"Guan, she's happy. They're happy. You should be happy, too." Su Bin gently said.

Guan Ning puts down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth with a table napkin. Su Bin is right. He should be happy for them.

"Four months ago, when you decided to come back home, I thought you're already over her. And my intuition proved me right when you told me to look for this mystery girl you're saying," Su Bin added. Then he continued, "Not until I saw you today like this, in a daze after a phone call from Qing Ge. You still love her, am I right?"

Guan Ning just sat there, staring down at his food. Not saying anything. Then Su Bin clearly saw his head shook into a nod. He really felt sympathy for him.

Guan Ning sighed deeply. "I want you to find that woman as soon as possible."

Su Bin is stunned. "You still want me to continue finding that woman? There are other girls who want you."

"Of course. I'm curious about her." Guan Ning answered.

"Are you going to treat her like how you treat other women?" Su Bin probed, narrowing his eyes. He really couldn't understand his friend's mind nowadays.

"It depends on how she behaves." Guan Ning said with a smirk.

"What about Min Chu?" Su Bin probe asking.

Guan Ning's jaw clenched. "I'm trying to forget about her. Besides, she's with my brother already."

After they finished eating, they stayed and had another round of cigarettes to puff. As they got out of the restaurant, it's already three in the afternoon.

In the parking lot, before entering his car, Guan Ning looked at Su Bin and yelled at him, "Hey! Want to have fun tonight?"

Su Bin, who is about to open his car, turned to face him and yelled back, "Sure!" At last! His friend is back. So, it only takes a heartbreak to wake up. He laughed inwardly.

Guan Ning nodded. "Find me a race."

Su Bin raised his thumb up indicating an 'okay' sign.


4 pm Yinyang Publishing.

Liu Yang's eyes are starting to sting from staring at the computer screen. She removed her glasses, leaned his back on her chair and closed her eyes. Then she heard her phone dings, indicating a message alert.

As she opened her phone, she saw it's their group chat on WeChat. It's Li Jun.

Li Jun: Hey bitches! I'm back!

She laughed at the way he addresses them. Then another message popped up.

Yu Mei: Me too! I missed you so, so much! :*

Liu Yang started typing.

Liu Yang: When did the two of you arrive?

Yu Mei: A couple of days ago.

Li Jun: Just yesterday.

Then she saw Wan Li replied to their messages.

Wan Li: Girls!! Don't forget this coming Friday. You all know the drill!

Yu Mei: Of course, girl. I have some news to share.

Li Jun: Me too, I have some news. Oh, and drinks on me.

Yu Mei: Yeheyy! See yah! Mwah! Bye!

Wan Li: Wow! When did you become so generous?

Li Jun: Shut up! Can't you just be happy about it?

Wan Li: Of course I'm happy. It's your first time to treat us to drink after all.

Li Jun: Whatever!

Liu Yang just laughed at them. She really missed them. It's been a long time since they have seen each other. It's always her and Wan Li together since they are in the same company, the two are always busy with work.

She locked her phone and started gathering her things. She's going to hitch a ride again with Wan Li.

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