As the both of them finished smoking, their food arrived. Before eating, Guan Ning took his phone out of his pocket to call his brother while Su Bin, pick up his chopsticks and started to dig in with the food.

After a few consecutive rings, the phone was picked. "Ge," Guan Ning greeted.

"Guan? What is it? Is there a problem?" with a hoarse voice, his brother answered. Clearly, he just woke up.

"Nothing. I just want to know Min Chu's situation. Why is she hospitalized?"

"Oh. She's fine. I better not tell you about this on the phone. Did Mother told you about the dinner this Friday?" Guan Qing said with a light tone.

Guan Ning sighed before answering. "Hmm. What about it?"

He heard his brother chuckled. "You better come. We have some great news to share with you."

Silence followed. "Guan?" His brother woke him up.

"Of course I will," he cleared his throat.

"Good. Oh, and come back to the office tomorrow. We have to continue discussing about the plans for the party. Don't be late. Inform Su Bin for me."

"Okay, Ge. I will."

As he was about to hang up, he heard a female faint voice on the other line. "Darling? Who are you talking to?"

He heard his brother answered, "It's Guan." Then he heard him say, "Guan I better go. She's awake." Before Guan Ning could answer, the line went dead.

Even if the call already ended, the phone remained next to Guan Ning's ear. He was in a daze. He never expected to experience the sweetness between his brother and his wife.

Min Chu.

That name left a scar in his heart. The other reason why he rebelled with his father in studying abroad is her. He loves her. But she never loves him. Because from the very beginning she's in love with his brother.

Guan Ning, Su Bin and Min Chu are classmates since grade school. Well, Su Bin is his cousin. During their junior year, Guan Ning started to develop feelings for Min Chu, and Su Bin is the only one who knows it. But during that time, Min Chu already had her eyes settled on Guan Qing, who's in his senior year.

Guan Ning never had the chance to confess his feelings for her. Or he did not have the guts to do so. Afraid that that will ruin their friendship.

When his father decided to send him abroad to take over their business once Guan Qing started building his own family, that angered Guan Ning. He's already at the last year of his juniors that time. That moment, he made a firm decision to tell Min Chu what he feels for her. When he was about to do so, he was already too late.

"Guan? Are you alright?" Su Bin tapped his shoulder waking him up from his reverie.

Guan Ning composed himself and nodded slowly. He even smiled to reassure Su Bin. He picked up his chopsticks and said, "Let's eat."

In the middle of eating, Su Bin blurted out of the blue, "It's her, right? Min Chu. You're worried about her."

"I don't want to talk about it," Guan Ning replied with gloom in his eyes.

Even if he had his head bowed down, Su Bin can still feel his sadness…and pain.

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