As Liu Yang got out of the elevator, she noticed that the 9th floor is almost deserted. She unlocks her phone and dialed Wan Li's number. Then in the corner of her eye, she saw Wan Li strutting down the hall towards her with his phone in his hand, ringing.

"What are you doing here?" Wan Li asked as he approached her.

Liu Yang ended the call. "Can you give me a ride?"

Wan Li was amused. "Just that? Why bother coming up here? Silly, you can just send me a text me or something."

Liu Yang pouted, feeling like she's been wronged.

The two of them entered the elevator together with the other employees. They headed to the basement of the building that serves as the parking lot. As they are walking towards Wan Li's car, he uttered, "Yang, can I sleep in your house tonight? I can't work because of my sister. She annoys me so much."

As they were inside, Liu Yang answered, "Sure. But we have to stop by the supermarket to buy some groceries. I haven't had the luxury yesterday."

Wan Li gave a nod. "Okay. We'll stop by my house first. I'll have to grab some files and clothes."

Liu Yang agreed and the car started to enter the traffic. It is kind of heavy. As they arrived at Wan Li's home, it is already 5 in the afternoon.

The car entered a residential area and stopped in front of Wan Li's house. They both get out of the car and entered the house. They changed into slippers. Liu Yang settled in the living while Wan Li went straight upstairs to his room.

Wan Li's house is a gift from his parents who are both diplomats. It's a two-storey house and is fully furnished. His sister lived with him. In their years of friendship, she only met them twice. And they are both wonderful. Even if they are from a well-off family, they are humble people.

His house is like him - full of energy and neat. Wan Li loved art. Paintings of various artists are hanging on the wall.

"Jie! You're here." Liu Yang is greeted by Xu Lili, Wan Li's sister who came from the kitchen. She hugged Liu Yang. "Are going to have dinner here? I can cook you something." The girl said cheerfully. Xu Lili led her to the couch to take a seat.

After settling in her seat, Liu Yang shook her head. "No. Your brother is sleeping at my apartment tonight."

Xu Lili pouted and glared at the room upstairs. Then she yelled, "Hey! My loving brother! You're leaving me alone in this house?"

Wan Li who is finished packing, got out of his room and answered his little sister in a flat tone, "Of course. That's how much I love you. You're my 18-year-old-sister-who-is-still-afraid-of-ghosts after all." Then he strutted down the stairs, like a model, and signaled Liu Yang to go.

Xu Lili rose from her seat and stomped her foot. "I hate you, Ge! I'm going to tell Mommy and Daddy about this."

In a sarcastic tone, he retorted, "Oh, sister, I love you, too. By the way, Mom and Dad don't have much time to listen to your crap." Then he ushered Liu Yang towards the door who's laughing at their bickering.

"Hey wait!" the girl called that made stop in their tracks.

"What?" Wan Li asked with irritation

"You're staying with Yang Jie just for tonight, right?"

"Probably not." A stone-faced Wan Li answered and opened the door.

Before the door of the house closed, Liu Yang saw Xu Lili on the verge of crying as she watches them leave. Poor Lili!

On the way to the car, Liu Yang looked at Wan Li and enquired, "Is it really okay to leave her alone like that?"

Wan Li rolled his eyes. "Yes! She's old enough to be alone." Wan Li then opened the door of the car and took the driver's seat. Liu Yang just followed Wan Li, feeling sorry for Xu Lili.

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