Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 389: Uncle, are you going to take a cold shower again?

Huo Jinchen was helpless and really wanted to beat her, but he couldn't bear it.

"I don't!" Lu Xingzhi blinked innocently.

"You wait for me. There will always be a day when I will punish you well." Huo Jinchen took a bite on her lips before finally going to the bathroom.

"Uncle, did you take a cold shower again?" Lu Xing knew this sentence, and seemed to be a little worried and soft, but listen carefully, and there is a kind of gloat.

"You are not allowed to be with Xiaoxi and Amanda in the future." Huo Jinchen gritted his teeth and left such a sentence before entering the bathroom.

Lu Xingzhi bit his lip and finally didn't hold back, "Oh ..."

She didn't mean it.


After experiencing the entire network black, Zhou Yuwei was exposed to several photos of being held by a rich woman.

And it's not just one.

In addition to the rich woman, he has even followed men.

As soon as these photos came out, even his fans couldn't accept them.

They can even accept Zhou Yuwei's poor character, but they really can't accept him to be fostered, and their private life is super chaotic.

There are many quirks in private.

Scolding assistants and bullying newcomers have all been exposed.

Even a netizen was found out by some of his fans because he said he was bad, and was bullied by some of her school's Zhou Yuwei fans. In the end, the student collapsed and committed suicide.

And this fan, the biggest mistake, is only because Zhou Yuwei responded to her message.

Before Huo Jinchen did anything, Zhou Yuwei was already cold.

Huo Jinchen is really annoyed by the two students who like Lu Xingzhi. One is Luo Qingshen and the other is Han Chengran. It is said that Han Chengran has joined Luo Qingshen's company. They are both computer-students. They are very talented in this regard. it is good.


They simply stopped doing software and games, and went directly to a studio to help people solve such things.

Let ’s be busy one by one!

Luo Qingshen did have something to do. He liked Lu Xingzhi for the first time. Han Chengran liked Lu Xingzhi. Relatively speaking, he was like the idol.

I blushed when I saw it, but I was rejected without much regret.

He never felt that he was worthy of Lu Xingzhi. From high school, he just watched from a distance.

Huo Jinchen knew this, hugged Lu Xingzhi, bit her ear, and said, "I know, I'm jealous."

"What's wrong?" Lu Xingzhi couldn't do anything wrong, she really didn't do anything.

"The scandals you saw about Zhou Yuwei today were all exposed by Luo Qing, oh, Han Chengran joined his company." What is this to do, stage a love alliance?

He can get things done by himself, asking them to do more.

However, Huo Jinchen told Lu Xingzhi that he did not want to steal the fruits of others' labor.

"Oh!" Lu Xingzhi answered.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Huo Jinchen was a little worried, he was afraid he would lose sight of the baby.

Too many people have peeped.

"No. I don't know."


Later, Lu Xingzhi thought about it and decided not to thank Luo Qingshen for sending a message.

As for Han Chengran, she can see that the other person's love for her is not a relationship between men and women, but simply a love.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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