Guan Ning closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. He accepted the extended hand waiting for him. Yu Jei then drove away from the area. Guan Ning stared at the retreating car.

The crowd also started to disperse.

"Guan, what happened back there?" he heard Su Bin by his side. Guan Ning just ignored him and took big strides towards his car.

Su Bin followed him. "Hey, Guan? What's wrong?"

Before entering his car, he scoffed, "What's wrong? My house, now." And sped out of the place. Su Bin closed his eyes in agony. He entered his car and followed his order.

Su Bin arrived at Guan Ning's house. He punched the code and pushed the door open and changed into slippers. He looked around the house, the lights are on but Guan Ning is nowhere to be found. Ah, study.

Su Bin knocked and heard a faint sound saying "Come in". He pushed the door and saw Guan Ning staring out at the window, smoking. Su Bin closed the door behind him.

"So, care to explain?" Guan Ning said. His back facing Su Bin.

Su Bin gulped and answered directly, "I didn't know that he already know about us. We kept it a secret. She knows everything about me, about you, I mean about the family. I…" He furrowed his brows and stand beside Guan Ning, putting his hands in his pockets. "I love her, Guan. I'm sorry," he continued.

Guan Ning scoffed, then chuckled. "Love her? Didn't know a player like is capable of that." He took a drag from his cigarette. "How long have you been dating?"

Su Bin's lips twitched. Ignoring Guan Ning's mocking, he plainly answered, "For a year."

Guan Ning's eyes widened and exclaimed, "God! Does Ge know about this?"

"Hell no! No. He'll kill me if he does."

Guan Ning took another drag and exhaled. "If this news reaches Father, he'll skin you alive. You know how he hates that family. I know Mother also dotes on you as her one and only nephew but…" he paused mid-way. Thinking what to say but still, he did not say anything after.

Su Bin took a cigarette and lit it. He took a drag. "I know. What are you going to do about that bet?"

Guan Ning dumped his cigarette, turn his back and took a seat on the sofa. "I'll figure it out. I'll look on to that collaboration Yu International offered. There's still three months before I become the CEO." He put his right hand to his chin.

After smoking, Su Bin also took a seat in front of Guan Ning. He propped his hands on his knees. He's in deep thought. Then he spoke, "Guan, I…you know…" he paused and then continued, "I want you to keep it a secret. I'll figure a way out to tell Uncle about this."

Guan Ning looked at him seriously in the eye. "You better be. Do your best to hide everything. I'll also figure things out."

Silence fell inside the room.

"Ah. How's the search?" Guan Ning broke the silence. The immediate change of subject lightened the mood inside the study.

Su Bin understood what he meant. "I have the files in the car. I'll go get it." Guan Ning nodded at him. Su Bin rose from his seat and exited the room.

As he came back, he's holding a bunch of files in his hand. "Here are some profiles of people with the name 'Wan Li'. Complete information are indicated inside on each file."

Guan Ning skimmed the papers. His brows furrowing. After skimming, he slammed the papers on the table in front of him, startling Su Bin who is happily looking through his phone.

"What the hell?! Did you find anything?" Su Bin asked.

Guan Ning looked at him frustratingly. He stood up and pulled out a cigarette. After taking a hard drag, he exhaled sharply. He stared into the dark outside. "The clock is ticking, Su Bin. When will you find her?"

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