Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 390: Zhizhi's 19th birthday has arrived

Since Luo Qingshen didn't say anything, let's settle down!

She also didn't want to give people any illusion.

The matter of Zhou Yuwei was soon settled, and it was impossible for him in his life to want it.

In addition to a few individual brain powder, said to give him a chance to let him change, in addition, many have been removed powder.

Because he was not only kept in captivity, he even touched du products.

The news was confirmed after police intervention.

Therefore, many netizens who eat melon sigh that your circle is really confusing. Just because so many people broke their heads and wanted to go in.


Beltron ’s piano concert was originally intended to hold three games in China. After the first concert, the person in charge responded to the situation. Finally, four more sessions were added, but they were all in Tier 1 cities.

And Lu Xingzhi did not go to every game, only the first two games and the last concert.

However, it was enough for others to remember her.

At the end of the last concert, Lu Xingzhi stepped off the stage, and the staff sent another gift, this time a crystal necklace.

The card still says, you are as pure as crystal.

Lu Xingzhi saw this familiar handwriting, the same as last time, but this was not from Huo Jinchen.

Lu Xingzhi returned to the staff, "Trouble you to return this gift, this is too expensive. I can't accept it."

The staff was embarrassed. When they saw Lu Xingzhi had gone, they had to go back and make a deal.

Fu Yanzhi played with the crystal necklace in his hand, hooked his lips, and smiled beautifully, but the words he said were: "Since they don't accept you, you have no meaning."

Then he threw the crystal necklace into the trash.


Lu Xingzhi originally wanted to go to France earlier, but later, Beltran had to go to France to deal with it because of some things.

Lu Xingzhi did not go with him, and he simply waited until August. Then, her nineteenth birthday is coming.

It has already come to Lu Xingzhi's 19th birthday, and it is also the Valentine's Day.

The Huo family originally wanted to make her bigger, but Lu Xingzhi refused, and didn't need that.

Today's birthday does not go to Huo's mansion. In the early morning, Huo's family asked the driver to send the gifts they prepared to the apartment.

"Why so many gifts?" Lu Xingzhi got up in the morning and saw a lot of gifts in the living room.

"Both my parents and grandpa sent them over." Huo Jinchen looked at her and put a kiss on her lips. "Know, happy birthday!"

"Thank you!"

"Sit down and have breakfast." Huo Jinchen pulled Lu Xingzhi and sat down at the table.

Lu Xingzhi saw that besides the usual breakfast on the table, there was a bowl of noodles, "How can there be noodles? Is it longevity noodles? Prepare them for me?"

"Um ... today's birthday, longevity noodles for you." Huo Jinchen's ears were slightly red, without telling Lu Xingzhi, he studied for a week just for today.

He can cook noodles, but this kind of ramen that requires skill, he can't.

"Thank you!" Lu Xingzhi was still touched. When the family was alive, they would have longevity noodles.

"Eat and eat, maybe not so delicious." Huo Jinchen still had no confidence in his craft. Although, the chef said that this is OK.

"Huh!" Lu Xingzhi picked up his chopsticks, bit a few noodles into his mouth, "It's delicious."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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