Chu Nian so simply refused her at the door. Don't blame her for unscrupulous.

Took out his mobile phone, photographed the pregnancy examination report and sent it to Chu Nian.

"It's up to you to escape." she looked at the text message with a high eyebrow., Has been sent.

Whoosh ~ Chu Nian, who is reading the financial news of the day on his mobile phone, saw this message for the first time.

Seeing that the sender is he Tiantian, he subconsciously wants to empty and delete, and is not interested in the content.

It was found that this was a short message with a picture. I was a little guilty. She took a picture that night.

I was anxious to open the photo for confirmation. When I saw the content, my body trembled obviously.

Intrauterine pregnancy 3 weeks plus.

He Tiantian, is she pregnant?

He Tiantian, standing at the door, refused to leave. The mobile phone screen in her hand was always on.

She is waiting for Chu Nian's reply.

Sure enough, she finally waited.

Looking at the screen, Chu's name flashed and listened to the mobile phone ringing leisurely.

Wait until the mobile phone rings for more than ten seconds before picking up the phone.

"What do you mean?"

Just after the phone was connected, Chu Nian questioned her in a stern voice.

"I'm downstairs in the company now. I'm so flustered..." he Tiantian covered her face and her voice trembled.

"Wait for me in a restaurant nearby and come right away." Chu Nian said decisively and hung up the phone.

He Tiantian, who hung up the phone, happily dragged the pregnancy test report in her hand and went to a nearby restaurant.

This trump card is really useful.

Just sitting down, Chu Nian came in flustered.

"Chu Nian..." he Tiantian stood up from her seat and looked at him anxiously, with helpless eyes.

Chu Nian directly took her into the private room of the restaurant.

Put her on the stool and said, "what do you mean by sending this to me?"

Chu Nian was so frightened for the first time and urgently wanted to know the answer.

He Tiantian calmly brews up her feelings.

Lowered his head and began to sob: "Chu Nian, this is our child, that night..."

Suddenly looked up at Chu Nian: "you will be responsible for us, right?"

Chu Nian's face was dignified, his eyebrows wrinkled and a deep scar.

Chu Nian still can't believe what he heard just now.

impossible? It shouldn't be.

Chu Nian has no memory of what happened that night. Now she has a child for no reason.

Seeing his hesitation and disbelief, he Tiantian spread out the pregnancy test report in his hand on the table.

"He is almost four weeks old..." he Tiantian emphasizes the facts again and again, looking at the man's hesitation and sobbing.

Chu nianben was in a mess. The woman was crying with tears, which made him confused.

Women are more excited when they see that they are still like this.

He stood up directly from his position, grabbed his wrist tightly, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Chu Nian, you should be responsible for our child. He is innocent..."

He Tiantian knows that Chu Nian is an emotional person. Even if she is unwilling to marry her, as long as she has this child, she still has the capital to talk about conditions.

Chu Nian hasn't figured out that being pulled by a woman is more upset.

If song Zian knew about this, what would happen between them?

"You go back first. I'll find a way to deal with it." Chu Nian just wanted her to leave.

He Tiantian bit her lips and looked at him helplessly.

I only know that I can't leave so easily now.

"Have a good rest and pay attention to safety. I'll give you an explanation." Chu Nian patted the woman's hand.

This is the first time he Tiantian has been so gentle and treated by him. He is even more proud. He is right to do so.

She got the promise she wanted and left proudly.

Distraught Chu Nian didn't handle the matter as well as he thought. He took the key on the table and drove to the bar.

The time to come to the bar is 4:00 p.m. and it hasn't officially opened yet. The staff are cleaning and preparing for the evening.

When the bartender saw the visitor, he was well dressed. At a glance, he saw the limited edition watch on his wrist. He was distinguished.

Politely greet: "Hello, sir, our store is not open yet. You can come here later."

Chu Nian ignored what he said and took out a black card from his wallet.

Your supreme black card.

"I'll sit there and serve the wine." then I walked alone to a clean card seat and sat down.

When the bartender saw that the gentleman was frustrated, it was not good to persuade him, not to mention the black card in the other party's hand, which proved that he was a person the boss couldn't afford, so he had to meet all his needs.

After a while, the card seat was full of more kinds for a long time.

The curious onlookers in the store for a while, and the special guest did his own thing.

Chu Nian drank alone in the bar from day to night.

Cold to full

Wake up drunk, wake up and continue to drink, no one will disturb him.

The phone rang several times, and the sound was drowned in the noisy music.

During this period, many girls tried to chat up the unconscious Chu Nian who was drunk by Duojin, but they were blown away.

Four in the morning.

"Sir, wake up..."

Chu Nian has slept for several hours. Before, the man just narrowed for a while and would wake up and drink, but this time he has slept here quietly for a long time.

After the bar closed, it was silent. The bartender couldn't feel his breath. He was afraid that something would happen to the man, so he came to shake him up.

If Chu Nian doesn't wake up, they'll call 119.

Fortunately, Chu Nian held his brain as heavy as lead and opened his blurred sleep eyes.

"What time is it?"

"It's five o'clock, sir. Your cell phone has rang several times," the bartender reminded in a low voice.

Chu Nian takes a look at his cell phone.

It's all song Zian's calls.

Rushed out of the bar.

The next day, Chu Nian was better to song Zian. He even found a chance to cook for song Zian himself.

"Try, so many cuisines are from my craft, and the natural taste is the same!" Chu Nian looked proudly at a table of cuisines he had made.

In fact, he never liked to be contaminated with these things, but when he watched his women choose everything carefully in order to save money, he wanted to help him manage his money.

The idea in Chu Nian's heart is that her women can make money when they are finished. Instead of bargaining with others in the mall for an hour or two, it's better to use this time to read a book and prove themselves.

Song Zian chews and swallows carefully, carefully understands men's use, and tastes it well.

"I'm full." Song Zian rubbed his slightly swollen belly.

Chu Nian frowned and looked at a big table. He only ate half of his breakfast: "only half of it. Are you sure you're full?"

"Half is not enough. Brother, you've cooked enough for us for a day."

Chu Nian thought he didn't hear her. He whispered, "I can't starve my son if I eat so little general!"

"What are you talking about? Who wants to have children with you?" Song Zian seems to have heard of world-class major events.

"If you have children in the future, you must eat more!" Chu Nian thought of their children's doting smile, which was sweet and deadly.

Song Zian felt dizzy. It seemed that he had never promised him this!

Chu Nian had planned to have a football team. When he was too old to walk, he looked at them and made a noise.

When they are sensible and grow up, let them go outside and visit the scenery all over the world, and then tell him and song Zian when they come back.

But the realistic slap woke him up. If Chu Nian chooses to congratulate Tiantian's child, can women accept it?

"What do you think? I don't want to suffer so much if I want to give birth to you and find another woman." Song Zian enjoyed it with his mouth.

If the first child is with vision and expectation, the second child feels more courageous.

Now she, No.

Although the wound in the past is better, the scar remains in my heart forever.

Chu Nian looked at her incredulously, "do you really want to?"

Song Zian was choked by his question.

It was just a casual remark, but Chu Nian just asked her eyes, but they were sincere and serious.

Chu Nian thought he had behaved naturally enough and was considerate to help women with dishes.

But all this was sad in Song Zian's eyes. The woman's keen sixth sense told her that the man seemed to really have such a plan.

Is it possible for another woman to have children for her beloved husband?

Love is selfish, and family affection is.

Song Zian shook his head helplessly and went back to his room to make up for a return sleep.

Hearing the busy noise of the kitchen, I made up my mind. This man has been domesticated into a small milk dog by her. He can not only cook, but also take the initiative to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

"As soon as I'm full, I don't just want to sleep. Be careful that the fat pig can't catch up with me." Chu Nian's complaining voice sounded.

"I'd love to have fat skin! Who else wants to chase you!" hit back.

"Then I'll really go."

I heard the door close before I said anything.

Song Zian listened quietly for a while, thinking that this was a man lying to her to wash the dishes.

The house was silent for a long time.

"Isn't it true?"

Song Zian crept to the kitchen and saw a pile of dishes and chopsticks empty in the dishwasher.

Isn't this guy doing the dishes just now?

Song Zian looked for a man at home, but he looked everywhere. It was empty. He sure enough left.

And left her a pile of dishes and chopsticks to die.

Although she was a little angry, the corners of the woman's mouth still evoked a shallow smile, which she herself didn't find.

He must have come back to apologize. This time, I'll take it with me. The clothes accumulated for many days will also be washed by Chu Nian.

The man left for a few days.

"Take good care of yourself. The company has a new project and needs to work overtime for a period of time. Don't read it." this was a text message on the night of leaving.

Song Zian said nothing and did nothing.

Intuition told her that something had happened to Chu Nian.

Song Zian won't bother asking questions about anything a man doesn't want to say.

She always felt that this was her greatest advantage.

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