as soon as he heard the name he Tiantian. He said he would call security if he made any more noise.

So he Tiantian was driven out without even seeing Chu Nian's clothes.

Outside the company gate, he Tiantian was anxious and helpless, stamping her feet angrily.

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